WIMAP Newsletter Number 4 - Wollongong City Council

WIMAP Newsletter Number 4 - Wollongong City Council WIMAP Newsletter Number 4 - Wollongong City Council

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Wollongong Indian Myna Action Program, Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC NSW 2500e- mail: pap@wollongong.nsw.gov.au Phone: 42 27 8138 or 42 27 8112You are an important part of the communities and councils all across Australia getting involvedin local myna bird control. Your efforts are helping to reduce the damage they cause andpreventing myna's from spreading into new areas.Thanks to all workshop participants for their interest and assistance in making the program as successful as ithas been. We hope that you will continue to support the program through monitoring and / or trapping IndianMynas as well as encouraging other people in the community to attend a workshop and get involved.HERE ARE SOME OF THE STATISTICS TO DATE(SINCE MARCH 2011) …50 Workshops have been conducted716 Participants have completed a workshop504 Traps have been purchased2,743 birds have been trapped that we are aware of(… based on statistics from sighting sheets that have been sent in)Wollongong City Council has assisted with the euthanising of 298 of these birds

<strong>Wollongong</strong> Indian Myna Action Program, Locked Bag 8821, <strong>Wollongong</strong> DC NSW 2500e- mail: pap@wollongong.nsw.gov.au Phone: 42 27 8138 or 42 27 8112You are an important part of the communities and councils all across Australia getting involvedin local myna bird control. Your efforts are helping to reduce the damage they cause andpreventing myna's from spreading into new areas.Thanks to all workshop participants for their interest and assistance in making the program as successful as ithas been. We hope that you will continue to support the program through monitoring and / or trapping IndianMynas as well as encouraging other people in the community to attend a workshop and get involved.HERE ARE SOME OF THE STATISTICS TO DATE(SINCE MARCH 2011) …50 Workshops have been conducted716 Participants have completed a workshop504 Traps have been purchased2,743 birds have been trapped that we are aware of(… based on statistics from sighting sheets that have been sent in)<strong>Wollongong</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has assisted with the euthanising of 298 of these birds

INDIAN MYNAS TRAPPED BY SUBURB (MARCH 2011- JUNE 2013)(from Sighting and Trapping Record Sheets that have been sent in)300250200150100500HelensburghCoalcliffAustinmerThirroulBulliWoononaRussell ValeCorrimalBellambiEast CorrimalTowradgiFernhillTarrawannaBalgownieFairy MeadowMount OusleyNorth <strong>Wollongong</strong><strong>Wollongong</strong>GwynnevilleKeiravilleWest <strong>Wollongong</strong>MangertonMount Saint ThomasFigtreeCordeaux HeightsUnanderraFarmborough HeightsBerkeleyCringillaWarrawongPort KemblaPrimbeeWindangKanahookaKoonawarraDaptoHorsleyWarillaFlindersShellharbourShell CoveKiamaOther

<strong>WIMAP</strong> HAS A NEW PHONE NUMBER<strong>Council</strong> is currently implementing a new phone system and the phone number previously used will nolonger be connected. For Indian Myna bird queries you will now need to call 42 27 8138 (Monday,Friday) or 42 27 8112 (Tuesday to Thursday).To check if you can bring trapped Indian Mynas into the Bellambi GeoTech Lab to be euthanised aspart of our euthanising service outside the 11:00am-12:00pm timeframe (Monday to Friday) please call42 27 8112.TIME TO REMOVE NESTING MATERIAL AND BLOCK UP ENTRY POINTSIt is great time to ensure potential entry holes into your roof and eaves are blocked and roof tilessecure to prevent potential entry points by Indian Mynas during the next nesting season. Indian Mynaswill often return to the same nesting site as the previous season and will continue to build upon nestsformerly created. If you had Mynas nesting in your roof, eaves or gutters recently it would also be agood idea to have the nesting material that has been left behind removed before spring arrives.TRAPPING ISSUES?Having issues getting Indian Mynas to go into your trap?Why not try some of the these tips and see if you have any more success getting them to go into thetrap?…If you have not had any success for some time it might be best to put the trap away for at least aweek or so and let the birds forget about it. When you bring it back out give them a free feedand let them get used to the trap. Once they are used to the trap and comfortable with it thenbait it as normalIf the birds are going into the trap and coming out again, gradually try and close the twines atthe end of the tunnel a bit tighter until they can’t get outWhen baiting try and put a reasonable amount of bait where the twines are at the end of thefunnel to distract the birds from noticing that they are walking past the twines. Place areasonable amount of bait in the bottom chamber of the trap to entice them into it.Only put a few pieces of bait in the tunnel … you only want them to work out where to go intothe trap when they are in the tunnel. The rest of the bait should be in the bottom chamber.If you are still having issues after trying these suggestions then let us know so that we can try and assistyou further with getting the birds into the trap.

