TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army

TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army
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TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01Alderks, C. E. (1992).Relationships between vertical cohesion and performance in light infantrysquads, platoons, and companies at the Joint Readiness Training Center. U.S. Army ResearchInstitute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Human Factors Technical Area.Alderks, C. E., and Mael, F. A. (1993). Leadership team cohesion and subordinate work unitmorale and performance. Military Psychology, 5(3). Alexandria, VA: Army ResearchInstitute. Retrieved from, C. D. (2007). COL Charles D. Allen. Creative thinking for individuals and teams. UnitedStates Army War College.American Council on Education. (2003, Fall). Report forecasts global demand for internationalhigher education. The Presidency.Army Research Institute (ARI) (2007a). A collection of white papers focusing on the humandimension: Written by ARI for the ARCIC, Concept Development & ExperimentationDivision for the Human Dimension in Full Spectrum Operations.Army Training and Leader Development Panel officer study report to the Army (TechnicalReport) (2003). Retrieved on 7 June 07 from Training Support Center (2006, June). Army/joint-future force ranges white paper.TRADOC Program Integration Office-Live, Fort Eustis, VA.Avolio, B.J., Gardner, W.L., Luthans, F., May, D.R., & Walumbwa, F.O. (2004). Unlocking themask: A look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes andbehaviors. The Leadership Quarterly. Vol 15.Bartone, P., Kirkland, F., & Marlowe, D. (1993). Commander’s priorities and psychologicalreadiness. Alexandria, VA: Army Research Institute. Retrieved from, P. (2006). Resilience under military operational stress: Can leaders influence hardiness?Military Psychology, 18. Supplement. Washington, DC. Retrieved from, J.,(1987, December). Morale: A Study of Men and Courage, Avery Pub Group; New Ed.Britt, T. W. (1995). Using the triangle model of responsibility to understand psychologicalambiguities in peacekeeping operations. Defense Technical Information Center. Retrievedfrom, T., Castro, C.., & Adler, A. (2006). Military life: The psychology of serving in peace andcombat. 4 Vols. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International.Bush, G. W. (2007, January). State of the Union Address. Washington D.C.215

<strong>TRADOC</strong> <strong>Pam</strong> <strong>525</strong>-3-7-<strong>01</strong>Alderks, C. E. (1992).Relationships between vertical cohesion and performance in light infantrysquads, platoons, and companies at the Joint Readiness Training Center. U.S. <strong>Army</strong> ResearchInstitute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, Human Factors Technical Area.Alderks, C. E., and Mael, F. A. (1993). Leadership team cohesion and subordinate work unitmorale and performance. Military Psychology, 5(3). Alexandria, VA: <strong>Army</strong> ResearchInstitute. Retrieved from, C. D. (2007). COL Charles D. Allen. Creative thinking for individuals and teams. UnitedStates <strong>Army</strong> War College.American Council on Education. (2003, Fall). Report forecasts global demand for internationalhigher education. The Presidency.<strong>Army</strong> Research Institute (ARI) (2007a). A collection of white papers focusing on the humandimension: Written by ARI for the ARCIC, Concept Development & ExperimentationDivision for the Human Dimension in Full Spectrum Operations.<strong>Army</strong> Training and Leader Development Panel officer study report to the <strong>Army</strong> (TechnicalReport) (2003). Retrieved on 7 June 07 from<strong>Army</strong> Training Support Center (2006, June). <strong>Army</strong>/joint-future force ranges white paper.<strong>TRADOC</strong> Program Integration Office-Live, Fort Eustis, VA.Avolio, B.J., Gardner, W.L., Luthans, F., May, D.R., & Walumbwa, F.O. (2004). Unlocking themask: A look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes andbehaviors. The Leadership Quarterly. Vol 15.Bartone, P., Kirkland, F., & Marlowe, D. (1993). Commander’s priorities and psychologicalreadiness. Alexandria, VA: <strong>Army</strong> Research Institute. Retrieved from, P. (2006). Resilience under military operational stress: Can leaders influence hardiness?Military Psychology, 18. Supplement. Washington, DC. Retrieved from, J.,(1987, December). Morale: A Study of Men and Courage, Avery Pub Group; New Ed.Britt, T. W. (1995). Using the triangle model of responsibility to understand psychologicalambiguities in peacekeeping operations. Defense Technical Information Center. Retrievedfrom, T., Castro, C.., & Adler, A. (2006). Military life: The psychology of serving in peace andcombat. 4 Vols. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International.Bush, G. W. (2007, January). State of the Union Address. Washington D.C.215

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