Clock - Uranium Supply Crunch and Critical ... - Andrew Johns

Clock - Uranium Supply Crunch and Critical ... - Andrew Johns Clock - Uranium Supply Crunch and Critical ... - Andrew Johns
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Canada Research | Page 62 of 87UraniumExhibit 75: UUU NAVPS Sensitivity to Changing Discount Rates and Uranium PricesU3O8 Price (US$/lb)-40% -30% -20% -10% RJL LT +10% +20% +30% +40%#### 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 9815% 0.40 0.39 0.55 0.78 1.22 1.79 2.32 2.88 3.4112% 0.51 0.62 0.93 1.32 1.93 2.62 3.29 3.99 4.6410% 0.61 0.84 1.28 1.83 2.57 3.39 4.18 5.00 5.788% 0.76 1.13 1.74 2.50 3.43 4.42 5.37 6.35 7.28Discount Rate5% 1.10 1.80 2.79 4.01 5.36 6.72 8.02 9.36 10.653% 1.46 2.49 3.88 5.57 7.36 9.08 10.75 12.47 14.120% 2.38 4.25 6.61 9.48 12.35 15.00 17.57 20.21 22.77Source: Raymond James Ltd.Strong Partner. Russia’s state-owned uranium miner, JSC Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ),owns 51.4% of Uranium One and controls five of nine seats on the Board (including twoof five independents). We believe ARMZ views Uranium One as both an investment anda transparent vehicle to make global acquisitions, providing fuel for the Russian nuclearbuild-out via a largely market-related off-take agreement. This relationship has alsofacilitated Uranium One’s access to Russia’s bond market (a first for a foreign company),with a December 7, 2011 6.74% ruble bond offering grossing US$464 mln (fixed via swapat US$1.00:RUB30.855, reducing currency risk).We believe ARMZ’s stake reduces the likelihood of a takeover offer; however, it doesnot eliminate takeout potential completely, as the existing Framework Agreementallows ARMZ to sell its shares to a buyer if the offer is made on equivalent terms to allUranium One shareholders. Per provisions in the current framework agreement (expiresDecember 2013), ARMZ must vote for Uranium One’s independent director nomineesand cannot acquire more shares without Uranium One’s consent.Healthy Balance Sheet. As of March 31, 2012, Uranium One held US$512 mln in cash,US$620 mln in working capital, 3.87 Mlbs in inventory, and long-term debt of US$850mln. Assuming the company completes the 100% purchase of Mantra in June 2013E, webelieve they would be unlikely to make another significant acquisition in the near-term.Our model assumes that the company secures additional debt to complete the financing– further details are outlined below.Attractive Valuation. Uranium One is currently trading at 0.72x P/NAV, vs. its one-yearpre-Fukushima average of 1.22x and peers Cameco and Paladin at 1.15x and 0.63x,respectively; on a P/CF (2013E) basis, the company trades at 7.0x vs. Cameco at 9.9x andPaladin at 15.4x; Uranium One commands a premium at US$8.25/lb global 43-101resources, vs. global producer peers at US$4.74/lb, likely due to significant historicRussian resources and an impressive low-cost growth profile.Spotlight on Mkuju River, TanzaniaDeal Background. Recall, per the December 15, 2010 put/call option agreement withARMZ, Uranium One can acquire Mantra Resources and its Mkuju River project inTanzania. This deal was subsequently re-priced after Fukushima to ~US$1.04 bln andamended to include a pre-payment option, which Uranium One exercised by payingUS$150 mln in January 2012 (and in so doing, acquired 13.9% of Mantra from ARMZ).This pre-payment pushed the agreement deadline to June 7, 2013. Uranium One has the‘call’ option, until the deadline, to purchase the remainder (for a further ~US$0.9 bln)and ARMZ has the ‘put’ option, at the deadline, to sell to Uranium One on equivalentterms; however, in either case, Uranium One minority shareholder approval is requiredto complete the deal.Raymond James Ltd. | 2200 – 925 West Georgia Street | Vancouver BC Canada V6C 3L2

