Recognition as an EEA qualified pharmacist Information and ...

Recognition as an EEA qualified pharmacist Information and ...

Recognition as an EEA qualified pharmacist Information and ...

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The tr<strong>an</strong>slator must put their business stamp on each document tr<strong>an</strong>slated <strong>an</strong>d sign <strong>an</strong>ddate the statement “ this is a true <strong>an</strong>d accurate tr<strong>an</strong>slation” <strong>an</strong>d attach the tr<strong>an</strong>slation tothe original l<strong>an</strong>guage document or provide a list of the documents tr<strong>an</strong>slated.4. Direct documentsThe GPhC requires that certain documents are sent directly from the issuing body / person. Ifthese documents are considered to have been supplied via yourself or <strong>an</strong>y other third party theywill be rejected <strong>an</strong>d you will be required to arr<strong>an</strong>ge for new documents to provide in the correctm<strong>an</strong>ner.5. Inability to provide documentsIn general, your application will not be considered for recognition until all of the requireddocuments have been received <strong>an</strong>d considered acceptable. If you c<strong>an</strong>not supply <strong>an</strong>y documentsrequired you should provide a written expl<strong>an</strong>ation of why this situation h<strong>as</strong> arisen. If yourexpl<strong>an</strong>ation is accepted you will be advised of how to proceed <strong>an</strong>d what alternative documentsmay be considered.6. Data protectionThe GPhC is a data controller registered with the <strong>Information</strong> Commissioner’s Office. TheGPhC makes use of personal data to support its work <strong>as</strong> the regulatory body for <strong>pharmacist</strong>s,pharmacy technici<strong>an</strong>s <strong>an</strong>d retail pharmacy premises in Great Britain. Data may be shared withthird parties in pursu<strong>an</strong>ce of the GPhC's statutory aims, objectives, powers <strong>an</strong>d responsibilitiesunder the Pharmacy Order 2010, the rules made under the Order <strong>an</strong>d other legislation.Personal data may be processed for purposes including (but not limited to) updating theregister, administering <strong>an</strong>d maintaining registration, processing complaints, compilingstatistics <strong>an</strong>d keeping stakeholders updated with information about the GPhC. <strong>Information</strong>may be p<strong>as</strong>sed to org<strong>an</strong>isations with a legitimate interest including (but not limited to) otherregulatory <strong>an</strong>d enforcement authorities, NHS trusts, employers, Department of Health,universities <strong>an</strong>d research institutions. Ple<strong>as</strong>e note that the GPhC will not share your personaldata on a commercial b<strong>as</strong>is with <strong>an</strong>y third party.7. The GPhC reserves the right to request additional documents at <strong>an</strong>y time during theapplication process.February 2013

Documents required from the applic<strong>an</strong>t:1. FeesPle<strong>as</strong>e note your application will be returned to you immediately on receipt if you do notinclude the scrutiny fee with your initial application.Scrutiny fee £105 to be paid with initial applicationApplication for registration fee £102 to be paid on request by GPhC with application forregistration form.First entry fee £240 to be paid on request by GPhC with application for registration form.This is the fee for your name to be on the register ( providing you remain in good st<strong>an</strong>ding)for 12 months from the date you first join the registerPle<strong>as</strong>e note that fees are reviewed <strong>an</strong>nually.Payment of Fees:You should pay the fees by credit or debit card using the payment forms provided to you. You mayuse a card that is not in your name providing you have the permission of the cardholder to use it.2. Completed questionnairePle<strong>as</strong>e ensure you:Write clearly in black inkInclude a legible email address where possible. This will enh<strong>an</strong>ce the communicationprocessProvide a UK postal address where possible.Complete ALL sections of the questionnaire3. Diploma / Degree CertificateYou must provide a certified copy of your diploma / degree certificate. If your certificate h<strong>as</strong> notbeen issued by the time of your application for recognition, you must provide <strong>an</strong> original letterfrom your university confirming that you have been awarded the qualification <strong>an</strong>d that yourcertificate h<strong>as</strong> not yet been issued to you.4. Licence to PracticeIf you have a licence to practice from your qualifying Member State you should provide a certifiedcopy of that certificate.February 2013

