Here - Carmenica Diaz

Here - Carmenica Diaz

Here - Carmenica Diaz

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Happy New Year – 2An alternative ending by an anonymous reader.Late Tuesday nightChristmas Eve and Colin’s humiliation had been on Tuesday evening. Colin had lain awake late thatnight thinking about all Rita meant to him but also of how cruel and indifferent she had become. It wasobvious that she had been planning her revenge for months, all the while acting the loving, ifincreasingly demanding, wife. As he reviewed last night’s events Colin realized that he had to assess thechanged situation in which he found himself.Rita’s aggressiveness, her threats of no intercourse, her demanding a year of his chastity (with a wankmonthly if he was well behaved), her declaration that not only would he be eating her to orgasm butthat she would repeat the smothering of his face with her buttocks, her forcing the feces tainted dildointo his mouth (while she carefully insulated her vagina by using a condom) and her forcing him intofurther humiliation every time he went into the village had convinced him that he no longer had theloving relationship the last five years of his marriage had seemed. Now he was a chastised sex slave andhe didn’t much enjoy the idea. Rita was no longer his loving supportive wife but a cruel and demandingmistress, and he spent most of the night wondering if his marriage was at an end.Wednesday morningWednesday was Christmas and Colin came down stairs to find Rita sorting the gift packages from underthe tree as if nothing had happened. She greeted him with a cheery, ‘Good morning, darling. MerryChristmas.’Colin just stared at her but Rita had no intention of allowing him to pout or grumble about the newarrangements. She stood and faced him saying, ‘Look Colin. I will not have you acting like a two yearold sulking about the house. I told you last night that things would go back to normal except for oursexual relations and I expect you to act as the normal cheery loving spouse you have always been.’Colin gave her a sour look and asked, ‘Or what? You will lock me up in a chastity belt and make meservice you with my mouth? Oh wait…’ he added sarcastically, ‘You’ve already done that haven’t you?’‘You are being punished, Colin. It can always get worse! I said you would be allowed to wank eachmonth but I can easily extend the time between wanks. Do you remember how needy and frustratedyou were last night? That wasn’t even a full month of chastity. I think every time you argue with me oract like a spoiled brat I will add a week’s chastity. Unless you really want to endure frustration you hadbetter straighten up your act! Now, let’s try again. Merry Christmas Colin.’Colin pasted what he hoped would pass for a smile on his face and said, ‘Merry Christmas Rita.’

Later that DayAt that moment Colin had passed through the village and was approaching the motorway. It wasChristmas day and traffic was light. He checked his fuel gauge as he accelerated toward London, butignored the ringing of his mobile. He had no real plans to leave but, on the spur of the moment, he haddecided to flee in order to avoid the further humiliation of socializing with village friends who mighthave been among those present last night.As he drove he began to realize that if he returned, Rita would add to his torment. Thinking back to histhoughts of last night Colin reluctantly came to the conclusion that neither his marriage to Rita nor hisformer life in the village were viable. At first this seemed an impossible conclusion but as heremembered Rita’s duplicity and cruelty he sadly accepted that it was time to end his marriage andleave her.While this conclusion saddened him, Colin was a practical man. Even as he wrestled with his thoughts,he realized that he would have to make plans for how to conduct his life. Given that he wasn’t going toreturn to the cruelty and duplicity that Rita was imposing, the first thing he had to do was find a place tostay. Of course there were many great hotels in London but as he drove he remembered an extendedvisit executive lodging that his firm had occasionally used to house visitors. Employees from branchoffices, clients and suppliers all of whom would be in town for meetings, training sessions, extendednegotiations and plant visits required suitable lodging. As he recalled the place the company usedoffered modern, well equipped suites by the week or month with weekly maid service and even anexpanded concierge service that could shop for groceries and deal with dry cleaning as well as thenormal restaurant reservation and ticket services. It was expensive but Colin decided he could afford itfor a month or so, while he dealt with the other aspects of his shattered life including looking for alonger term residence.As he expected, only a low level desk clerk was on duty but Colin managed to check in and deposit hisbags in his suite. Leaving his car in the assigned underground parking, and having left his mobile in thesuite, he took a taxi to a commercial hotel and enjoyed a somewhat overpriced Christmas dinner.Colin wasn’t a major executive, but he wasn’t incompetent, and he was known for solid logical thinking.As he ate and returned to his residence he mentally listed his chores for Thursday. The suite hadinternet access but he hadn’t brought his laptop from his office so he reverted to leafing through thetelephone directory to plan his errands for the next day. He also spent some time making up a groceryand liquor shopping list.Thursday – First StepThis was Boxing Day a traditional holiday in Britain and Colin had planned to stay home as many of hiscontemporary middle managers did. Fortunately, the desire for post-holiday sale revenues and theinflux of multinational corporations had eroded the holiday and most businesses were open thoughoften with only junior staff. Colin was rather sad as he realized that he actually missed the dreaded taskof removing ornaments from the tree and repacking them for use next year.

