TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army

TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army
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TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01This page intentionally left blank.ii

Executive SummaryIntroductionThe human dimension comprises the moral, cognitive, and physical components of Soldierand organizational development and performance essential to raise, prepare, and employ theArmy in full spectrum operations. Army concepts acknowledge the Soldier as the centerpiece ofthe Army, but none, individually or collectively, adequately addresses the human dimension offuture operations. This study is a precursor to a shorter concept that will join the formal familyof Army concepts. It provides an integrating and forcing function that draws on other joint andArmy concepts to describe those aspects of a highly nuanced human dimension interacting at alllevels. Like all concepts, this study seeks to identify things that must change to meet futurechallenges. To do this, Army concepts project requirements from 2015 to 2024 and describe anoperational or functional problem to be solved, and then express how the future Modular Forcewill best operate within that set of challenges and environments. Additionally, concepts identifyrequired future capabilities necessary to operate in the manner described in each concept.The Operational ProblemCurrent trends in the global and domestic operational environments will challenge the UnitedStates' ability to maintain a future responsive, professional, All-Volunteer Force. Soldiers willoperate in an era of persistent conflict amongst populations with diverse religious, ethnic, andsocietal values. Faced with continuous employment across the full range of military operations,the Army will require extraordinary strength in the moral, physical, and cognitive components ofthe human dimension. Existing accessions, personnel, and force training and educationdevelopment efforts will not meet these future challenges, placing at grave risk the Army's abilityto provide combatant commanders the forces and capabilities necessary to execute the NationalSecurity, National Defense, and National Military Strategies.Solution SynopsisThe Army will need to increase its human dimension focus in both the operational Army andGenerating Force in order to meet future challenges and operate in an era of persistent conflict.Improved capabilities must address the broad range of human dimension actions necessary toprepare, support, and sustain this force. The Army must maintain a proper balance of moral,physical, and cognitive development with contributions from science and technology that canenhance Soldier physical and mental performance. The Army must widen the community ofpractice in the human dimension to continue to explore how we can best recruit, train, and retainan all volunteer force that can operate across the entire range of military operations.iii

Executive SummaryIntroductionThe human dimension comprises the moral, cognitive, and physical components of Soldierand organizational development and performance essential to raise, prepare, and employ the<strong>Army</strong> in full spectrum operations. <strong>Army</strong> concepts acknowledge the Soldier as the centerpiece ofthe <strong>Army</strong>, but none, individually or collectively, adequately addresses the human dimension offuture operations. This study is a precursor to a shorter concept that will join the formal familyof <strong>Army</strong> concepts. It provides an integrating and forcing function that draws on other joint and<strong>Army</strong> concepts to describe those aspects of a highly nuanced human dimension interacting at alllevels. Like all concepts, this study seeks to identify things that must change to meet futurechallenges. To do this, <strong>Army</strong> concepts project requirements from 2<strong>01</strong>5 to 2024 and describe anoperational or functional problem to be solved, and then express how the future Modular Forcewill best operate within that set of challenges and environments. Additionally, concepts identifyrequired future capabilities necessary to operate in the manner described in each concept.The Operational ProblemCurrent trends in the global and domestic operational environments will challenge the UnitedStates' ability to maintain a future responsive, professional, All-Volunteer Force. Soldiers willoperate in an era of persistent conflict amongst populations with diverse religious, ethnic, andsocietal values. Faced with continuous employment across the full range of military operations,the <strong>Army</strong> will require extraordinary strength in the moral, physical, and cognitive components ofthe human dimension. Existing accessions, personnel, and force training and educationdevelopment efforts will not meet these future challenges, placing at grave risk the <strong>Army</strong>'s abilityto provide combatant commanders the forces and capabilities necessary to execute the NationalSecurity, National Defense, and National Military Strategies.Solution SynopsisThe <strong>Army</strong> will need to increase its human dimension focus in both the operational <strong>Army</strong> andGenerating Force in order to meet future challenges and operate in an era of persistent conflict.Improved capabilities must address the broad range of human dimension actions necessary toprepare, support, and sustain this force. The <strong>Army</strong> must maintain a proper balance of moral,physical, and cognitive development with contributions from science and technology that canenhance Soldier physical and mental performance. The <strong>Army</strong> must widen the community ofpractice in the human dimension to continue to explore how we can best recruit, train, and retainan all volunteer force that can operate across the entire range of military operations.iii

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