• Running the Right Way - PhillyFIT Magazine

• Running the Right Way - PhillyFIT Magazine

• Running the Right Way - PhillyFIT Magazine

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And, well, I just wasn’t ready to part with my roof and four walls,so renting out our home seemed like a decent, creative option toprovide additional income and step away from it all for a bit. Inmy heart, my efforts to find solutions for <strong>the</strong> greater good werewell intended. But in <strong>the</strong> end, I couldn’t bare <strong>the</strong> suffocating emotionsthat accompany good-byes. Saying so long to your homecan be harder to do that saying good-bye to people! Who knew?For a second, I felt like this “rebuilding” thing was a cruel joke,but now it feels even more exciting than <strong>the</strong> first time around. Nowonder I live with this eternal flame of optimism that no one canblow out, not even me. I get it - live your life, let your fears go.It’s worth it!If you’ve followed my Pub Page over <strong>the</strong> past year, you know thatunforeseeable “circumstances” bit me in <strong>the</strong> ass (chomped downreally freakin’ hard actually). Realities and priorities shifted at <strong>the</strong>speed of light. I had <strong>the</strong> carpet pulled out from under me so manytimes; it felt like I had a mean rug burn. And yes, it hurt my (notso fit anymore) bum. I really had no o<strong>the</strong>r choice. I did go fromchange to charge, motivated by <strong>the</strong> future promise of good thingsto come, because I’m at <strong>the</strong> helm again darn it! And maybe now, Ican settle back in to my life and get working on this ‘glum bum’of mine again. After all, this is <strong>the</strong> home of <strong>PhillyFIT</strong> too, and Ibetter be sure I’m living up to it!Look, I’m a single mom in <strong>the</strong> throws of re-evaluating my life andjust finally realizing that <strong>the</strong>re is “nothing to fear except fearitself”. When starting any new venture I always ask myself,“What’s <strong>the</strong> worst thing that could happen?” And so, I havedecided to take on new challenges (added a new level of marketingoptions to my clients) and upped my game in <strong>the</strong> work place. Ithink of it as adding a few more weights to <strong>the</strong> barbell. Much likework in <strong>the</strong> gym, I am hopeful that acclimating to this new role ofhelping clients internally at <strong>the</strong>ir own businesses will becomemore natural over time and will only serve to build nice lean muscle!Rebuilding our home, adding more work to my load, it’s allgood.We’ve all been <strong>the</strong>re-done thatonce or twice in our lives. This timeit’s my turn again. But maybe living alife insanely busy really IS what makesme tick? I’ve been told that this speedsuits me well before.Maybe I’m Really a CatThere are days when I feel like I’velived nine lives. But much like those darn cats, I’ve managed toland right side up on my feet after each fall (albeit a bit wobbly).<strong>Right</strong> now, <strong>the</strong>re is only hope and love moving forward, thanks toall that I have learned. I need to own it, and be thankful that Ihave learned so darned much. Took me longer than most, but Ibelieve I’m finally <strong>the</strong>re.Hey, <strong>the</strong> wea<strong>the</strong>r’s great – get out <strong>the</strong>re and get fit!Meow!xoxoJami’s Five for Dealingwith Change1. Make a time capsuleGa<strong>the</strong>r up old pictures, keepsakes and meaningful items having todo with your big change. Keep it simple. If you’re moving, itcould be a few flowers from your lawn or even a key from yourhome. Bury it in a place you know you can go back to twenty-fiveyears from now.8 I <strong>PhillyFIT</strong>May/June I 267-767-4205 I www.phillyfit.com

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