Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

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Increased demandfor Jolly plusincreased workloadfor ELDC staffWhat is theissue/ need?Set terms of lease /contract forconcessionairesLouth Town Hallbookings need tobe administered byELDC.Reduced ELDC &other funding incoming years.Ongoing health,skills and economicchallenges for ELDCresidents &businessesPage 81All HAE servicesmust meet theneeds they aim toaddress, plan tocollect data, reporttangible outcomes& use learning infuture planningNeed to plan viablefinancial future forGreater flexibility &control for SkegnessTown <strong>Council</strong> to use JollyFisherman mascotWhat benefit dopeople need or want?Concessionaires feelwell-informed. ELDCresponds effectively toquestions or concernsraised.Maximum income fromlettings.ELDC “free” servicesreceive £ contributionfrom service users toreduce costs or preventclosure. Could increaseparticipation / reducedrop out rates.Ongoing serviceprovision withoutincreasing <strong>Council</strong> Tax orcharging feesAll HAE services &activities can show theirvalue / impact.Outcome data supportssuccessful funding bids,contracts, etc to sustainservices.2 bids produced andsubmitted on schedule.HEALTH, ARTS & EVENTS ANNUAL DELIVERY PLAN: 2011/2012All residents &visitors to Skegness.Skegness Town<strong>Council</strong> takes controlWhat is the scope /scale needed?All Skegnessforeshoreconcessions, all year,liaising between them& other ELDC teamsBookings forcommunity andcommercial events inthe Town HallAny or all freeservices, dependingon value v risks /costs of takingincome.Any <strong>Council</strong> service,event or asset ofinterest to a sponsoror advertiser.All HAE services torecord inputs,outputs & outcomes(costs, throughputs,behaviour change,satisfaction levels), toreport & to comparewith others.For SO Festivalinitially as a stand-Support handoverduring first yearincl H&S riskassessmentsWhat is the bestway to achievethis? How?Liaison withexternalconcessions &with TechServicesReviewing overalloperation byELDC. Contactwith regular &new hirers.Liaise with serviceusers, researchexampleselsewhere, takelegal advice andreport to<strong>Council</strong>lors.Identify allassets. Work withexternal agent toidentify value.Advertise to themarket.Evaluation isconsidered byevery officer inrelation to everyactivity, withsupport from CF.Reports sent toPortfolio Holders.Develop fundingbid, with internalStaff timeWhatresources willwe need?Staff timeStaff timeTraining inlicensing regsAccess toCaretakers.Staff timeLegal adviceStaff time£ for agent’s feeLegal &Financial adviceStaff. £ forsurveys /comment cards/ etc (pre/post)Large-scaleevaluation £ tobe costed intofunding bids.Staff timeSupport fromHandover ofJolly fishermanto Skegness TCWhat do weneed to do?Liaison withconcessions toensure licencesare adhered toAdminister thebookings forLouth TownHall, pending afull review.Explore optionsfor charging forservices egHealth clientspay rather thanreceiving a freeserviceSecure externalsponsorship,leading on thisfor the <strong>Council</strong>Ensure effectiveEvaluation ofHAE events andservicesDevelop EU Bid& ACE RFO bidSN / SR /CSLeadOfficer/sSemantha Neal Page 15 04/04/2011CSTW / SRSR / DC /LCSN / JBSN / CF /JB / SRSN / JB /LS + CPBSCorporateStrategy5(c)5(III)1I, 2V5(c), 5(III)

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