Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

Navy Working Capital Fund - DON FM&C Website

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DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYNAVY WORKING CAPITAL FUNDRESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTSPACE AND NAVAL WARFARE SYSTEMS CENTERSFISCAL YEAR (FY) 2012 BUDGET ESTIMATESFEBRUARY 2011and contractual services, are charged to the customer on an actual cost reimbursable basis, andare excluded from the SSC’s stabilized pricing structure. The SSC’s use total stabilized costper direct labor hour as their performance criterion. The composite stabilized rate and theaverage total stabilized cost per direct labor hour for the SSC’s are discussed below.Stabilized / Composite Rate Changes FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012Stabilized Rate $111.34 $100.32 $103.23Change from Prior Year -9.9% +2.9%Composite Rate Change -2.1% +2.0%Rate changes incorporate adjustments in direct workload, as well as overhead adjustments insupport of direct efforts and programmed efficiencies.Unit Cost FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012Total Stabilized Cost ($Millions) $938.5 $934.0 $929.7Workload (DLHs) (000) 8,602 8,883 8,906Unit Cost (per DLH) $109.10 $105.14 $104.39Staffing:Civilian/Military ES & Work Years FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012Civilian End Strength 7,144 7,029 7,048Civilian Work Years 6,878 6,822 6,825Military End Strength 76 78 78Military Work Years 72 78 78Civilian PersonnelThe SSCs continue their efforts to revitalize the workforce, balance the skills mix, and shapeforce capabilities to address current and future threats. Year to year workforce changes arecaused by changes in direct labor requirements that include performing some previouslycontracted work in-house, offset by BRAC actions and reductions in workload directlyassociated with operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.Military PersonnelMilitary workforce levels are projected to be stable throughout the budget period.

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