Saudi Arabia Beckons - ST Electronics

Saudi Arabia Beckons - ST Electronics Saudi Arabia Beckons - ST Electronics
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featureSaudi Arabia BeckonsContract signing ceremony between Al-Afandi Establishment and STEE-InfoCommDuring a business trip to SaudiArabia in 2001, Mr Seah MoonMing, President, ST ElectronicsGroup, and Mr Lau Thiam Beng,President, ST Electronics (Info-Comm Systems) Pte Ltd sawthe opportunity to work withAl-Afandi Establishment in theKingdom of Saudi Arabia. Thatfirst meeting started the companyon a journey to the birth of astrong partnership withAl-Afandi Establishment andsuccess in the Middle East.Al-Afandi Establishment andST Electronics signed a teamingagreement in 2005 that establisheda formal relationship betweenthe two parties. Thus wasfollowed by a joint bid submissionin 2006 for the Automated TrafficViolations Administering andMonitoring (ATVAM) project inSaudi Arabia. The result saw theconsortium beating major internationalcompetitors to win theS$60m landmark project awardedby the General Traffic Directorate,Ministry of Interior for SaudiArabia in 2007.ST Electronics (Info-CommSystems) will provide IntegratedTraffic Management andSecurity Systems for the ATVAMproject. Working closely withthe Consortium of Al-Afandi,STEE-InfoComm will design,supply, implement, operate andmaintain an Intelligent TransportManagement and SecuritySystem for three major regionsin Saudi Arabia. These threeregions include the EasternProvince (Dammam, Khobar andDhahran), Aseer Province (Abha,Khamis Mushait and AhadRufaidah) and Tabuk City.STEE-InfoComm to provide Saudi Arabia with itsIntegrated Traffic Management and Security SystemAl-Afandi Establishment hasover 40 years of experience ingovernment projects, largedevelopments, technology innovationand applications in SaudiArabia. ST Electronics’ in-depthand field-proven expertise indeveloping integrated transportsystems coupled with Al-AfandiEstablishment’s strong understandingof the local transportneeds will ensure the delivery ofa quality and advanced transportsystem for Saudi Arabia.Built on an open architecture,this highly automated and robustsystem will deploy state-of-thearttechnologies to provide earlydetection of incidents on roads,continued on page 17...16 electronics review

feature<strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Arabia</strong> <strong>Beckons</strong>Contract signing ceremony between Al-Afandi Establishment and <strong>ST</strong>EE-InfoCommDuring a business trip to <strong>Saudi</strong><strong>Arabia</strong> in 2001, Mr Seah MoonMing, President, <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>Group, and Mr Lau Thiam Beng,President, <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> (Info-Comm Systems) Pte Ltd sawthe opportunity to work withAl-Afandi Establishment in theKingdom of <strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Arabia</strong>. Thatfirst meeting started the companyon a journey to the birth of astrong partnership withAl-Afandi Establishment andsuccess in the Middle East.Al-Afandi Establishment and<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> signed a teamingagreement in 2005 that establisheda formal relationship betweenthe two parties. Thus wasfollowed by a joint bid submissionin 2006 for the Automated TrafficViolations Administering andMonitoring (ATVAM) project in<strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Arabia</strong>. The result saw theconsortium beating major internationalcompetitors to win theS$60m landmark project awardedby the General Traffic Directorate,Ministry of Interior for <strong>Saudi</strong><strong>Arabia</strong> in 2007.<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> (Info-CommSystems) will provide IntegratedTraffic Management andSecurity Systems for the ATVAMproject. Working closely withthe Consortium of Al-Afandi,<strong>ST</strong>EE-InfoComm will design,supply, implement, operate andmaintain an Intelligent TransportManagement and SecuritySystem for three major regionsin <strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Arabia</strong>. These threeregions include the EasternProvince (Dammam, Khobar andDhahran), Aseer Province (Abha,Khamis Mushait and AhadRufaidah) and Tabuk City.<strong>ST</strong>EE-InfoComm to provide <strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Arabia</strong> with itsIntegrated Traffic Management and Security SystemAl-Afandi Establishment hasover 40 years of experience ingovernment projects, largedevelopments, technology innovationand applications in <strong>Saudi</strong><strong>Arabia</strong>. <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>’ in-depthand field-proven expertise indeveloping integrated transportsystems coupled with Al-AfandiEstablishment’s strong understandingof the local transportneeds will ensure the delivery ofa quality and advanced transportsystem for <strong>Saudi</strong> <strong>Arabia</strong>.Built on an open architecture,this highly automated and robustsystem will deploy state-of-thearttechnologies to provide earlydetection of incidents on roads,continued on page 17...16 electronics review

feature... continued from page 16enhance road safety, minimisetraffic congestion, improve securityand ensure smooth integrationof various sub-systems forthe three regions. The solutionwill include an Integrated TrafficManagement Central ControlSystem, Traffic Signal and ControlManagement System, DynamicMessage Signs System, VideobasedIncident Detection System,Vehicle Tracking Security System(License Plate Recognition),Mobile Vehicle Tracking SecuritySystem and Automatic VehicleLocator System. <strong>ST</strong>EE-InfoCommwill deliver this system over atwo-year period from early 2008.The ATVAM project is an excellentlandmark project for <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>to extend its world-class, awardwinningtransport solutions tothe Middle East. This contracthas also escalated <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>’global status as a leadinginfocomm technologies (ICT)solutions provider for intelligenttransportation systems.<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>’ competitive edgelies in its ability to customisecomplex system solutions thatoptimise the system’s performancefor the benefit of itsstakeholders. With investmentin research and development,it has won awards and patentsfor developing cutting-edgetechnologies and solutions in thisfield. Its expertise in customisingintelligent transport systems andsolutions is evidenced through itstrack record which includes usersin Singapore’s Land TransportAuthority (LTA) and China’sSuzhou City Public SecurityBureau. Its rail solutions are usedin Beijing and Guangzhou inChina, Taiwan, the Philippines,Thailand and soon, Turkey.<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong> jointly developedi-Transport, a large-scale transportsystem, with LTA. Thissolution fully integrates existingintelligent transport systems intoa unified platform that deliversbenefits such as timely disseminationof traffic information to roadusers, an efficient and cost-effectivemeans of managing traffic flow,automated decision support andtraffic simulation system via anexpert system.<strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>’ internationalmarket growth has seen successesin the Middle East for anIntegrated Security System forFestival Waterfront Centre inDubai Festival City, a securityconsultancy in Qatar, VariableMessaging Systems in Oman andVSAT hubs in various regions. Ithas also provided building securitysystems for CCTV, fire protectionand camera surveillance forDoha’s old Souq.Winning the ATVAM projectreinforced the company’s standingin this field and strengthensits foothold in the Middle Eastmarket.For more information, please contact<strong>ST</strong>EE-InfoComm at (65) 6567 6769 oremail: info_infocomm@stee.stengg.comThe ATVAM project isan excellent landmarkproject for <strong>ST</strong> <strong>Electronics</strong>to extend its world-class,award-winning transportsolutions to the MiddleEastvolume 20 no. 3 17

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