Tag F-441 Compliance Aid - Medline

Tag F-441 Compliance Aid - Medline

Tag F-441 Compliance Aid - Medline

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INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL BEST PRACTICESFOR LONG TERM CARE AND COMMUNITY CARE INCLUDING HEALTH CARE OFFICES AND AMBULATORY CLINICSAPPENDIX III – AUDIT TOOL (A)LONG TERM CARE AUDIT (CONTINUED)AREAS AND ITEMSCOMMENTSFULLYIMPLEMENTEDPARTLYIMPLEMENTEDNOTIMPLEMENTEDN/AWritten policies outline work exclusions:Dermatitis on handsDisseminated shinglesInitial days of a coldDiarrheaEye infection until treatedWritten policy outlines Bloodborne Pathogen Followup(Sharps injury or blood splash)Education is provided to staff annually on Infectionprevention and ControlEducation is provided on risk assessment, routinepractices and equipment cleaningRate of Staff Flu vaccination year_______Rate of Resident Flu vaccinationOUTBREAK MANAGEMENTWritten policies identify notification process forclusters of symptoms or outbreaksWritten policies and procedures exist for managingoutbreaksIncluding tools for tracking casesand a communication planSource: Canadian Committee on Antibiotic Resistance (2007) Infection Prevention and Control Best Practices for Long TermCare, Home and Community Care including Health Care Offices and Ambulatory Clinics

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