CORRIMAL MENS SHED UPDATE …NEW NESTING BOX DESIGN NOW AVAILABLECorrimal Men’s Shed are now selling Nesting Boxes that have beendesigned to be used as a trapping chamber for Indian Mynas. The nestingbox has a ‘drop bottom’ which permits easy removal of dead birds afterbeing gassed. It is also hoped that the nesting boxes will potentiallyencourage native species to return to backyards that have been taken overby Indian Mynas.Nesting boxes are available for $45 each and there is no limit to the numberyou can purchase. To purchase nesting boxes please contact the CorrimalMens Shed on 4283 4994 (Tuesday to Thursday 9am to 3pm). Location -Cnr Underwood and Russell Streets, Corrimal - behind the Church, entervia lane off Underwood Street.ABC STORY ON CORRIMAL MENS SHED MYNA BIRD TRAPSThe ABC visited Corrimal Mens Shed recently todo a story on their involvement with the <strong>WIMAP</strong> inregards to making the traps. If you would like toview the story go tohttp://www.abc.net.au/local/videos/2013/05/17/3761518.htm

<strong>WIMAP</strong> UWS PhD RESEARCH UPDATEGonzalo has been busy undertaking surveyswhich will assist to determine the currentdistribution and abundance of both IndianMynas and Native species within selectedlocations within the <strong>Wollongong</strong> LGA. This willbe compared with surveys to be undertaken inthe future and assist in determining the successof the trapping program.If you would like to help Gonzalo with hisresearch you can assist by entering Indian Mynasightings into the MynaScan website (seebelow).Gonzalo is also dissecting Indian Mynas euthanised by participants of the <strong>WIMAP</strong> as part of hisresearch. If you have freshly euthanised Indian Myna birds and are interested in contributing them tothe study they can be dropped off to the GeoTech Lab at Watts Lane, Bellambi (Monday to Friday).UWS NEEDS NEW TRAPPERS TO HELP WITH RESEARCHThe University of Western Sydney is requesting that anyone that has attended a workshop and isabout to begin trapping to take part in a bird survey of their backyard. The survey involves undertakinga bird count on a weekly basis for 20 minutes (during the first 3 hours of sunrise or 2 hours beforesunset). Surveys should be undertaken 3 weeks prior to commencing the myna trapping program andfor 3 weeks after completion of the program.Surveys can be completed online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/birdwatching or a hard copy canrequested by calling 42 27 78112 or e-mailing pap@wollongong.nsw.gov.au.THANKS LISA !Thanks to Lisa of Kanahooka who has been doing a letter box drop in to get more people involvedwith the program.If you are also interested in doing a letter box drop in your street please call Cassie on 42 27 8138(Monday and Friday).

