Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

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DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYNAVY WORKING CAPITAL FUNDRESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTNAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORYFISCAL YEAR (FY) 2012 BUDGET ESTIMATESFEBRUARY 2011The unit cost is a measurement of total direct labor and overhead costs per direct labor hour.The change in unit cost for FY 2010 through FY 2012 primarily reflects increased facilityrestoration/modernization costs and inflation, which are partially offset by the impact ofincreases in NRL’s direct labor workforce profile. Other performance indicators are direct laborhours and NOR performance, discussed above.Stabilized / Composite Rates FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012Stabilized Rate $135.51 $143.52 $143.45Change from Prior Year +5.9% -0.0%Composite Rate Change +3.9% +0.6%The Stabilized Rate consists of direct labor and applied overhead. Unique direct non-labor costsare billed on a reimbursable basis to the benefiting/requiring customer. The Composite RateChange incorporates both the stabilized costs and the reimbursable costs. The FY 2012 rateincrease is primarily due to increases in facility restoration/modernization, an increase inutilities costs due to a functional transfer of District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority(DC WASA) billing from Naval District Washington (NDW) to NRL, and pricing/inflationadjustments.Staffing:Civilian/Military ES & Workyears FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012Civilian End Strength 2,435 2,485 2,520Civilian Workyears (Straight Time) 2,372 2,385 2,410Military End Strength 74 69 58Military Workyears 69 69 58Civilian Personnel: Civilian strength levels, measured by both end strength and full-timeequivalents (FTEs), reflect an increasing workforce profile.Military Personnel: The military personnel decrease in FY 2012 is primarily due to increasedefficiencies in the utilization of Air Crewmen at NRL’s Scientific Development Squadron One(VXS-1).

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