Colin left his shopping list with the concierge, drew two hundred pounds from a nearby teller machine,and took his car to the industrial area where he had located several machine tool companies. He knewit would be humiliating to explain his problem and get help in cutting off the padlock so he could removethe chastity belt, but he reasoned it could not rise to the level of embarrassment he had sufferedChristmas Eve nor humiliate him as much as having to appear in the village not knowing who hadwitnessed his degrading display and milking.Once in the shop he asked to see the manager and to speak with him in private. Rather surprisingly themanager wasn’t particularly surprised when Colin explained his problem. The manager asked Colin tolower his trousers and underwear so he could assess the chastity belt. Then he said to wait in his officewhile he brought in a hand held rotary tool with a diamond cutting wheel. Colin nervously said, ‘Shesaid this was a very high strength lock.’The manager laughed as he said, ‘Look mate, anything that humans can build, other humans can, andprobably will, destroy.’Colin was mildly astonished at the man’s lack of shock and asked, ‘Do you have to deal with many ofthese?’‘All the time,’ said the manager, ‘We get them when wives are pissed at their husbands, when a currentlover wants to break it off, when women are pissed at the lack of commitment from their boyfriend, andeven when gay lovers have a falling out. Ones like yours, with a padlock, are dead easy. The tricky onesare those with internal locking mechanisms.’‘That sounds bloody dangerous.’ Colin said. He was an intelligent and curious man, however and hiscuriosity won out, “How do you deal with those? The ones with an internal mechanism.’‘Trade secret.’ Joked the manager. ‘Just kidding. The secret is an artist’s palate knife. Ever seen one?’Colin shook his head and the manager continued. ‘Bit of a misnomer calling it a knife, you see. It’s reallymore of a spatula. Flat thin blade with no sharp edge. Even the tip is rounded. We squirt a bit of oil onthe blade and then work it up between the locking ring and the scrotum. That provides a bit of a safetymargin so we can cut through the ring with this sort of cutting wheel and not cut the bloke. Easy as pie!A few minutes with the wheel and Bob’s your uncle.’’In fact, while the men talked, it took less than 15 minutes to cut through the hasp on the padlock andremove it from the chastity belt. Colin watched as the cutting wheel threw up a rooster tail of sparksand realized he hadn’t needed to suffer all December long. Of course, he rationalized, at that time hehadn’t known what Rita had become and he probably would have done anything she wanted becausehe was still in love with her.The tool shop billed him sixty pounds and Colin tipped him an extra ten for having solved his problem sopromptly. Colin was surprised to note that once the lock was removed he no longer felt the desperateurgency to remove the device and wank. He surmised that his reduced libido had to do with thenumber of tasks to be accomplished and, perhaps in part, to his sadness in knowing he would soon

