TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army

TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army
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TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01Leadership doctrine for developing leaders and who understand how to assist in thedevelopment of strong, healthy, resilient families.Mental health doctrine for mental health care providers and counselors who can applypreventative treatment measures for Soldiers and families across the Soldier life cycle andtreat mental health problems in Soldiers and families.Generating, installation and future Modular Force commanders must have the capabilityto integrate into institutional, installation, and pre-deployment training programsrespectively, training that promotes strong unit, Soldier, and family relationships andaddress Soldier and family concerns.Future training capabilities include training for:o Family readiness groups.o Unit combat and operational stress teams.o Installation staffs and family support agencies.o Civilian government and community support agenciesThe capability to deliver progressive and sequential content on the skills, knowledge, andabilities required to promote strong unit, Soldier, and family relationships and addressSoldier and family concerns.The Army must identify, obtain, and develop healthcare; family and community support;education; child and youth services; morale, welfare, and recreation; spouse employment;family relocation; deployment cycle support; and career (including wounded warrior)transition professionals to assist unit leaders promote strong unit, Soldier, and familyrelationships and address Soldier and family concerns.The Army needs adequate funding for paid family readiness group deployment supportassistants down to company levelQuestions for Further ExaminationHow would a concept of expanded promotion zones and its effect on career timelinesimpact on the Army’s operational effectiveness?How would a continuum of service system support individual careers and the Army as aninstitution? What impact will targeted monetary incentives for retention have onmanning?How does the assignment system support the brigade-based Army in near persistentconflict?How much influence should local commanders’ have over developmental assignmentsand should this be a decentralized or centralized process?What systems are required to provide more influence of local commanders on thepromotion process?What are the personnel and human capital management issues associated with givingcredit for similar service in the civilian sector, which would allow former Soldiers andofficers to re-enter the service at a grade commiserate with their experience.What programs are effective at enhancing resilient families that are adaptable, can tolerateambiguity and uncertainty, and are capable of functioning effectively without theSoldier’s presence?What family support programs are truly effective at enhancing quality of life, improvingfamily satisfactions with military life, and retaining Soldiers and families in the Army?166

TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01What OPTEMPO level and deployment frequency will nullify family support efforts tobuild strong Army families and retain Soldiers and families in the Army?What is the impact of continued deployments on child development in dual militaryfamilies where both military members deploy?Should the Army have documented organizations performing rear detachment functions?At what level?How should the Army interact with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs to assurecontinued quality service to veterans?What are the dimensions of how active Army and reserve component Soldiers are drawnfrom American society and then return to it?167

<strong>TRADOC</strong> <strong>Pam</strong> <strong>525</strong>-3-7-<strong>01</strong>What OPTEMPO level and deployment frequency will nullify family support efforts tobuild strong <strong>Army</strong> families and retain Soldiers and families in the <strong>Army</strong>?What is the impact of continued deployments on child development in dual militaryfamilies where both military members deploy?Should the <strong>Army</strong> have documented organizations performing rear detachment functions?At what level?How should the <strong>Army</strong> interact with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs to assurecontinued quality service to veterans?What are the dimensions of how active <strong>Army</strong> and reserve component Soldiers are drawnfrom American society and then return to it?167

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