MYNASCAN UPDATEhttp://www.feralscan.org.au/mynascan/default.aspxWe have been working closely with the Invasive Animals CRC to customise the MynaScan database tobest suit the needs of the <strong>Wollongong</strong> Indian Myna Action Program for current and futuremanagement of the Indian Myna in our local area.We will soon be establishing our own <strong>WIMAP</strong> group which will permit workshop participants to enterrecords and view other sightings entered by those in our group at a finer scale. Sightings can beentered for any location and not just your backyard. This will provide a more interactive experiencefor those involved in the program.The other exciting news on MynaScan is that it a new smartphone version has been released, allowinganyone with a smartphone to enter sightings while they are out and about.For anyone who is a keen photographer you can also upload your Indian Myna photos to the websiteas well.HUNGRY BLUE TONGUE LIZARD FINDS ITSWAY INTO A MYNA BIRD TRAPThanks to Grant of Balgownie who sent in this photo of ablue tongue lizard caught in the bottom of a myna birdtrap. It is important to remember to keep an eye on yourtrap when it is baited so that you can release any nontargetspecies as soon as possible. Some other non-targetspecies that have been reported include female bowerbirds, rats, sparrows and magpies.Since beginning the trapping program in May 2012 Granthas caught 41 Indian Mynas and we are glad to report thathe is also seeing blue wrens in the garden now, and theoccasional Magpie. Well done Grant!

STORIES FROM <strong>WIMAP</strong> PARTICIPANTS WANTEDIf you would like to put an article into one of our newsletters in the future in regards to your trappingsuccess or other Myna bird stories please forward it to pap@wollongong.nsw.gov.au or post it to the<strong>WIMAP</strong> address below. Photos would also be appreciated.APRIL - JUNE QUARTERLY SIGHTING AND TRAPPING SHEETS DUE SOONDon’t forget to send in your Sighting and Trapping Record sheets for the April – June quarter alongwith any others that you have not submitted. It is very important that we get this information back tounderstand the success of participants as well as to keep with program going … without your data wehave nothing to report on.FREE PLANTS STILL BEING OFFERED TO WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTSWe are still offering complimentary plant redemption certificates for free tubestock from the<strong>Wollongong</strong> Botanic Garden Nursery for the submission of your Sighting and Trapping Record Sheets.For every three months of data (or full sighting sheet) we receive, the <strong>WIMAP</strong> program will provideparticipants with a certificate to present at the <strong>Wollongong</strong> Botanic Garden Nursery on a Greenplanday to collect four complimentary plants. To take advantage of this offer simply fill in your <strong>WIMAP</strong>Sighting and Trapping Record Sheet and send it to us. If you have attended a workshop but are notundertaking the trapping program just fill in the sightings column.For up to date survey sheets you can either download them from <strong>Council</strong>s website (see below) or call42 27 8112 and ask us to send them out with some Reply Paid envelopes.

START CREATING A HABITAT GARDEN WITH PLANTS FROM GREENPLANBy creating a habitat garden you will deter Indian Mynas from coming into your yard as well as create asafe haven for our native wildlife.<strong>Wollongong</strong> ratepayers can purchase local indigenous trees, shrubs, ground covers and grasses fromthe Greenplan Nursery at a low cost. Qualified Horticultralists and Friends of <strong>Wollongong</strong> BotanicGarden Volunteers are on-site to give advice on plant selection for your garden. The Birds inBackyards website also has a wealth of information in regards to getting started on creating a habitatgarden - http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/.Greenplan is open on the third Friday of every month between 7:30am and 2:30pm on NorthfieldsAvenue, Keiraville. Be sure to bring your rates notice on the day. Payment by card (not AMEX) orcheque; no cash will be accepted. Native plants are limited to 25 plants each financial year.SIGHTING AND TRAPPING RECORD SHEETS AVAILABLE ONLINESighting and Trapping Record Sheets can be downloaded from the <strong>Wollongong</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Vertebrate Pest Species pagehttp://www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/services/sustainability/Pages/ VertebratePestManagement.aspxNEW CAR / TRAP STICKERSWe now have weatherproof <strong>WIMAP</strong> stickers available to stick on your trap or to use as a car sticker.If you would like a sticker to be sent out to you please let us know via e-mail or calling42 27 8138.FREE BIRDWATCHING WORKSHOP AT KORRONGULLA WETLANDAVAILABLE TO <strong>WIMAP</strong> PARTICIPANTS<strong>Council</strong>s Bushcare is organising a birdwatching workshop to be presented by experiencedbirdwatchers Alan Cousins and Charles Dove on a Saturday 12 th October, 2013 at KorrongullaWetland, Primbee. <strong>WIMAP</strong> participants are invited to join in on the free workshop. If you would liketo attend please contact our Bushcare Officer, Paul Hellier on 4227 8109.