5. P<strong>as</strong>sport/ Proof of nationalityYou should provide a certified copy of your p<strong>as</strong>sport identity page ( including the photograph).Ple<strong>as</strong>e note that you do not have to include all the bl<strong>an</strong>k pages of your p<strong>as</strong>sport in the copy. Weneed to see the identification pages <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>y validity extension page.It may be acceptable for you to provide a certified copy of your identity card. This must be theidentity card that proves your nationality <strong>an</strong>d enables you to travel between Member States.6. Birth / Marriage / Civil Partnership certificateYou should provide a certified copy of your birth certificate where possible ( tr<strong>an</strong>slated <strong>as</strong>necessary). If you are not able to provide a birth certificate you should completedeclaration A of the statutory declaration enclosed with this pack.If you have ch<strong>an</strong>ged your name by marriage ( female applic<strong>an</strong>ts) you should provide acertified copy of your marriage certificate ( tr<strong>an</strong>slated <strong>as</strong> necessary).Ple<strong>as</strong>e note that UK birth certificates, UK marriage certificates <strong>an</strong>d UK Civil Partnershipcertificates c<strong>an</strong>not have certified photocopies made.If you have a UK birth certificate, a UK marriage certificate or a UK Civil Partnershipcertificate you will need to apply for a duplicate from the General Register Office.Website: www.gov.uk/browse/births-deaths-marriages/register-officesOn line applications: www.gro.gov.uk/gro/content/certificatesPLEASE DO NOT SEND THE ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE YOU HAVE AS IT WILL NOT BERETURNED TO YOU. ONLY SEND A DUPLICATE FROM THE GRO.6a. Ch<strong>an</strong>ge of name other th<strong>an</strong> by marriageIf you have ch<strong>an</strong>ged your name other th<strong>an</strong> by marriage you should complete declaration Bof the statutory declaration enclosed in this pack.6b. Names different on documents7. PhotographYour name should be exactly the same on all documents provided. If your name appearsdifferently to that on your birth or marriage certificate on <strong>an</strong>y of your documents youshould complete declaration C of the statutory declaration enclosed with this pack.You must supply 1 recent p<strong>as</strong>sport style photograph attached to the photograph form <strong>as</strong> follows:Requirements for the photographThe photograph must be:Recent (taken within the l<strong>as</strong>t month)In colourTaken against <strong>an</strong> off-white, cream or light grey plain background so that your features areclearly distinguishable against the backgroundFebruary 2013

Undamaged, for example, by cre<strong>as</strong>es from paperclipsOf you on your ownIn sharp focus <strong>an</strong>d clearThe photograph must also show:No shadowsYou facing forwards, looking straight towards the cameraA neutral expression, with your mouth closed (no obvious grinning, frowning or raisedeyebrows)Your eyes open <strong>an</strong>d clearly visible (with no sungl<strong>as</strong>ses or heavily tinted gl<strong>as</strong>ses <strong>an</strong>d no hairacross your eyes)No reflection or glare on your gl<strong>as</strong>ses, <strong>an</strong>d the frames should not cover your eyesYour full head, without <strong>an</strong>y head covering, unless it is worn for religious beliefs or medicalre<strong>as</strong>onsNothing covering your face. Ple<strong>as</strong>e ensure that nothing covers the outline of your eyes,nose or mouth.The counter signatory (person who signs the photograph) must:be a professional person, or a person of st<strong>an</strong>ding in the community. Examples include a<strong>pharmacist</strong>, your university lecturer, a UK registered solicitor or the legal equivalent inyour Member State or a licensed Medical Practitioner. The person providing thecountersignature must not be related to you by birth or marriage. Neither should they bein a personal relationship with you nor live at your address.Have known you for at le<strong>as</strong>t 2 yearsCertify, sign <strong>an</strong>d date the back of the photograph with the h<strong>an</strong>dwritten words. ‘I certifythat this is a true likeness of (give the applic<strong>an</strong>t’s full name <strong>an</strong>d title)’.“I certify this is a truelikeness of ”Your full name & titleSignature of countersignatory <strong>an</strong>d the date.Complete <strong>an</strong>d sign the section overleaf, ‘Section to be completed by counter signatory’.February 2013

