TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army

TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army

TRADOC Pam 525-3-7-01 - TRADOC - U.S. Army

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<strong>TRADOC</strong> <strong>Pam</strong> <strong>525</strong>-3-7-<strong>01</strong>providing greater opportunities for advanced civil schooling, and broadening professionalmilitary education by increasing opportunities for exposure to other institutions and cultures.Finally, in addition to the six enablers above, the future leader education and developmentsystem should provide shared learning opportunities. Currently “the <strong>Army</strong> misses shared trainingopportunities because the officer, NCO, and warrant officer education systems are stove pipedand not interrelated.” 135 In the future, the leader education system will provide shared trainingand educational experiences that will better prepare officers, NCOs and warrant officers to worktogether effectively. The end state of the transformed leader development and education systemwill be leaders who are confident, diligent, and resourceful learners able to self-assess andrecognize gaps in their knowledge and skills and seek out new information to build expertise overtime.Improved Accessibility of Training, Education and KnowledgeThe future training system must be as responsive as the future <strong>Army</strong> itself, anticipatingSoldier, leader and unit training and information requirements to make the right training andinformation available on demand. Training will reflect the global nature of <strong>Army</strong> operations aspart of JIM missions and the need to deliver, on a push and pull basis, appropriate, dynamic,tactically realistic training to units during deployment, reset, train, ready phase, andredeployment, as well as to Soldiers in the institution, and at home station. Distributed trainingwill use a common operating environment easily accessed by Soldiers, whenever and whereverneeded. The <strong>Army</strong> must exploit advanced training technologies and processes to integrateindividual and collective training during routine operations.The future <strong>Army</strong> will rely heavily on well-designed DL as a means of increasing trainingaccessibility, tailorability, and efficiency. Use of DL to individualize training to the needs of aspecific Soldier and his or her duty assignment will reduce the time and cost to achieve trainingobjectives. The <strong>Army</strong> will frequently employ a blended approach to learning that will combinesynchronous DL (for example, video tele-training and audio conferencing) and asynchronous DL(for example, students taking on-line courses at their convenience) with live and face-to-facetraining as appropriate. It is likely that the <strong>Army</strong>’s future experience will parallel that of futureeducational systems and training in industry where both organizationally planned and personallyinitiated training are essential. To paraphrase a recent article in the publication Chief LearningOfficer, in tomorrow’s <strong>Army</strong> despite the demanding future OE classroom time will still bevaluable for selected learning purposes. 136 However, the <strong>Army</strong> will have to adapt to the timesand to emerging educational technologies and implement new and more effective blendedlearning approaches. Classroom learning will no longer consist of isolated events meant totransfer information from trainer to trainee. Augmented by digital resource materials, face-tofaceinstruction will be part of an extended learning process that is student and team centered andincorporates on-line structured communities of practice that enable learners to converse withpeers. By blending these approaches the <strong>Army</strong> will enable Soldiers to learn in ways that suitthem best, and meet future learning challenges with the most effective and flexible solutionspossible.116

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