Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

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Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> / Naval Air Systems CommandNon-ADPE and Telecommunications Equipment<strong>Capital</strong> Investment JustificationQuant Unit CostTotalCostQuant Unit CostFiscal Year (FY) 2012 Budget Estimates($ in Thousands) February 2011#001 - Non-ADPE and Telecommunications NAWCTotalCost Quant Unit Cost Total Cost Quant Unit Cost Total CostReplacement Equipment 15 0 8,703 10 5,142 4 3,051Productivity Equipment 12 0 7,234 16 8,215 18 13,853New Mission Equipment 9 0 4,107 15 7,603 9 5,095Environmental Compliance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Total 0 0 0 36 20,044 41 20,960 31 0 21,999Justification:1 . Projects within this capability will assist NAWC in creating solutions that will address deficiencies in capabilities that will allow us to better perform mission efforts. Existing equipment provides limited capabilities due to age ofequipment, speed of operation, and technological advances. New technologies, processes, and advances in various areas of engineering, research and development, and testing that is done at NAWC creates a need to procureinvestment equipment.Equipment replacement will benefit equipment processors and mechanical systems that are slow and afford limited abilities to record, mix or process energetic materials and test processes. New equipment will provide processcontrol of energetic operations, test operations and data collection. Ordnance hazard test facilities will be upgraded to improve data acquisition, digitized high speed video coverage and improved communications. High speedspectroscopy equipment will enable improved analysis of lab scale combustion experiments. Increased work loads in laser technology and high energy lasers have exceeded the capacity and capabilities of current equipment. Ahigh energy laser laboratory and improved laser characterization equipment will provide an increased ability to develop and evaluate the effects of directed energy devices. Sensors and support equipment will be acquired for thedevelopment and evaluation of high power microwave devices. Improved equipment is required to characterize and coat dielectric and optical windows used in advanced seeker, sensor and directed energy components.Electromagnetic testing capabilities need to be expanded to higher frequencies to meet the requirements of future systems. Airborne instrumentation capability for testing of countermeasure systems is limited by the unavailabilityof suitable aircraft. Improved airborne instrumentation pods with expanded sensing capability will allow a broader range of data to be gathered in flight testing on available aircraft. Testing of electronic warfare equipment islimited by an insufficient number of radar environment simulators. An additional Advanced Multiple Environment Simulator will provide an enhanced capability to support the development of Electronic Warfare (EW) suites in amore cost effective and timely manner. Radio Frequency (RF) chamber upgrades will allow testing of medium and high power jamming testing without the restrictions of open air testing. Ultra High Frequency/Very HighFrequency (UHF/VHF) chambers will be upgraded for improved accuracy, fidelity and efficiency. Upgraded materials testing equipment such as scanning electron microscopes and Instron mechanical test machines will providemore efficient and accurate characterization of materials. Installation of new controllers for climatic chambers will provide continued and improved testing of operational hardware and fleet weapons systems. Increased capacitywill allow longer run times for testing of high speed propulsion systems and components and expanded aerothermal testing. An expanded storage tank capability will allow more effective testing of electronic safe arm devices.Signal generator and sensors will enable upgrading of reprogrammable, adaptable ground targets to meet customer needs.Upgrades to productivity equipment will benefit support equipment for antennas, radars, networks, ID Friend or Foe, heat treatment, hydraulic press, valve plug lathe, dust chamber, cylindrical grinder . Laboratories that will beupgraded include the antenna lab, and battery lab, unmanned aircraft lab, rapid prototype lab, microanalysis lab, fuel cell lab, altitude and dynamic breathing lab, . Other capabilities to be upgraded include the ejection tower,windblast efforts, avionics, and sensor integration work.New mission equipment will support various NAWC efforts, including pulsed power load banks, the synthetic lab, radio frequency and microwave electronic systems, crashworthy systems, cold atom magnetometers, and sand anddust chamber. Additional efforts will procure equipment that will help in developing weaponization of unmanned vehicles and development of new high energy laser systems in support of war fighter operations. Beam controlequipment and ion beam coating systems will complement the development of high energy laser systems. War fighter will be able to find, track, target and destroy enemy assets without putting themselves in harms way utilizingnewly developed materials and components. A new capability for hands free prototyping will allow around the clock fabrication support for the warfighter. New capabilities in photonics will be initiated. Specialized equipmentwill enable the exploration of innovative, renewable energy technologies. An integrated suite of tools and sensors will lead to a unique capability in advanced radar processing and exploitation. Electromagnetic sensor andlaboratory equipment will provide the capability to evaluate the effect of threat pulse power systems on electronic components. Hardware will be acquired allowing the evaluation of countermeasures against a new generation ofthreat systems. A new capability in in-service support of Electronic Warfare payload systems will be developed. Existing facilities and equipment will be upgraded to provide a new capability for analysis and evaluation ofreactive liners for insensitive munitions.2. The investment will enable NAWC to meet customer’s expectations, improve in operational efficiencies, and provide new state-of-the-art technology to increase NAWC’s customer support for all mission efforts.3. Economic analysis were performed.4. Cost avoidance will begin upon project completion.5. If investment is not made, NAWC would be limited in the ability to increase capabilities in support of aircraft carriers, networks, sensors, weapons, platforms and have a significant negative result on the success, efficiency andwar fighting effectiveness of the <strong>Navy</strong>. This will also decrease innovative affordable technologies to the Fleet which support our nation's defense strategy and goals, and reduce overall Naval warfighting effectiveness.FY 2010FY 2011FY 2012Exhibit <strong>Fund</strong>-9B <strong>Capital</strong> Budget Justification

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