7U545 Master Project 3 REMD (9 ects)

7U545 Master Project 3 REMD (9 ects) 7U545 Master Project 3 REMD (9 ects)

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7U545 Master Project 3 REMD (9 ects)Preparation for the graduation projectStarting in the academic year 2010 - 2011 the graduation phase consists of three parts:1. Preparation for the graduation project (7U545, 9 ects, M3 project)2. Research plan (7UU41, 4 ects)3. Graduation project (7UU37, 37 ects).This new procedure applies only to students attending the new 6 ects exerciseResearch Skills (7U890). For those who completed the former version of ResearchSkills, that project (7U515) is regarded as M3.The preparation (part 1) is explained in this document. The other parts are describedin the graduation manual that can be found on the website (to be revised, see below;http://w3.bwk.tue.nl/fileadmin/bwk/umds/REM_D/Afstudeerprotocol__E__01.pdf).GoalsThe purpose of the preparation is to arrive at a well-considered choice of the subjectmatter that will be researched in the graduation project. Therefore, the project has anexploratory character leading to a definition of the subject that is sufficiently clear tobe elaborated in the research plan (part 2). At the same time, this subject should matchthe core business of REMD and the research interests of the staff members who willsupervise the graduation project.Set-upTo reach these goals, the set-up of the project is as follows.1.During two weeks after the start of each quartile (thus 4 times a year), students in thesecond year of their master study may sign up for 7U545 on studyweb (because of itsbearing on the graduation phase, this project is not eligible for students in their firstmaster year).2.The appendices of the graduation manual contain an overview of the core business ofREMD and the research interests of the staff members. These interests serve to makea preliminary choice of one or more potential graduation topics. The appendices arebeing revised; for now, their present content can still be used to make a choice (therest of the procedure in the graduation manual also needs to be updated; when steps inthe graduation manual differ from the ones that are described here, these latter onesapply).3.The student describes his or her preliminary choice of subjects, together with a shortexplanation of the motives and the way the necessary information will be gathered toacquire enough basic knowledge concerning the alternatives to enable a definitivechoice of the graduation subject. The preliminary list can be short (a single subject;see the strategies below) or longer (containing more or even heterogeneous subjects).The description should be short (not more than one page).Possible strategies to obtain the relevant information are:- an internship (internal, external or abroad; 9 ects or shorter);

<strong>7U545</strong> <strong>Master</strong> <strong>Project</strong> 3 <strong>REMD</strong> (9 <strong>ects</strong>)Preparation for the graduation projectStarting in the academic year 2010 - 2011 the graduation phase consists of three parts:1. Preparation for the graduation project (<strong>7U545</strong>, 9 <strong>ects</strong>, M3 project)2. Research plan (7UU41, 4 <strong>ects</strong>)3. Graduation project (7UU37, 37 <strong>ects</strong>).This new procedure applies only to students attending the new 6 <strong>ects</strong> exerciseResearch Skills (7U890). For those who completed the former version of ResearchSkills, that project (7U515) is regarded as M3.The preparation (part 1) is explained in this document. The other parts are describedin the graduation manual that can be found on the website (to be revised, see below;http://w3.bwk.tue.nl/fileadmin/bwk/umds/REM_D/Afstudeerprotocol__E__01.pdf).GoalsThe purpose of the preparation is to arrive at a well-considered choice of the subjectmatter that will be researched in the graduation project. Therefore, the project has anexploratory character leading to a definition of the subject that is sufficiently clear tobe elaborated in the research plan (part 2). At the same time, this subject should matchthe core business of <strong>REMD</strong> and the research interests of the staff members who willsupervise the graduation project.Set-upTo reach these goals, the set-up of the project is as follows.1.During two weeks after the start of each quartile (thus 4 times a year), students in thesecond year of their master study may sign up for <strong>7U545</strong> on studyweb (because of itsbearing on the graduation phase, this project is not eligible for students in their firstmaster year).2.The appendices of the graduation manual contain an overview of the core business of<strong>REMD</strong> and the research interests of the staff members. These interests serve to makea preliminary choice of one or more potential graduation topics. The appendices arebeing revised; for now, their present content can still be used to make a choice (therest of the procedure in the graduation manual also needs to be updated; when steps inthe graduation manual differ from the ones that are described here, these latter onesapply).3.The student describes his or her preliminary choice of subj<strong>ects</strong>, together with a shortexplanation of the motives and the way the necessary information will be gathered toacquire enough basic knowledge concerning the alternatives to enable a definitivechoice of the graduation subject. The preliminary list can be short (a single subject;see the strategies below) or longer (containing more or even heterogeneous subj<strong>ects</strong>).The description should be short (not more than one page).Possible strategies to obtain the relevant information are:- an internship (internal, external or abroad; 9 <strong>ects</strong> or shorter);

- an exploratory literature study (this is unlike the literature study in the final projectwhich will be more in-depth; in this case, one could search, for example, for existingknowledge gaps or recommendations that are related to the preferred subj<strong>ects</strong>together with the reasons for those recommendations; an exploratory literature studyis recommended when the preliminary list contains only one subject);- interviews or conversations with experts or representatives of relevant companies(without, of course, entering into a definitive agreement with such a company);- attending some lectures or using other educational resources;- a combination of the above;- other suggestions (as long as it fits the purpose of the project).4.The description should be handed in at the secretary's office (Annemiek Engelen). Itwill be discussed in a staff meeting to evaluate the subj<strong>ects</strong> and the strategy and todecide which staff member will be the contact person for the student (this will usuallybe the staff member who has the closest interest in the subj<strong>ects</strong>; sometimes it willconcern more staff members). It may be necessary to rewrite the proposal.5.The student carries out the activities in consultation with the contact person.6.To complete the project, the student writes a short report covering the activities, thefinal choice and the motivation of that choice (max. 2 pages). This is handed in at thesecretary's office.7.The report is discussed in a staff meeting. A staff member is appointed as supervisorof the graduation project. This will usually be the contact person, but it may also beanother staff member with a relevant expertise in view of the time that is available.This supervisor will assist the student in writing the research plan (the second part ofthe procedure).

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