terminate all relations with Rita, the woman he had loved and considered to be his faithful and lovingwife for the last five years.Thursday morning – The next stepsColin drove back to his residence, parked his auto and walked to the nearest branch of his bank. ThoughThursday was nominally a work day, he found that only the assistant manager was available betweenthe Christmas and New Year holidays. This was no problem as Colin knew his account numbers and hadsufficient identification in his wallet to validate his bona fides.Colin opened a new checking account, complete with a new bank card number, with only his signatureauthorized. He closed Rita and his joint savings account and paid off the overdraft on their checkingaccount. Then he cancelled the overdraft facility and deposited one thousand pounds so that Ritawouldn’t be destitute during the divorce. He also used funds from his new account to pay the mortgagepayments that would be due in January and February. He changed the address for all of the bankaccounts to reflect his new temporary residence.From the bank he went to his office where he visited the HR department. He changed his address, thebeneficiaries of all his retirement and company insurance accounts and gave them the new bankaccount information for the direct deposit of his monthly pay check. He stopped up at his office. Hissecretary was surprised to see him but gave him no less than three telephone messages from Rita. Hepicked up his laptop and told his secretary that if Rita called again to tell her that he would call hersometime this evening. Colin also asked his secretary to remind him, after the first of the year, tochange his home address on his national health card and his driver’s license. She frowned at theseinstructions but was too polite to inquire further.While in his office he called both his broker and his insurance agent. In both cases he provided his newaddress and beneficiaries. He also closed the joint investment account transferring all of the holdings toa new account in his sole name.The next step was trickier as it has to do with finding a solicitor to handle his petition for a divorce. Heand Rita had used Bob Marshall in the village to do their minimal legal work (primarily wills and estateplanning) but Colin wanted a solicitor more experienced in divorce cases. In any case he didn’t want toapproach Bob Marshall as he didn’t know if he had been one of Rita’s guests at his, Colin’s, ritualhumiliation. Colin went down to the company’s legal department and found, as elsewhere, it was verylightly staffed between the Christmas and New Year holidays. He did find a fairly bright junior lawyerand asked if he knew of any solicitors who had a good reputation and were experienced in divorce suits.The young lawyer immediately told him of a Celeste Murphy who had a reputation as a fierce divorceattorney. She and the barrister she generally used, a Fiona Higgins, were the talk of the legal professionand had reputations as an unbeatable team who were sharks in the courtroom. He did warn Colin thatthey generally represented the wife’s side of the case.

Colin telephoned the redoubtable Ms. Murphy and was fortunate to catch her during the holidays. Shewarned him that she generally represented the woman’s side of things but agreed to meet with him.They set up a meeting at her office, just after lunch.Leaving his office he took a taxi to Knightsbridge where he visited Harrods. There he purchased slacksand several shirts both for casual wear and more formal shirts for use with his sole suit. He even visitedthe shoe department and purchased a pair of comfortable loafers. Another taxi took him to Marks andSpencer’s where he purchased underwear and socks. Colin was willing to spend money to becomfortable and to keep up appearances but saw no reason to pay Harrods prices for underwear.Concerned at being on time for his meeting with Ms. Murphy, he had a hurried pub lunch beforeheading off to his appointment.The SolicitorThe interview with the lawyer was, to Colin’s way of thinking, both difficult and somewhatembarrassing. Celeste Murphy wasn’t a particularly large woman but she had a commanding demeanorthat dominated the room. She managed to be attractive while projecting an aura of authority. Ms.Murphy had listened to his story of what had happened but then questioned him in detail, both aboutwhat he could remember of his drunken evening with Gwen and about his acquiescence to the use ofthe chastity device. She wanted to know why he had let Rita reinstall it after the first day and Colin hadblushingly admitted that sex was better for him after a few days of denial while he serviced his wife.She also probed into his feelings as he orally serviced Rita. After some hesitation Colin confessed thatwhile the chastity belt was somewhat painful for him he had actually been rather proud of his ability toprovide pleasure to the woman whom he, at that time, loved. The lawyer had asked for the now uselesslock and the chastity device which Colin realized he was still wearing. She had insisted that he removethe device there in her office and a red faced Colin tucked himself in as she explained why she wouldtake the case.‘You say that you had never previously gotten so drunk that you couldn’t remember what happened. Idon’t think you could have actually had intercourse if you were so drunk.’ She said. ‘After all you are nolonger a teen aged boy at I doubt you could get an erection if you were that pissed. Then too, there issomething very strange in this entire build up over the months with the trap sprung on what ought to bea family holiday. I intend to get my investigator on this to discover exactly what happened. I have noproblem with wives taking revenge on their philandering husbands but this entire set up, culminating ina rather cruel evening, doesn’t pass my smell test.’They then talked about how the case could proceed and what the financial aspects would probably be.Colin indicated that he would be willing to give Rita half of their joint assets and spare her anyunfavorable publicity. The lawyer actually seemed to warm to her client when Colin explained hisdesires, but she warned Colin that negotiations should never open with the position at which youwanted to end. She crafted a scenario of a very public and messy court action threatening to leave Ritadestitute as an opening position. Colin wasn’t entirely convinced but he found it hard to disagree withthe knowledgeable and forceful Ms. Murphy.