PHOTOGRAPH CERTIFICATION FORMSection to be completed by counter signatoryThis section must be completed by the person who signs the back of the photograph with theirdetails. They must sign the photograph <strong>an</strong>d the form with the exact same signaturePle<strong>as</strong>e complete in block capitalsFirst names:Family names:(ple<strong>as</strong>e indicate Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)Address:Telephone Number:OccupationEmail address:By countersigning this application, you agree that the GPhC may contact you to verify theinformation that you have provided.I declare that I have signed the photograph enclosed <strong>an</strong>d that I have known________________________________________________ _____________(include full name of applic<strong>an</strong>t)for _______years <strong>an</strong>d that the information I have provided is correct.Signature:________________________________________________Date:________________________February 2013

DOCUMENTS TO BE SUPPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE GPHC FROM THE ISSUING BODY1. Evidence of Registration <strong>an</strong>d Good St<strong>an</strong>dingThis must be <strong>an</strong> original document from your professional authority which confirms yourregistration <strong>an</strong>d good st<strong>an</strong>ding with that authority. This document must be sent direct to theGPhC by your professional authority. The professional authority must confirm that you havenot been the subject of <strong>an</strong>y disciplinary proceedings <strong>an</strong>d that there are no disciplinaryproceedings pending against you.If you are not registered with a professional authority you are required to provide a letterfrom the relev<strong>an</strong>t professional authority confirming that if you wished to register with thatauthority there is nothing adverse known about you which would prevent your registration<strong>an</strong>d ability to practise <strong>as</strong> a <strong>pharmacist</strong> in your Member State of qualification <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong> up to dateclear police record from your Member State. Without <strong>an</strong> acceptable letter of good st<strong>an</strong>dingor clear police record your application for recognition c<strong>an</strong>not be complete.Under Article 50 of Directive 2005/36/EC your letter of good st<strong>an</strong>ding h<strong>as</strong> a validity of 3months. Your application must be submitted within 3 months of the date of issue of yourletter of good st<strong>an</strong>ding .You are strongly advised not to delay sending in your application onceyou have requested your letter of good st<strong>an</strong>ding to be sent.If you are registered with more th<strong>an</strong> one professional authority <strong>an</strong>d/or have worked in <strong>an</strong>additional country during the l<strong>as</strong>t 5 years, evidence of good st<strong>an</strong>ding from the relev<strong>an</strong>tauthority(s) will be required.2. Compli<strong>an</strong>ce with DirectivesWe require the original document from the Competent Authority which confirms that yourqualification or work experience complies with the relev<strong>an</strong>t Europe<strong>an</strong> Directives. Thiscertificate must be sent direct to the GPhC by your Competent Authority.Documents confirming compli<strong>an</strong>ce with Article 23 of Directive 2005/36/EC, i.e. the ‘acquiredrights’ certificate h<strong>as</strong> a validity of 3 months. Your application must be submitted within 3months of the date of issue of this certificate. You are strongly advised not to delay sending inyour application once you have requested this certificate to be provided.You may be required by the GPhC to provide additional documentation to demonstrate yourcompli<strong>an</strong>ce with the Directives. For example, in order to comply with the requirementsintroduced by Directive 2001/19/EC <strong>pharmacist</strong>s who started their qualification in Italy before1 November 1993 <strong>an</strong>d completed this before 1 November 2003 are required to provideevidence that their qualification does indeed comply with the Minimum TrainingRequirements of Article 44 of Directive 2005/36/EC.Your route to registration will depend on how the Competent Authority describes yourqualifications <strong>an</strong>d/or experience in relation to the Directive.There are 2 possible routes which are outlined <strong>as</strong> follows:February 2013

