TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army

TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army

TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army

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<strong>TRADOC</strong> <strong>Pam</strong> <strong>525</strong>-3-7-<strong>01</strong>Prensky, M. (20<strong>01</strong>a). Digital natives, digital immigrants from on the horizon. NCB UniversityPress, Vol. 9 No 5, October 20<strong>01</strong>. Retrieved on 29 May 2007 from www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf.Puchta, Herbert (2007). Students’ attention span–where has it gone? Handout from the ETASConference 2007. Retrieved on 17 August 2007 from http://www.herbertpuchta.com/page/handouts/ETAS_Conference_2007/Attention_span_ETAS.pdf.Quantum Computers.(2007). International Society for Complexity, Information, and DesignEncyclopedia of Science and Philosophy. 2007. Retrieved from http://www.iscid.org/encyclopedia/Quantum_Computers.Raybourn, Elaine M. (2006). Simulation experience design methods for training the forces tothink adaptively. Paper No. 2672 presented at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulationand Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2006.Razzell, P. (1977, March). The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism: a natural scientificcritique. British Journal of Sociology. Vol 28, No. 1. Retrieved from http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0007-1315(197703)28%3A1%3C17%3ATPEATS%3E2.0.CO%3B2-L.Reese, N. (2007) Understanding dark matter. Helium: Where Knowledge Rules. Retrieved fromhttp://www.helium.com/tm/185347/always-comes-cosmology-universe.Robinson, P. (2007). Ethics Training and Development in the Military. Parameters, Vol.XXXVII(1), pp. 23-36. Carlisle Barracks, PA: <strong>Army</strong> War College. Retrieved fromhttp://www.carlisle.army.mil/USAWC/Parameters/07spring/ robinson.pdf.Roggio, B. (2007, June 8). Targeting the Iranian secret cells. The Long War Journal. Retrievedfrom http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2007/06/targeting_the_irania.php.Saenz, R. (2004, April 19). The demography of Latino immigration: Trends and implications forthe future. Presented at the ASA Congressional Briefing on Immigration. Retrieved fromhttp://www2.asanet.org/public/saenz_brief.ppt.Scales, R.H. (2006). The Second Learning Revolution. Military Review. Vol. LXXXVI(1). Ft.Leavenworth, KS: Command & General Staff College. Retrieved http://usacac.army.mil/CAC/milreview/English/JanFeb06/Scales2.pdf.Scales, R.H. (2006b, July). Clausewitz and World War IV. Armed Forces Journal. Retrieved on7 JUN 07 from http://www.armedforcesjournal.com/2006/07/1866<strong>01</strong>9.Schneider, R. and Martin, J. (1994). Military families and combat readiness. Found in Militarypsychology: Preparing in peace for war. Jones, F. D., Linette, R., Sparacino, Wilcox, V.; &Rothberg, J. editors. Office of the Surgeon General, U.S. Department of the <strong>Army</strong>. FallsChurch, VA.222

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