Finally she told Colin to limit his conversation this evening with Rita, tell her nothing about thepossibility of a divorce, but to set up a meeting with her at the house for Saturday morning. Colin wouldgo to that meeting with Ms. Murphy’s investigator and copies of the petition for divorce.The Telephone CallFollowing Ms. Murphy’s instructions he used his mobile to call Rita that evening. As they hadanticipated Rita was angry and threatening. ‘Where in hell…’ she demanded, ‘…are you?’Sticking to the script of answers to probable questions the solicitor had developed, Colin responded,“I’m in London.’‘What the devil are you doing there? Do you know how much embarrassment you caused me when Ihad to make excuses for you at lunch?’‘I’m sorry Rita but there were some things that had to be taken care of.’Colin had been worried that Rita would force him to explain in detail what the “things” were but shewasn’t really listening to what her submissive husband was saying. Instead she declared in angry tones,‘I am not going to allow you to pout or hide just because things have changed between us. When areyou coming back home?’Carefully avoiding any discussion of where home was, Colin simply said ‘Will you be home Saturdaymorning? I can probably get there by 10.’“You damn well better be here. Just remember I have the only keys to that security lock. I’ll beexpecting you. We have some things to discuss about your behavior and my expectations. You aregoing to learn that bad behavior has consequences.’Colin smiled as he said, ‘Yes dear. I’ll see you then. Goodnight Rita.’FridayHaving accomplished most of his errands, Friday morning was a free morning for Colin. He stored thegroceries and liquor and made himself a reasonable brunch. He looked through the real estate sectionof the newspaper to familiarize himself with prices, but deferred actually looking for a flat until later.In the afternoon he had another meeting with the formidable Ms. Murphy. At that meeting he wasintroduced to Jeremy Watkins, her investigator. The meeting had been intended to try to scriptSaturday’s meeting with Rita but before that happened, Colin also learned just how effective Jeremywas.Jeremy had contacted the padlock manufacturer and given them the serial number of the lock. Themanufacturer was German and very proud of their high security lock. With typical Teutonic recordkeeping they recorded the sale of each lock by serial number. It turned out that the lock purchased byRita was an internet purchase at retail price and shipped to Rita’s and Colin’s home address.

‘Nothing surprising there.’ Colin noted.‘Hold on,’ Jeremy said, ‘The best is yet to come. The sale took place on June 5 and the delivery wascompleted by the parcel company on June 12.’‘But that’s before I got drunk and groped Gwen!’ Colin exclaimed.‘Exactly!’ said Celeste, ‘We haven’t been able to trace the purchase of the chastity device yet, but wewill. The evidence is incomplete at this stage but it appears that your loving wife was plotting this entirething out before you drunken misbehavior in July. Are you certain that there was no other incident? Noother reason for her to be angry with you?’‘No!’ exclaimed Colin. ‘I love… I guess I loved my wife. I never even thought of going after anotherwoman until that drunken folly in July. I still don’t understand how I got that drunk or why I tried to goafter Gwen. I mean she is young and attractive but I’ve never acted like that before.’Celeste said, ‘I suspect you were set up, Colin. Perhaps even drugged.’‘Drugged?’ asked Colin.‘There is a drug called Rophynol that both loosens inhibitions and impedes the memory. It is sometimescalled “the date rape” drug. There is no way to be certain at this late date but that could explain bothyour behavior and your lack of memory. And that brings us to a second piece of information.’ saidCeleste, turning back to Jeremy.‘Bit of luck there.’ Said Jeremy modestly, ‘I have a female operative who lives out your way and I askedher to drop into the local where Gwen works and see what she could find out. As it turns out there is abit of gossip about Gwen. When my operative offered a twenty and asked the other server if she hadever heard of Gwen having it on with a married man, she laughed. It seems that Gwen is a committedlesbian, though she flirts with male customers to enhance her tips. No, the story on Gwen is that shehas a hot and heavy affair with an older married woman who lives in or just near the village. No names,at least yet, but we suspect it might be…’‘Rita!’ blurted Colin.‘Got it in one.’ Celeste said, ‘As I said before we don’t have all of the evidence but it does seem that yourdear Rita has been planning to put you under her thumb while cuckolding you with Gwen and carryingon her own affair. I don’t know if that changes your view of how generous you want to be on thefinancials.’Colin thought for a moment and then said slowly, ‘No, I don’t think it does. I loved Rita and we had goodyears together. I am having a hard time really understanding why she was unfaithful. I think that hurtsmore than her whole scheme to force me into chastity while forcing me to service her orally.’Jeremy said, ‘Well at least it wasn’t some other bloke.’