Route A – St<strong>an</strong>dard RouteYou would be eligible to apply for registration via this route if you eitherorHold a qualification in pharmacy from a Member State of the <strong>EEA</strong> which is listed in Annex V, section5.6.2 of Directive 2005/36/EC (or if not listed is regarded <strong>as</strong> comparable to the qualification listed inthe Annex) <strong>an</strong>d which complies with all the Minimum Training Requirements described in Article 44of Directive 2005/36/EChave a qualification in pharmacy from a Member State of the <strong>EEA</strong> which w<strong>as</strong> started before thereference date specified in the Annex for that Member State <strong>an</strong>d have worked in a Member State in<strong>an</strong> activity referred to in Article 45 of Directive 2005/36/EC (which is also <strong>an</strong> activity regulated bythat Member State) for at le<strong>as</strong>t 3 consecutive years during the five years preceding the award of thecertificate. These are the ‘acquired rights’ provisions of Article 23 of Directive 2005/36/EC.Once you have supplied all the required evidence <strong>an</strong>d your eligibility to apply for registrationthrough route A is determined, your application will receive a final check. If everything is in orderyou will be sent the application for registration <strong>an</strong>d payment forms to complete <strong>an</strong>d return to theGPhC.You would need to complete the application form using the guid<strong>an</strong>ce notes <strong>an</strong>d return it to theGPhC with the appropriate registration fee <strong>an</strong>d 1 st entry fee. (Ple<strong>as</strong>e see fee section for furtherdetails).Once the application form <strong>an</strong>d fee are received providing everything remains in order, your file willbe p<strong>as</strong>sed to Registration <strong>an</strong>d your name will be put on the Register. You will then receiveconfirmation of your registration by letter. This may take some time although your name will appearon the GPhC live Register on the website (www.pharmacyregulation.org ) <strong>as</strong> soon <strong>as</strong> you areregistered.Ple<strong>as</strong>e note that you must not work <strong>as</strong> a <strong>pharmacist</strong> or present yourself to be a <strong>pharmacist</strong> in GreatBritain until your name appears on the GPhC Register.Route B - Comparative Assessment RouteFees:In addition to the £105 scrutiny fee paid with your initial application you will be required to pay:£102 application fee for registration£376 evaluation feeOnce your Route B application h<strong>as</strong> been evaluated <strong>an</strong>d you have satisfactorily completed <strong>an</strong>y requiredadaptation training you will be required to pay the following fee:£240 first entry fee. This is the fee for your name to be on the register ( providing you remain ingood st<strong>an</strong>ding) for 12 months from the date you first join the registerYou would be required to apply through this route ifyour pharmacy qualification from a Member State w<strong>as</strong> started before the reference date in theDirective for that Member State <strong>an</strong>d you have not worked for 3 consecutive years in the l<strong>as</strong>t 5 years<strong>as</strong> a <strong>pharmacist</strong>February 2013

your pharmacy qualification from a Member State w<strong>as</strong> started after the reference date but theCompetent Authority h<strong>as</strong> confirmed that your qualification does not comply with the minimumtraining requirements of Article 44 of Directive 2005/36/ECyour pharmacy qualification w<strong>as</strong> obtained outside the <strong>EEA</strong> or Switzerl<strong>an</strong>d but it h<strong>as</strong> been recognisedby a Member State <strong>an</strong>d you have been permitted to practise <strong>as</strong> a <strong>pharmacist</strong> in that State.Once you have supplied all the required evidence <strong>an</strong>d your eligibility to apply forregistration through route B is determined, you will be provided with <strong>an</strong> ‘application forregistration <strong>as</strong> a <strong>pharmacist</strong> through the non-compli<strong>an</strong>t <strong>EEA</strong> route’ form, which will be sentto you via the address you have provided.You would then need to complete the application form using the guid<strong>an</strong>ce notes <strong>an</strong>d returnit to the GPhC with the relev<strong>an</strong>t application fee (see fees at the beginning of this section).You would also need to provide all the documents specified in the guid<strong>an</strong>ce notes thataccomp<strong>an</strong>y the form.This procedure enables the GPhC to make a comparative <strong>as</strong>sessment of your pharmacyqualifications <strong>an</strong>d work experience <strong>as</strong> a <strong>pharmacist</strong> against the national requirements forregistration, ie the UK MPharm degree, 12 months preregistration training <strong>an</strong>d the GPhCregistration <strong>as</strong>sessment.Should <strong>an</strong>y subst<strong>an</strong>tial gaps between your qualifications <strong>an</strong>d experience <strong>an</strong>d the nationalrequirements for registration be identified, you may be required to complete a period ofadditional education, training or experience before p<strong>as</strong>sing to Registration. Each applicationis <strong>as</strong>sessed on a c<strong>as</strong>e-by-c<strong>as</strong>e b<strong>as</strong>is.All documents should be sent to:International ApplicationsGeneral Pharmaceutical Council129 Lambeth RoadLondonSE1 7BTTel: 0203 365 3550Email: international@pharmacyregulation.orgFebruary 2013

