Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

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DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYNAVY WORKING CAPITAL FUNDDEPOT MAINTENANCEFLEET READINESS CENTERSFISCAL YEAR (FY) 2012 BUDGET ESTIMATESFEBRUARY 2011Stabilized Customer Rates-($ in Millions)FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012Composite Hourly Rate $192.19 $192.93 $192.92Percent Year to Year Change .4% .0%Unit Cost Goals. The budget reflects the following FY 2010-2012 unit cost goals:($ and DLHs in Millions)FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012Total Operating Cost $2,177.49 $1844.54 $2,191.79Direct Labor Hours (DLH) 11.724 10.485 11.152Unit Cost $185.73 $175.92 $196.54• DLH includes direct labor hours worked by civilians, contractors and military personnel.SUMMARY OF PERSONNEL RESOURCESCivilian Personnel:FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012End Strength 8,979 8,695 8,804FTE Workyears 9,007 8,748 8,835Military Personnel:End Strength 109 123 120Workyears 99 123 120Contractor Personnel:Workyears 997 1,209 1,318The FRCs budget reflects civilian workforce levels necessary to accommodate firm workloadwithout the use of excessive overtime. Contract personnel are used by the FRCs to supportperturbations in workload.

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