Untitled - Pustaka Deptan

Untitled - Pustaka Deptan

Untitled - Pustaka Deptan

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Pest resistance; Plant parasitic nematodes; Plantpests; Reproductive behaviour; Root systems.68 Impacts of prices and transactions costs on input usage in aliberalizing economy: evidence from Tanzanian coffee growers/Winter-Nelson-A., Temu-A.Agricultural Economics, 2005, 33 (3), p. 243-253Keywords: Coffee; Farm inputs; Fertilizers; Prices; Surveys.69 In the market but not of it: Fair Trade coffee and ForestStewardship Council certification as market-based social change/Taylor-P-L.World Development, 2005, 33 (1), p. 129-147Keywords: Certification; Coffee; Community forestry;Economic sociology; Forest management; Forests;International trade; Markets; Non governmentalorganizations; Social change; Welfare economics.70 In vitro antioxidant activity of coffees brewed using differentprocedures (Italian, espresso and filter) / Sanchez-Gonzalez-I.,Jimenez-Escrig-A., Saura-Calixto-F.Food Chemistry, 2005, 90 (1-2), p. 133-139Keywords: Coffee; In vitro; Antioxidant, Process control.71 Macronutrients in leaves and fruits of dwarf arabica coffeecultivars/ Valarini-V., Bataglia-O-C., Fazuoli-L-C.Bragantia, 2005, 64 (4), p. 661-672Keywords:Leaf analysis; Coffee cultivars; Nutrientremobilization.72 Minimal clean-up and rapid determination of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons in instant coffee / Garcia-Falcon-M-S., Cancho-Grande-B., Simal-Gandara-J.Food Chemistry, 2005, 90 (4), p. 643-647Keywords: Coffee; Aromatic compounds.73 Morphological and molecular evaluation of a Meloidogyne hapla15

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