Celeste shot Jeremy a dirty look as Colin responded, ‘It really doesn’t matter if it was a man or a woman.I have nothing against lesbians or bisexuals. It’s just that I thought we both meant our marriage vows.You know, the part about “forsaking all others”.’After giving Colin some time to absorb the new information, Celeste brought the meeting back to thetopic of how to conduct Saturday’s meeting.Saturday MorningColin pulled up to the house a few minutes before 10 am. As planned, Jeremy Watkins was alreadythere and together they approached the house. Colin still had keys but, given the probable tenor of theupcoming discussion, he decided to ring the bell. Rita opened the door with an angry look on her facebut saw that Colin wasn’t alone. ‘Who’s this?’ she asked.‘Rita, this is Jeremy Watkins. He works for my solicitor.’ Colin said as he stepped into the house.Rita had a puzzled look and asked, ‘Bob Marshall?’‘No’ said Colin, ‘He works for Celeste Murphy.’While Rita was trying to figure out what was being said, Jeremy stepped in and said, ‘Pleased to meetyou. <strong>Here</strong>, this is for you.’ He added as he handed her a document folded in a blue cover.The meeting was not going as Rita had anticipated. She had thought Colin would be alone and she hadbeen prepared to read him the riot act and, using the threat of extended chastity, perhaps even forcehim to accept some sort of physical punishment. She had been anticipating telling her husband that hewas acting like a child and, therefore, deserved a spanking. She had gone as far as to bring her hairbrushdown to the living room so it would be handy when Colin was over her lap.Instead she found herself unfolding a legal document filled with the usual obtuse terms and wording.Rita was not a fool however and as she scanned she quickly focused on “petition for divorce” and “bothmental and physical cruelty”. Turning the page she found attached a retelling of the various things shehad done, both over the last half of the year and in particular on Christmas Eve.‘You can’t do this.’ She declared to Colin. I’ll sue you for every penny you have citing your adultery.’‘Pardon me Madame...’ interjected Jeremy, ‘…but it would be difficult to support Colin’s having an affairwith a known lesbian.’Ignoring Jeremy she continued to berate Colin, saying, ‘You will be the laughing stock of the village youmiserable worm. I will testify that this was all done at your request because you enjoy kinky sex. Youare nothing but a pitiful submissive!’Colin had rehearsed her probable reaction and the preferred response with Celeste and Jeremy atyesterday’s meeting. He was able to remain calm as he responded, ‘You may be right about mypreferring a submissive role. I certainly enjoyed giving you orgasms orally and my orgasms, when you

