Study of radiation damage in silicon detectors for high ... - F9

Study of radiation damage in silicon detectors for high ... - F9

Study of radiation damage in silicon detectors for high ... - F9

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38 3. Ir<strong>radiation</strong> FacilityHP 4263BLCR meterWENTZELHV power supply-KEITHLEY 617as µ A-meterR=4.7kΩC=100nFcca. 10mBPPADGRFigure 3.3: Schematic view <strong>of</strong> the measurement setup at the ir<strong>radiation</strong> site. BP, TOP andGR are connections to sample back plane, pad and guard r<strong>in</strong>g, respectively.supply, computer controlled via a DAC converter, a KEITHLEY 617 source-measure unitused as a precise ampermeter and a HP4263B LCR-meter (gure 3.3). Decoupl<strong>in</strong>g capacitorswere used to shield LCR meter from the <strong>high</strong> bias voltage. Four dierent frequencies<strong>of</strong> measur<strong>in</strong>g voltage (100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz and 100 kHz) were used <strong>in</strong> C/V measurements.The sample temperature dur<strong>in</strong>g and after the ir<strong>radiation</strong> was measured by aPT100 sensor. The measurement method used <strong>in</strong> this work is discussed <strong>in</strong> more detail <strong>in</strong>section 3.5.A careful study <strong>of</strong> the activation had to be per<strong>for</strong>med on all materials used <strong>in</strong> the<strong>high</strong>ly radiative environment close to the reactor core. The selection was mostly reducedto pure alum<strong>in</strong>ium and a certa<strong>in</strong> type <strong>of</strong> plastic (Novilon Oilon, produced by Akripol,Slovenia). After ir<strong>radiation</strong>s, few days had to pass be<strong>for</strong>e activity <strong>of</strong> the sample andcool<strong>in</strong>g system decreased suciently to safely remove the sample and transfer it to thelaboratory. The conditions were even harsher <strong>in</strong> channel F19 due to much <strong>high</strong>er neutronuxes, lead<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>high</strong>er saturation activities.3.3.3 Neutron Spectrum and DosimetryThe low ux <strong>of</strong> fast neutrons (up to few times 10 8 n/cm 2 s) at this ir<strong>radiation</strong> site anddesired total uences around 10 14 n/cm 2 demanded <strong>for</strong> ir<strong>radiation</strong> times <strong>of</strong> over 100 hours.The long ir<strong>radiation</strong> time prohibited direct use <strong>of</strong> In foil activation ( 115 In + n ! 115In + n 0 , 115 In ! 115 In + , = 4:4 h) to monitor the fast neutron ux because <strong>of</strong>the short lifetime <strong>of</strong> the excited state. Thus an <strong>in</strong>direct way was established consist<strong>in</strong>g

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