Untitled - Pustaka Deptan

Untitled - Pustaka Deptan

Untitled - Pustaka Deptan

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Light relations, 49Light sensitive detector, 7Lignification, 46, 69Linear models, 43Linoleic acid, 43Lipid peroxidation, 50Litter (plant), 50Litter decomposition, 38Litter residence time, 23Litter thickness, 23Liver, 56Local population, 12Logging, 12Logistic regression, 61Losses from soil, 15Low calorie foods, 17Low grade, 54, 73Lumber, 54Lyonetiidae, 55, 77MMacropores, 27, 30Macroporosity, 23Magnesium, 44Maillard reaction, 22, 40, 75, 84Maize, 29, 32Malate dehydrogenase, 16Mammals, 36Management practices, 21Manganese, 13Mankinds, 52Mannans, 52MAP kinase like activity, 4Marital interaction, 48Market competition, 45Market power, 38Market prices, 29Marketing, 13, 15, 29, 46, 69, 72Marketing channels, 15Mass spectrometry, 61, 63, 76, 86Mass transfer, 35, 41, 60Mathematical models, 49Matrix, 41Means end chains, 39Mechanisms, 58Medicinal plants, 27MEKC, 38Melanesia, 48Melanoidins, 40Meloidogyne, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 29, 41, 81,85Meloidogyne konaensis, 11Messenger RNA, 26, 28Metabolic enzymes, 2Metabolism, 26Metal ions, 49Metals, 49Metarhizium anisopliae, 58, 68Meteorological factors, 63Methanol, 12Methodology, 32, 66Methods, 16, 64, 67, 70, 71Methods and techniques, 64Methyl bromide, 27Methyl jasmonate, 31Mex 1, 13, 41Mexico, 2, 15, 18, 19, 25, 26, 34, 36, 62, 65,72, 74, 77, 80, 81Microbial activities, 44Microbial contamination, 29Microbial succession, 62Microclimate, 15, 34, 43Micronucleus, 2Micropropagation, 10Microsatellites, 44Microscopy, 36Milk fat, 23, 30Milkiness, 20Mineral content, 13Mineral uptake, 13Mineralization, 38, 44, 83Moisture content, 37, 43, 47Molecular biology, 52Molecular biophysics, 69Molecular genetics, 28, 31Molecular genetics (Biochemistry andmolecular biophysics) genotype, 67Monitoring, 23, 30, 49Monsooning, 22Montane rainforest, 19Mortality, 50, 68Motives, 39Mountain forests, 70Multinationals, 38Multiple cropping, 15Multiple versus single-species release, 22Multipliers, 51Multispectral imagery, 49Mutualism, 25, 28Mycelial life form, 7Mycoflora, 22Mycorrhizal fungi, 45Mycorrhizas, 45NN methyltransferase, 19, 26N nitrosodimethylamine, 2N2 fixation, 2105

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