emoved the chastity belt were certainly better that previously. But I don’t think that I will be thesubject of the gossip in the village or elsewhere. First off, I don’t plan to return to the village. Secondly,a simple divorce, even a contested one, isn’t going to be of interest to the national newspapers. Oh, ifthe Euro crisis is solved, the Arabs and Israelis resolve their differences and the economy recovers ourdivorce might, just might, be picked up in the tabloids. But since none of those things is going to happensoon, I think the only paper covering our divorce will be the weekly village paper. That paper is sostarved for news that it will probably feature my allegations of your cruelty prominently.’Rita was about to say something but Colin held his hand up in a “stop” sign and continued, ‘Just think ofhow you will be portrayed and how your relationship with Gwen will be prominent gossip for weeks.’‘What makes you think Gwen will testify?’ asked Rita.‘I’m afraid she will have to, under a subpoena. I am certain she loves you dearly but do you really thinkshe will risk a criminal conviction of perjury once she is sworn and under oath?’Rita’s face had lost its angry visage as she tried to digest what she was being told. She now wore aworried frown.Colin went on, ‘As far as a financial settlement, I don’t know what the court will decide. I can tell youthat my solicitor thinks that with only five years of marriage and my being the aggrieved party yourchances for any substantial settlement or alimony are poor. There will probably be some reward butnot much. Of course the house and furnishings will have to be sold at auction. I am afraid you will haveto re-enter the job market but the recession being what it is, you might well have to settle for a lesslucrative life style.’Rita asked, ‘Why are you doing this? I thought you loved me. You even say you enjoyed giving meorgasms with your mouth.’‘You are right.’ Colin said, ‘That’s the sad part of all of this. I did love you and did enjoy the games weplayed, but you simply went too far. There is a thin line between domination and submission between aloving couple and sexual slavery. I could have lived with being nude when I serviced you. What Icouldn’t take was your cruelty and the way you decided to ruin the holidays. I have always lookedforward to this happy season, the trees, the caroling, the church services, and just the joyousatmosphere. I doubt I will ever look at the season with joy again.’You know, I thought licking you to your orgasm was great, even if the chastity belt made ituncomfortable for me. But when you decided to queen me…’‘What you?’ Rita interrupted.Colin smiled and explained the term he had just learned at yesterday’s meeting, ‘It’s called queeningwhen you use your buttocks to smother while demanding that the sub licks you. You have a nice assRita but being smothered by it while tied down isn’t thrilling. It is just uncomfortable and frightening.’

‘Then too there was that dammed dildo you used to gag me. I noticed you used a condom to ensurethat there was no danger of infecting your pussy with microbes from your fecal matter. Of course thatsame filthy matter was unceremoniously shoved into my mouth. Even if the dildo had been clean, therewas no connection between us when you rode it. I was nothing to you but a convenient holder for amasturbatory device.’‘I guess the final straw was involving others and trying to humiliate me for the rest of the year while youdecided that I might be permitted to wank once a month so long as I was obedient.’‘That didn’t happen. There were no others.’ Rita said resignedly, ‘It was all an act to humiliate you andkeep you in line through the next year.’Colin looked at her and said, ‘I felt at least four hands, Rita. How do you explain that?’Rita made a face and said, ‘Gwen was here with me and we moved our hands to different areas and indifferent directions to make it seem as though there were more people. The empty drink glasses werejust window dressing.’‘I don’t know if I should believe you or not. Still, even if it was just Gwen, one outsider or many doesn’tmake much difference. Our marriage was over when you sprang all of your cruel plans on me.’ Turningto Jeremy Colin said, ‘We will have to amend the petition to allow for the possibility that she is tellingthe truth.’‘Colin…’ Rita asked, ‘… isn’t there any way to avoid a nasty divorce battle in public court?’‘There is one alternative.’ Colin said. He handed her another folded document and said, ‘This is a jointpetition for an uncontested divorce based on “irreconcilable difference”. It would not only avoid thepublicity, it would be to your financial advantage. In this divorce we would split our assets 50/50. Wewould need to appraise the house, the furnishings and the automobiles. Your share of the assets wouldinclude the house, the furnishings and the auto you normally drive. I would take the other auto and oursavings and investment accounts. Once the appraisals are in, there would probably be some additionalcash due to you.’‘In any case I have left a thousand pounds in the account to cover groceries and the utility bills forJanuary and February and have paid the next two month’s mortgage payments. That will give you somebreathing room and hopefully you will have found some sort of a job in two months.’‘Rita…’ Colin continued, ‘…I am going upstairs to pack the rest of my clothes. It may take me most of anhour. When I come down you will either sign the joint petition for divorce with Jeremy witnessing thesignature, or my solicitor will file the petition for a contested divorce and we can battle things out incourt.’Saturday afternoon