UPCOMING <strong>WIMAP</strong> WORKSHOP DATESWe still continue to run workshops on a regular basis. If you haven’t already attended a workshop orknow someone who is interested we will be running them on the following dates:Friday 28 th JuneSaturday 27 th JulyFriday 16 th AugustAll workshops run from 10:00 am for approximately 1.5 hours at BellambiBookings are essentialPlease call Customer Service on 42 27 7111 to registerWOLLONGONG BOTANIC GARDEN ACTIVITIES …FREE GUIDED BIRD WALKFirst Thursday of each month from 12:30pm the Illawarra Birders will lead you on an hour long walkthrough the Botanic Garden to locate and identify local birdlife. Bookings not essential.SCHOOL HOLIDAYS ACTIVITIES FOR KIDSMonday 1 to Friday 5 July – 10:30am to 1:30pm.Daily activities:• Tree Treasure Hunt• Waste Wise Crafts• Book Swap• ‘A Winter Tale’-• Garden TheatreEveryone is encouraged to bring a book to swap. Activities suitable for children aged 3 to 12 years.Children must be accompanied by an adultCost: $9 per child, Family package (2 or more children) $17Bookings aren't necessary for families and individuals, but vacation care groups need to reserve a spot.For more information on these activities contact <strong>Wollongong</strong> Botanic Garden on 4225 2636 orbotanicgarden@wollongong.nsw.gov.aur large group

USEFUL WEBSITESWOLLONGONG COUNCIL WEBSITEhttp://www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au/services/sustainability/Pages/VertebratePestManagement.aspxProvides further information for <strong>Wollongong</strong> Indian Myna Action Program including the following:MYNASCANStandard Operating Procedures for trapping of pest birdsInformation regarding methods of euthanasiaIndian Myna sighting and trapping record sheetsCurrent newsletter.http://www.feralscan.org.au/mynascan/A community website put together by the NSW Department of Primary Industries that allows you tomap sightings of introduced Myna birds and the problems they are causing in your local area.THE CANBERRA INDIAN MYNA ACTION GROUP INC. (CIMAG)www.indianmynaaction.org.auCIMAG is a community group which was formed in April 2006. For those on the internet, they have aninformative website that is worth a visit. They have a wonderful newsletter “Myna Matters” that coversactivities and progress being made towards reducing myna numbers in the regionBIRDS IN BACKYARDSwww.birdsinbackyards.netFor all keen gardeners and birdwatchers, the Birds in Backyard Website contains a wealth ofinformation to help you identify birds in your backyard, create a bird friendly garden, lists of birdattracting plants and forums.CORRIMAL MEN’S SHEDhttp://corrimalmensshed.weebly.com/

Thanks to those of you who have beensending in your sighting and trapping record sheets!We appreciate your time and effort.ARE YOU MOVING OR DO YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR CONTACT DETAILS?Name: _______________________________________________________________Address: _____________________________________________________________Phone: _______________________________________________________________E-mail: _______________________________________________________________Please return to:<strong>Wollongong</strong> Indian Myna Action ProgramLocked Bag 8821<strong>Wollongong</strong> DC NSW 2500or e-mail updated details to pap@wollongong.nsw.gov.auWhat would you rather have?

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