Uranium Canada Research | Page 63 of 87Pre-feasibility Study. The May 2011 study was based on reserves of 59.6 Mt grading 435ppm U3O8 (0.04%) for 57.1 Mlbs, or 56% of global Mkuju resource pounds at the time(based on a 200 ppm cut-off). A 5.2 Mtpa operation was considered with a 12-year minelife, at steady state producing 4.2 Mlbs/year at US$22.04/lb cash costs. Capital coststotaled US$391 mln. The study envisioned a conventional acid leach and resin-in-pulpprocess (RIP, ion exchange); however, a second stage heap leach of lower grade material isbeing contemplated in an updated feasibility study (expected 3Q12E) and which,according to Uranium One’s latest disclosures, could boost output to 5.7 Mlbs/year.Our Estimates. A November 2011 resource update lowered the cut-off grade to 100ppm (from 200 ppm), increasing global tonnages 67% to 182 Mt, contained metal 18%to 119 Mlbs, but slashing grades 30% to 297 ppm. In light of bolstered tonnages andgood exploration upside around the Nyota deposit, we model an up-sized, 8.6 Mtpaoperation with a 22-year mine life, starting in 2016E; however, lower grades,experiences at Paladin’s Kayelekera (also uses RIP), and potential risks surrounding theproposed heap leach component constrain our steady-state expectations to 4.5Mlbs/year at US$30/lb cash costs. It is also unclear to what degree the expandedresource can be converted to economically-extractable reserves. We model capexstarting (in earnest) in 2H13E and totaling US$650 mln – higher than the May 2011 prefeason our larger plant, heap leach, and general cost creep.External Capital Needed. Our model assumes Uranium One will pay US$0.9 bln to ARMZin June 2013E and fund 100% of our US$650 mln Mkuju capex estimate. Exit-1Q12Acash was US$512 mln and we project ~US$131 mln internal cash flows leading up to thepurchase date, suggesting additional external capital is required, potentially as rubledenominatedbonds. We assume notional debt issue of US$410 mln (7%) in 2Q13E,bringing the total debt burden to US$1.1 bln.Exhibit 76: Uranium One Projected Cash Flows and EOP CashUS$ mln (Cash Flow per Period)1,200900619558600405324251300 176 148263 2910-300-600-900-1,2002008A2009A2010A2011A2012A2013E2014E2015E2016ESource: Raymond James Ltd., Uranium One Inc.CFF CFI CFO Cash (EOP)8492017E9982018ELow Grade Heap Leach a Question Mark. Mining should be relatively straight-forwardwith Mkuju’s near-surface, tabular, loosely consolidated sandstone host; however, wehighlight the proposed heap leach component as a question mark. Heap leachinguranium ore has worked at Areva’s Somair (Niger), INB’s Caetite (Brazil), and ARMZ’sPriargunsky (Russia), where grades range from 0.2% – 0.3% U3O8 (per UxC). At lowergrade mines, though, similar aspirations have recently been shelved or deferred oneconomics, including Energy Resources of Australia’s Ranger (0.09%, global), Paladin’sLanger Heinrich (0.05%), and Areva’s Trekkopje (0.013%). At Mkuju, grades are now 30%lower vs. when the acquisition was first announced, at 0.03% – we highlight thepotential for similar economic headwinds on the heap leach component (this caution isreflected in our modeled output rates).Raymond James Ltd. | 2200 – 925 West Georgia Street | Vancouver BC Canada V6C 3L2

