• Running the Right Way - PhillyFIT Magazine

• Running the Right Way - PhillyFIT Magazine

• Running the Right Way - PhillyFIT Magazine

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publisher’s pageBegging for ChangeI’m not holding out a can, but ra<strong>the</strong>r a “can-do”.My kids are counting on it.I know I’ve touched on thistopic before, but lately I’m feelinglike a flower that’s justopened up to drink in <strong>the</strong>Spring’s warming rays afterbeing buried in <strong>the</strong> cold dirt allwinter. Metaphoricallyspeaking, I’m alive again. But,it didn’t happen over night andit would have NEVERhappened if I had let my ownpesky fears swallow me whole.Haven Can WaitRecently, I had decided to rent out my home.After fifteen years toge<strong>the</strong>r, my home hasseen <strong>the</strong> good, <strong>the</strong> bad and <strong>the</strong> ugly. It’s apart of me somehow, and I can’t help butwonder if it’s “feeling <strong>the</strong> pain” along withme. Weird, I’ve moved back home withMom. Yes, ano<strong>the</strong>r long story. Suffice it tosay, I am letting go of my safe-haven. Nowdon’t get me wrong, I don’t think you getmuch safer than being back with Mom. Oneside of me feels brave and strong again, butmy better half is asking me, “Oh gosh, whyam I even doing this?”Up until recently, I was white-knuckledabout <strong>the</strong> whole ‘letting go’ thing, but nolonger can I hold on tight to things justbecause <strong>the</strong>y’re comfortable, easy or soothingor just because in some strange way, <strong>the</strong>ydefine me…right? The self-made temporary“heaven” (and yes, haven) I carved out forMommy and Savannah6 I <strong>PhillyFIT</strong>May/June I 267-767-4205 I www.phillyfit.com

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