Questionnaire for recognition <strong>as</strong> <strong>an</strong> <strong>EEA</strong> <strong>qualified</strong> <strong>pharmacist</strong>First names:Family names:(ple<strong>as</strong>e indicate Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)Address:Telephone Number:Mobile Number:Email address:Date of Birth: dd/mm/yyyyUniversity from which degree w<strong>as</strong> obtained:Title of degree:Date degree started:Date finished:Have you registered with a Professional Authority: Yes NoPle<strong>as</strong>e arr<strong>an</strong>ge for the Professional Authority to provide you with a certificate confirming yourregistration, if relev<strong>an</strong>t, <strong>an</strong>d good st<strong>an</strong>ding <strong>an</strong>d current professional status with that authority. (Thisincludes <strong>an</strong>y other health profession authority that you may be registered with either in the UK orelsewhere)Details of <strong>an</strong>y full-time experience since you first acquired the right to practise <strong>as</strong> a <strong>pharmacist</strong> inyour member state.Date started Date finished Name & Addressof premisesCommunity / hospital /industry (ple<strong>as</strong>e state)No. of hours perweek workedNationalityHave you previously applied for registration with the RPSGB / GPhC? (Tick appropriate box)YES NOIf YES, State date of application: ______/___________________/_________Day Month YearI declare that the information provided is, to the best of my knowledge, correct.Signature:________________________________________________Date:________________________If you wish to provide <strong>an</strong>y additional information, ple<strong>as</strong>e do so overleafFebruary 2012

Application for recognition <strong>as</strong> <strong>an</strong> <strong>EEA</strong> <strong>qualified</strong> <strong>pharmacist</strong>PAYMENT FORM11.1 Name of applic<strong>an</strong>tPle<strong>as</strong>e indicate whether you are paying byDebit card Credit card Payment by credit card will incur a11.2 Type of card Ple<strong>as</strong>e tick onesurcharge of 2% from 1 Sept 2011 onwardsM<strong>as</strong>tercard Visa Visa Purch<strong>as</strong>ing Visa DeltaMaestroSolo11.3Card number(insert the exact amount ofdigits in your card number only)CSC number(The l<strong>as</strong>t 3 digits on the backof the card)Valid From Date / Expiry Date / Issue numberIssue number for Maestro or Solo cards only. If your card does not have <strong>an</strong> issue number ple<strong>as</strong>e enter ‘NA’ inthe boxes.Name of cardholderThe name exactly <strong>as</strong> it appears on the debit or credit cardAddress of cardholderPost codePle<strong>as</strong>e charge this card with the sum(s)Application fee £105We will take your application fee when start processing your applicationSignature of cardholderDate (dd/mm/yy)

8. PhotographYou must supply 1 recent p<strong>as</strong>sport style photograph attached to the photograph form <strong>as</strong>follows:Requirements for the photographThe photograph must be:Recent (taken within the l<strong>as</strong>t month)In colourTaken against <strong>an</strong> off-white, cream or light grey plain background so that your featuresare clearly distinguishable against the backgroundUndamaged, for example, by cre<strong>as</strong>es from paperclipsOf you on your ownIn sharp focus <strong>an</strong>d clearThe photograph must also show:No shadowsYou facing forwards, looking straight towards the cameraA neutral expression, with your mouth closed (no obvious grinning, frowning or raisedeyebrows)Your eyes open <strong>an</strong>d clearly visible (with no sungl<strong>as</strong>ses or heavily tinted gl<strong>as</strong>ses <strong>an</strong>d nohair across your eyes)No reflection or glare on your gl<strong>as</strong>ses, <strong>an</strong>d the frames should not cover your eyesYour full head, without <strong>an</strong>y head covering, unless it is worn for religious beliefs ormedical re<strong>as</strong>onsNothing covering your face. Ple<strong>as</strong>e ensure that nothing covers the outline of your eyes,nose or mouth.The counter signatory (person who signs the photograph) must:be a professional person, or a person of st<strong>an</strong>ding in the community. Examples include a<strong>pharmacist</strong>, your university lecturer, a UK registered solicitor or the legal equivalent inyour Member State or a licensed Medical Practitioner. The person providing thecountersignature must not be related to you by birth or marriage. Neither should theybe in a personal relationship with you nor live at your address.Have known you for at le<strong>as</strong>t 2 yearsCertify, sign <strong>an</strong>d date the back of the photograph with the h<strong>an</strong>dwritten words. ‘I certifythat this is a true likeness of (give the applic<strong>an</strong>t’s full name <strong>an</strong>d title)’.“I certify this is a truelikeness of ”Your full nameSignature of countersignatory <strong>an</strong>d the date.Complete <strong>an</strong>d sign the section overleaf, ‘Section to be completed by counter signatory’.