Jeremy and Colin finished describing that morning’s meeting to Celeste Murphy and presented her withthe signed and witnessed joint petition for divorce. As they rose to leave, Celeste asked Colin to remainfor a few moments. Thinking that she wanted to discuss her bill Colin sat back in his chair. To hissurprise, after Jeremy left, a tall attractive woman entered the office closing and locking the door behindher.Celeste introduced the woman saying, ‘Colin, this is Fiona Higgins.’Colin responded, ‘Yes, the barrister. Your reputation precedes you.’‘What reputation?’ demanded Celeste harshly, ‘What have you heard?’‘Why that you two have been very successful in prosecuting divorce cases. In fact you have both beenreferred to as fierce sharks once you are in the courtroom. ’A look passed between the two women that Colin didn’t understand and Celeste said, ‘Sorry Colin, I wasconcerned that you had heard some gossip about Fiona and me. I shouldn’t have barked at you. ‘‘That’s all right’ said Colin, ‘What I don’t understand is why we need a barrister as Rita has signed thejoint petition. I thought that meant that we had no need for a trial.’It was Fiona who spoke to Colin saying, ‘This meeting isn’t about your divorce, Colin. Celeste has thatwell in hand. We would, however, like to speak to you about a different problem where we might be ofmutual benefit to one another. In short we have a proposal we would like to present to you.’Colin was totally confused but indicated Fiona should go on. She said, ‘Before we get into the details wewould like your agreement that anything said here is strictly between the three of us.’‘Of course.’ said Colin, ‘Do you need me to sign some sort of confidentiality agreement?’‘No.’ said Celeste, ‘In this case there would be no way to enforce such an agreement. Before Fionaexplains, let me confirm a few things we have discussed. The other day you indicated that you had noproblems with lesbians or bisexuals. Is that correct?’Colin’s mind was trying to assimilate the strange conversation as he answered, ‘Yes, that’s correct. Well,I suppose I ought to be a bit more specific. I have no problems with lesbians or female bisexuality. I’mnot personally interested in either male bisexuality or male gay activities, though I have no particularobjections to what happens between consenting adults.’‘You also said you enjoyed pleasing your wife orally even while you were wearing the chastity belt?’Celeste added, her inflection making it a question.Colin blushed but nodded his assent.‘And you said that your orgasms were more intense after your wife had you locked up for a few days?Again Colin nodded.

‘Our problem…’ began Celeste.‘Our problem…’ interrupted Fiona, ‘…is that the London legal profession is populated by the old boynetwork who love to gossip. The offices at Lincoln Fields Inn are filled with simpering male fools who actas though they belong in grammar school.’‘Fiona!’ cautioned Celeste, ‘Let me explain to Colin.’Colin was completely befuddled when Celeste turned to him and asked, ‘Do you find us attractive? Nopoliteness, please. Just an honest answer.’Colin looked at Celeste and then at Fiona. He considered his response carefully and said, ‘You are bothstrong, intelligent and assertive women which I find very attractive. I can’t honestly describe either ofyou as a great beauty but you are certainly both physically pretty and both of you appear, inasmuch as Ican tell, to have marvelous figures. So on the whole I would say that you are not only attractive butrather sexy as well.’‘Now…’ he continued, ‘…isn’t it time to stop beating about the bush and get to the point? What is yourproposal?’The women exchanged a look and Fiona nodded to Celeste who began, ‘Colin, Fiona and I are lovers.Unfortunately there is some nasty gossip about this which may be impacting some clients both currentand potential and we need help in putting the gossip to rest. In short we need what is called a beard.’‘OK. I can understand that.’ said Colin, ‘What I don’t understand is what I can do to help. I’m notconnected in the legal world and wouldn’t know how to go about killing the rumors.’‘You could date either or even both of us. Take one of us to dinner and then spend the night in her flat.A few days later, date the other one and go to a play or a symphony or an art gallery and then spend thenight with her. Eventually settle on one woman and squire her to parties and weekends in the country.We would cover the costs and provide benefits for you, of course.’‘Oh, that wouldn’t be necessary.’ Colin objected, ‘I think I would enjoy spending time with either one ofyou.’‘No, you don’t understand the totality of the proposal Colin.’ interjected Fiona, ‘Both Celeste and I aredominant women. We have to be in order to succeed. You on the other hand are a submissive manwhose sexual experiences are heightened when being dominated.’Colin’s mouth dropped open as his face blushed bright red.‘That’s right Colin.’ chuckled Celeste, ‘The proposal is that you become our boy toy. We would keep youchaste and locked up all week and then, on the weekends you and I would drive up to my country home.Fiona would sneak up to join us and the three of us would have sexual adventures beyond belief.’