Canada Research | Page 62 of 87<strong>Uranium</strong>Exhibit 75: UUU NAVPS Sensitivity to Changing Discount Rates <strong>and</strong> <strong>Uranium</strong> PricesU3O8 Price (US$/lb)-40% -30% -20% -10% RJL LT +10% +20% +30% +40%#### 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 9815% 0.40 0.39 0.55 0.78 1.22 1.79 2.32 2.88 3.4112% 0.51 0.62 0.93 1.32 1.93 2.62 3.29 3.99 4.6410% 0.61 0.84 1.28 1.83 2.57 3.39 4.18 5.00 5.788% 0.76 1.13 1.74 2.50 3.43 4.42 5.37 6.35 7.28Discount Rate5% 1.10 1.80 2.79 4.01 5.36 6.72 8.02 9.36 10.653% 1.46 2.49 3.88 5.57 7.36 9.08 10.75 12.47 14.120% 2.38 4.25 6.61 9.48 12.35 15.00 17.57 20.21 22.77Source: Raymond James Ltd.Strong Partner. Russia’s state-owned uranium miner, JSC Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ),owns 51.4% of <strong>Uranium</strong> One <strong>and</strong> controls five of nine seats on the Board (including twoof five independents). We believe ARMZ views <strong>Uranium</strong> One as both an investment <strong>and</strong>a transparent vehicle to make global acquisitions, providing fuel for the Russian nuclearbuild-out via a largely market-related off-take agreement. This relationship has alsofacilitated <strong>Uranium</strong> One’s access to Russia’s bond market (a first for a foreign company),with a December 7, 2011 6.74% ruble bond offering grossing US$464 mln (fixed via swapat US$1.00:RUB30.855, reducing currency risk).We believe ARMZ’s stake reduces the likelihood of a takeover offer; however, it doesnot eliminate takeout potential completely, as the existing Framework Agreementallows ARMZ to sell its shares to a buyer if the offer is made on equivalent terms to all<strong>Uranium</strong> One shareholders. Per provisions in the current framework agreement (expiresDecember 2013), ARMZ must vote for <strong>Uranium</strong> One’s independent director nominees<strong>and</strong> cannot acquire more shares without <strong>Uranium</strong> One’s consent.Healthy Balance Sheet. As of March 31, 2012, <strong>Uranium</strong> One held US$512 mln in cash,US$620 mln in working capital, 3.87 Mlbs in inventory, <strong>and</strong> long-term debt of US$850mln. Assuming the company completes the 100% purchase of Mantra in June 2013E, webelieve they would be unlikely to make another significant acquisition in the near-term.Our model assumes that the company secures additional debt to complete the financing– further details are outlined below.Attractive Valuation. <strong>Uranium</strong> One is currently trading at 0.72x P/NAV, vs. its one-yearpre-Fukushima average of 1.22x <strong>and</strong> peers Cameco <strong>and</strong> Paladin at 1.15x <strong>and</strong> 0.63x,respectively; on a P/CF (2013E) basis, the company trades at 7.0x vs. Cameco at 9.9x <strong>and</strong>Paladin at 15.4x; <strong>Uranium</strong> One comm<strong>and</strong>s a premium at US$8.25/lb global 43-101resources, vs. global producer peers at US$4.74/lb, likely due to significant historicRussian resources <strong>and</strong> an impressive low-cost growth profile.Spotlight on Mkuju River, TanzaniaDeal Background. Recall, per the December 15, 2010 put/call option agreement withARMZ, <strong>Uranium</strong> One can acquire Mantra Resources <strong>and</strong> its Mkuju River project inTanzania. This deal was subsequently re-priced after Fukushima to ~US$1.04 bln <strong>and</strong>amended to include a pre-payment option, which <strong>Uranium</strong> One exercised by payingUS$150 mln in January 2012 (<strong>and</strong> in so doing, acquired 13.9% of Mantra from ARMZ).This pre-payment pushed the agreement deadline to June 7, 2013. <strong>Uranium</strong> One has the‘call’ option, until the deadline, to purchase the remainder (for a further ~US$0.9 bln)<strong>and</strong> ARMZ has the ‘put’ option, at the deadline, to sell to <strong>Uranium</strong> One on equivalentterms; however, in either case, <strong>Uranium</strong> One minority shareholder approval is requiredto complete the deal.Raymond James Ltd. | 2200 – 925 West Georgia Street | Vancouver BC Canada V6C 3L2

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