Study of radiation damage in silicon detectors for high ... - F9

Study of radiation damage in silicon detectors for high ... - F9

Study of radiation damage in silicon detectors for high ... - F9

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72 4. Time Development <strong>of</strong> DefectsFigure 4.12: Comparison <strong>of</strong> short-term anneal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> planar (I3, D3) and MESA (R4, R3)samples at 5 C (I3, R4) and 15 C (D3, R3).Sample process No. <strong>of</strong> GR V 0 FD [V] T eq [n/cm 2 s] eq [n/cm 2 ]R3 mesa 0 100 15 C 1:8 10 9 4:4 10 13R4 mesa 0 110 5 C 1:8 10 9 4:2 10 13Table 4.7: List <strong>of</strong> MESA processed diodes used <strong>in</strong> the study <strong>of</strong> fast anneal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> N eff . Process<strong>in</strong>gtype, number <strong>of</strong> guard r<strong>in</strong>gs, full depletion voltage be<strong>for</strong>e ir<strong>radiation</strong>, ir<strong>radiation</strong>/storagetemperature, ir<strong>radiation</strong> ux and uence normalised to 1MeV neutrons are given <strong>for</strong> each sample.Thickness <strong>of</strong> samples was 3005 m.Sample T [ C] g 0 [10 ;2 cm ;1 ] g 1 [10 ;2 cm ;1 ] 1 [h] g 2 [10 ;2 cm ;1 ] 2 [h]R3 15 C 2.2 4.7 3.5 1.6 370R4 5 C 4.2 5.1 2.8 2.2 21Table 4.8: List <strong>of</strong> MESA samples with their ir<strong>radiation</strong> temperatures and values <strong>of</strong> the tparameters accord<strong>in</strong>g to eq. 4.3.conditions are listed <strong>in</strong> table 4.7. Sample R4 was irradiated under the same conditions assample I3 and sample R3 same as sample D3 (compare with table 4.1).Short term anneal<strong>in</strong>g was tted with expression 4.3 and results <strong>of</strong> the t are given <strong>in</strong>table 4.8. Comparison <strong>of</strong> the fast anneal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> planar and mesa samples is shown <strong>in</strong> gure

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