Study of radiation damage in silicon detectors for high ... - F9

Study of radiation damage in silicon detectors for high ... - F9

Study of radiation damage in silicon detectors for high ... - F9

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106 7. Comparison with Other GroupsParameter biased unbiased global Batesg C [10 ;2 cm ;1 ] 4.00.6 2.20.4 1.770.07 2.50.3g Y [10 ;2 cm ;1 ] 5.40.8 5.60.9 4.60.3 5.90.3k Y 2(60 ) [10 ;18 cm 3 /s] 2.20.4 4.60.1 7.5 +15;2/Table 7.1: A comparison <strong>of</strong> reverse anneal<strong>in</strong>g parameters g C , g Y and k Y 2as obta<strong>in</strong>ed fromthe second order t (eq. 4.7). Values <strong>for</strong> biased samples is the average <strong>of</strong> samples I3, D3 andB3, table 4.4. g Y and k Y 2are however ambiguous due to partial bias at late stage <strong>of</strong> reverseanneal<strong>in</strong>g. Values <strong>for</strong> unbiased samples is the average <strong>for</strong> samples U3A and U3B, table 6.1. Inboth data 15% systematic error on the dosimetry is <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the quoted error. Results arecompared with a recent global survey [15] and results from S.J. Bates et al. [21].Parameter biased unbiased Ziockg C [10 ;2 cm ;1 ] 4.10.6 2.30.4 2.1g Y [10 ;2 cm ;1 ] 4.70.7 4.90.7 7.5k Y 1(60 )[10 ;6 s ;1 ] 3.90.6 8.20.3 12Table 7.2: A comparison <strong>of</strong> reverse anneal<strong>in</strong>g parameters g C , g Y and k Y 1as obta<strong>in</strong>ed from therst order t (eq. 4.6). Values <strong>for</strong> biased samples is the average <strong>of</strong> samples I3, D3 and B3, table4.4. g Y and k Y 1are ambiguous due to partial bias at late stage <strong>of</strong> reverse anneal<strong>in</strong>g. Values <strong>for</strong>unbiased samples is average <strong>for</strong> samples U3A and U3B, table 6.1. In both data 15% systematicerror on the dosimetry is <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the quoted error. Results are compared with values fromZiock parametrisation [45]. A relative <strong>damage</strong> factor 0.72 [57] was used to normalise Ziock data(647 and 800 MeV protons) to 1 MeV neutrons. Errors <strong>for</strong> Ziock datawere not given <strong>in</strong> [45].Parameter biased unbiased Ziock ROSEY (20 C) [10 ;10 cm ;1 s ;1 ] / 123 5.6 129Y (60 C) [10 ;7 cm ;1 s ;1 ] 2.20.5 3.30.5 2.5 64.5k l<strong>in</strong>k l<strong>in</strong>Table 7.3: A comparison <strong>of</strong> reverse anneal<strong>in</strong>g parameters kYl<strong>in</strong> (see equation 4.10) at 20 C and60 C with results from ROSE report [13] and Ziock etal. [45]. g Y =(4:60:3)10 ;2 cm ;1 fromthe global data (table 7.1) was used with ROSE reverse anneal<strong>in</strong>g time constant. A relative<strong>damage</strong> factor 0.72 [57] was used to normalise Ziock data (647 and 800 MeV protons) to 1 MeVneutrons. Errors <strong>for</strong> Ziock datawere not given <strong>in</strong> [45]. A 15% systematic error on the dosimetryis <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the error on our data.the eect <strong>of</strong> bias voltage as reported <strong>in</strong> this work. Parameters <strong>of</strong> long term anneal<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong>reverse current agree well with values, reported by M. Moll et al. [35].

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