Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

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HEALTH, ARTS & EVENTS ANNUAL DELIVERY PLAN: 2011/2012international athletes, etc Tourists LOCOG, etc 5IV, 5V, 5VIWhat is theissue/ need?Visitors & localsneed good sourcesof information onEL & activitiesPeople want a daybase for visits tothe coast. Protectheritage asset.Increasing interestin art in publiclocations, as alegacy of their workin events. Need tomanage reputation& other risks.Low awareness ofthe dangers & risksof coastal flooding.Low awareness ofwhat to do in thecase of a flood.Need to generatepositive dialogue,following OperationWatermark.Page 78Need to stimulate &support creativeindustries. Developlinks with Lincoln toWhat benefit dopeople need or want?Occupancy rates aresustained and increased.Visitors <strong>reports</strong>atisfaction with service.Increased pride in area &own activities.Growth in tourism to thearea.Increase destination’sdesirability from newvisitors.Increased understandingof information onflooding & the action totake in the event of aflood. All households tohave a flooding plan inposition.At least one digital mediaitem included into SO2012 / Embassy Theatre/ FOBB.What is the scope /scale needed?All residents andtourists visiting thearea, all year roundAround 100 chalets inSutton on Sea andMablethorpe for letMethods to seekviews of residents &visitors. Use imagesof public artnationally &internationallyAll residents &visitors to the coast.Informationpresented in anunusual, engaging &non-threatening way.Exhibition becomes atouring item in EL &beyond.Find ways to extendthe Lincoln Festivalinto EL, by linkingwith existing eventsWhat is the bestway to achievethis? How?Staff. Website.Partnership withexternalorganisationsHire directly for2011 but markettest outsourcingfor the futureInvestigate viewson public artduring SO &FOBB. Draft an ELpublic artstrategy withpartners.Use a local hub toaccess residentsto engage andinform. Create anexhibition. Useinformation andprocedures incountywidestrategy. Findengaging &interactive artforms & artists toengage residentsof all ages.Meet with Lincolnorganisers toexplore optionsfor links. Link toWhatresources willwe need?Staff timeAccurate dataVenueStaff time &casual staffIT systemequipmentStaff time.£’s forexhibition.Funding &sponsorship todelivercommissionsStaff time. EAFunding for anexhibition &production ofinformation.Staff timeLinks to existingevents &venuesWhat do weneed to do?Provide aneffective TouristInformationServiceHire BeachChalet to visitsto Mablethorpe& Sutton on SeaEngage public &stakeholders ina debate onpublic art todevelop a publicart strategy forEL.Curate anexhibition tomark 60 thanniversary of1953 floods.Explore ways towork withLincoln DigitalArt FestivalLeadOfficer/sPTSCSLSLSJB / MACorporateStrategy5(c), 5(I)5(c)Semantha Neal Page 12 04/04/2011

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