Photograph Certification FormSection to be completed by counter signatoryThis section must be completed by the person who signs the back of the photograph with theirdetails. They must sign the photograph <strong>an</strong>d the form with the exact same signaturePle<strong>as</strong>e complete in block capitalsFirst names:Family names:(ple<strong>as</strong>e indicate Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)Address:Telephone Number:OccupationEmail address:By countersigning this application, you agree that the Council may contact you to verify theinformation that you have provided.I declare that I have signed the photograph enclosed <strong>an</strong>d that I have known________________________________________________ _____________(include full name of applic<strong>an</strong>t)for _______years <strong>an</strong>d that the information I have provided is correct.Signature:________________________________________________Date:________________________February 2012

Statutory declarationRefer to guid<strong>an</strong>ce notes for completionYou must complete whichever declaration(s) on this side of the form is/are applicable foryour situation.You must complete BOTH boxes on the other side of this formDECLARATION A - Inability to provide a birth certificateI (Insert full name – this name must be identical to that on your Application for <strong>Recognition</strong>)First names__________________________________________________________Family Names______________________________________________________________Address: (insert home address)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do solemnly <strong>an</strong>d sincerely declare to the best of my knowledge <strong>an</strong>d belief that I w<strong>as</strong> giventhe name :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………atmy birthon………………………………..at…………………………………………………………..in…………………………………..….(insert date of birth) ( insert name of town) (insertname of country)___________________________________________________________________________DECLARATION B – Using a name other th<strong>an</strong> that on birth certificateI (Insert full name - identical to that given to you at birth)First names__________________________________________________________Family names______________________________________________________________of (insert home address)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________do solemnly <strong>an</strong>d sincerely declare that since / /(insert date) dd mm yyyyI have used <strong>an</strong>d in the future will be known by the name of___________________________________________________________________(insert full name you are now using – this name must be identical to that on your Applicationfor <strong>Recognition</strong>)Ple<strong>as</strong>e see overleaf for Declaration C.

DECLARATION C – If name on <strong>an</strong>y document differs from name on Application forRegistrationI ( name <strong>as</strong> on application for recognition)First names___________________________________________________________Family names_________________________________________________________of___________________________________________________________________(insert home address)_____________________________________________________________________declare that all documents submitted with my Application for <strong>Recognition</strong> relate to me <strong>an</strong>dthat all versions of my name relate to one <strong>an</strong>d the same person.THIS BOX TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANTI (insert full name you are now using. This name must be identical to that on your Applicationfor <strong>Recognition</strong>)First names____________________________________________________________Family names__________________________________________________________make the declaration(s) overleaf conscientiously believing the same to be true <strong>an</strong>d by virtueof the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act, 1835.Signed: ___________________________________________________________Date:_____________________________________________________________DECLARATION BY SOLICITOR (to be completed by the solicitor)Declared at (insert full name <strong>an</strong>d address of solicitor’s premises):This day of 20 _ _before me.I confirm that I am authorised to administer this oathSigned:(insert here solicitor’s stamp here)Instructions for completing the appropriate declaration(s)The appropriate declaration(s) on this form must be completed by the applic<strong>an</strong>t in thepresence of a solicitor, who should then complete the ‘Declaration by solicitor’ (above)Declaration A: Unable to provide acceptable birth certificateDeclaration B: Ch<strong>an</strong>ge of name from that on birth certificate <strong>an</strong>d not supported by marriagecertificateDeclaration C: Documents have different names to names given in A or B.Feb 2012

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