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[Remote controller displays malfunction code](Check on a remote controller connected to the indoor unit.)MalfunctioncodeE3F6E4F3U2U3U4UAUFUHInstallation errorThe shutoff valve of an outdoorunit is left closed.Refrigerant overcharge.Refrigerant overcharge.The shutoff valve of an outdoorunit is left closed.Insufficient refrigerant.Refrigerant overcharge.The shutoff valve of an outdoorunit is left closed.Insufficient refrigerant.Insufficient supply voltageIf a check operation has notbeen performed.Remedial actionOpen the gas-side shutoff valve and theliquid-side shutoff valve.Recalculate the required amount of refrigerantfrom the piping length and correctthe refrigerant charge level by recoveringany excessive refrigerant with a refrigerantrecovery machine.Recalculate the required amount of refrigerantfrom the piping length and correctthe refrigerant charge level by recoveringany excessive refrigerant with a refrigerantrecovery machine.Open the gas-side shutoff valve and theliquid-side shutoff valve.Check if the additional refrigerant chargehas been finished correctly.Recalculate the required amount of refrigerantfrom the piping length and add anadequate amount of refrigerant.Recalculate the required amount of refrigerantfrom the piping length and correctthe refrigerant charge level by recoveringany excessive refrigerant with a refrigerantrecovery machine.Open the gas-side shutoff valve and theliquid-side shutoff valve.Check if the additional refrigerant chargehas been finished correctly.Recalculate the required amount of refrigerantfrom the piping length and add anadequate amount of refrigerant.Check to see if the supply voltage is suppliedproperly.Perform a check operation.No power is supplied to an outdoorunit.Turn the power on for the outdoorunit.If no dedicated indoor unit isbeing used.The shutoff valve of an outdoorunit is left closed.If the right indoor unit piping andwiring are not properly connectedto the outdoor unit.If the transmission wiring hasnot be connected or it hasshorted.Check the indoor unit. If it is not a dedicatedunit, replace the indoor unit.Open the gas-side shutoff valve and theliquid-side shutoff valve.Make sure that the right indoor unit pipingand wiring are properly connected to theoutdoor unit.Make sure the transmission wiring is correctlyattached to terminals (X2M) F1/F2(TO IN/D UNIT) on the outdoor unit circuitboard.• When using a central controller, see the installation manual or servicemanual which came with the central controller.[If nothing is displayed on the remote controller]• There might be a problem with the connections or communicationbetween the indoor unit and the remote controller.Make sure all the wiring is properly connected.11. CAUTION FOR REFRIGERANT LEAKS(Points to note in connection with refrigerant leaks)IntroductionThe installer and system specialist shall secure safety againstleakage according to local regulations or standards. The followingstandards may be applicable if local regulations are not available.The VRV System, like other air conditioning systems, uses R410A asrefrigerant. R410A itself is an entirely safe non-toxic, non-combustiblerefrigerant. Nevertheless care must be taken to ensure that air conditioningfacilities are installed in a room which is sufficiently large. Thisassures that the maximum concentration level of refrigerant gas is notexceeded, in the unlikely event of major leak in the system and this inaccordance to the local applicable regulations and standards.Maximum concentration levelThe maximum charge of refrigerant and the calculation of the maximumconcentration of refrigerant is directly related to the humanly occupiedspace in to which it could leak.The unit of measurement of the concentration is lb./ft 3 ( the weight in lb.of the refrigerant gas in 1ft 3volume of the occupied space).Compliance to the local applicable regulations and standards for themaximum allowable concentration level is required.Pay a special attention to the place, such as a basement, etc.where refrigerant can stay, since refrigerant is heavier than air.Procedure for checking maximum concentrationCheck the maximum concentration level in accordance with steps 1 to 4below and take whatever action is necessary to comply.1. Calculate the amount of refrigerant (lb.) charged to each systemseparately.amount of refrigerantin a single unitsystem (amount ofrefrigerant withwhich the systemis charged beforeleaving the factory)Direction of the refrigerant flow+additional chargingamount (amount ofrefrigerant addedlocally in accordancewith the length ordiameter of the refrigerantpiping)Room whererefrigerant leakhas occurred(outflow of all therefrigerant fromthe system)NOTE• Where a single refrigerant facility is divided into 2 entirely independentrefrigerant systems then use the amount of refrigerant withwhich each separate system is charged.2. Calculate the smallest room volume (ft 3 )Incase like the following, calculate the volume of (A), (B) as a singleroom or as the smallest room.A.Where there are no smaller room divisions=total amountof refrigerant(lb.) inthe systemCAUTIONTo the pipe-layer, To the electricianAfter the test run, when handing the unit over to the customer, makesure the front panel on the unit and all screws are attached.English 14

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