‘You see Colin; during the week we would tease you unmercifully and expect you to demonstrate yourprowess with your mouth repeatedly. Then on the weekends, in addition to our enjoying each otherand using you to satisfy us, we would give you so many orgasms your poor male appendage would besore and looking forward to being locked safely away for the next week. Of course we understand thesubmissive male’s need for humiliation so the orgasms would be done in a manner designed toembarrass and humiliate.’Colin surprised himself by not leaving at once. He found he was considering the outlandish proposal.With his marriage over, the prospect of two attractive dominant women playing with him held a certainappeal. He hesitantly said, ‘This business of being locked into a chastity belt…’Celeste interrupted, saying ‘It is an absolute must for both of us, Colin. We need to know that you won’tbecome sexually aggressive when we are sleeping together and you need to know that your orgasms onthe weekend will be the stronger more exciting ones that you desire. We know you can cut off padlocksso we aren’t even going to bother with one. We intend to lock the device in place with plastic wire tiesthat can be cut with a scissors in an emergency.’‘I don’t understand.’ Colin interjected, ‘What’s to keep me from cutting the wire tie off during theweek?’‘Ah, that’s where punishment comes in.’ said Fiona, ‘We will sign the wire tie and if you show up on theweekend without the correct tie you will be punished. Now neither of us wants to flog you as they usedto in the Royal Navy. We aren’t sadists. On the other hand spankings or even using a riding crop or acane on your bare bum might be necessary. Just like school, “six of the best” and all that.’‘That will also keep you dutiful and obedient during the week.’ added Celeste, ‘By the way we do plan toexpand your knowledge of how to worship and make love to a woman’s body.’‘This is a very strange conversation.’ Colin said, ‘It does sound rather exciting but a bit frightening aswell. Suppose I agree but later change my mind?’‘Simple enough…’ said Celeste, ‘…we need you to commit to about a month of public dates. After thatyou simply tell us if you want out. Then you cut off the wire tie and go about your business. We mighttry to convince you to stay if you prove to be an apt pupil, but in the end we would not be able to holdyou against your will, nor would we try. The one rule we would insist upon is that you consider any suchdecision carefully. If you do quit, it is for good. No more dates, no more weekends.‘‘Sexual adventures beyond belief’ Colin mused.Fiona said ‘We are very imaginative women, Colin. We are betting that we can make the weekends soexciting that you will put up with the teasing and chastity during the week. Imagine, for example, anude Celeste sitting up at the head of her bed with her legs spread for your clever little tongue. You arekneeling on the bed with your mouth on her succulent kitty and your hands trapped under her buns. Iam behind you taking your ass with my strap on, and stroking your cock in time to my thrusts. Iwouldn’t let you move until all three of us had enjoyed at least one orgasm.’

Colin was lost in the picture she had painted. ‘I understand why you win your arguments in thecourtroom.’ he said, ‘You are a very persuasive advocate.’Tuesday eveningThe room erupted in cheers and drunken singing as the New Year was rung in. At a corner table anattractive barrister turned to her companion and said, ‘I think we have been seen dancing and kissingenough. Let’s go and gather some evidence.’Colin raised an eyebrow and asked, ‘Evidence?’‘Celeste told me all about how Rita taught you cunnilingus but I demand to feel the evidence for myself.I want you nude and kneeling by my bedside as soon as we get home. Tomorrow is a holiday and if youare a good little subby, I might even teach you how to do a proper foot massage and perhaps even apedicure. Take me home, Colin, and we’ll properly celebrate the New Year.

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