Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

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HEALTH, ARTS & EVENTS ANNUAL DELIVERY PLAN: 2011/2012Increasing numberof young peoplewithout work.What is theissue/ need?Big Society /Localism agendabut uncertain localvolunteer andtraininginfrastructureSupport to small 3 rdsector groups tomanage communityinvolvement incultural activitiesPage 73Small and 3 rd sectorgroups and eventorganisers needsupport to manageevents safely andwiden access tocultural activitiesFunds for schemesis limited but isneeded to sustainsuccessful projectswhich support aWhat benefit dopeople need or want?Better peer support,shared expertise, jointworking and coordinationof activities.Groups are more viable.Individuals (residentsand visitors) have betteraccess to new culturalopportunities.Event organisers developskills and knowledge todeliver events safely andeffectively.Events widen culturaland visitor offer.Trusted scheme matchesneeds & volunteers.Volunteers develop skills& personal satisfaction.Young People from ELarea, identified byEBP colleaguesWhat is the scope /scale needed?All Cultural clubs andgroups in EL.Support to all localstakeholders who jointhe partnershipFor all choosing torun to enjoy the race& complete safelyIndependent localvenue with Board ofTrustees.Advice to all eventorganisers.Assessment of allevent plans providedby EL eventorganisers & referralto ELESAG asappropriate.1 Volunteer officer forEL area - could offerCulture Force servicecountywide.Liaise with EBP &Econ Dev toidentify tasksWhat is the bestway to achievethis? How?Allocate ELDCofficers to Forumsas namedcontacts. Agreeexit strategies.Support to recruitvolunteers toassist.Attending Boardmeetings as anobserver.Support tomanage externalfunds.Provide toolkit onwebsite. Giveadvice by phone /site visits, etcMonthly meetingsELDC, EMAS,Police, Fire &Rescue, LCC, etcFunding bids toexternal agencies.Staff. Youngpeople willingable to engageWhatresources willwe need?Staff time toattend meetingsStaff time.Volunteers.VBase systemStaff support.Bankrolling forfundsStaff timeBankrolling forfunds.Staff time.Staff time.Venues.RefreshmentsManagementtime. EL £towards £40Ktotal neededSupport youngpeople intowork & trainingWhat do weneed to do?Support <strong>East</strong><strong>Lindsey</strong> ArtsForum (ELAF)Support ELSports ForumsSupportMablethorpeEventsPartnershipSupportMablethorpeMarathonSupport AlfordManor HouseHelp WoodhallSpa CottageMuseumProvide adviceto eventsorganisers, byemail / web /phone / visitsCo-lead and coordinateELESAGmeetingsSecure £ forvolunteer officerpost after 2012MA / DW 1VII, 2, 2a,2bLeadOfficer/sKLHMACFJTJB / CPBSJB / CPBSCFCFCorporateStrategy1a, IV, 1VII1a, IV, 1VII1(a), 1(VII),5(c), 5(III)1a, IV, 1VII1(a), 1(VII),5(III)5(II)JB / MA 1(a), 1V,1VII, 2III,2IV, 4(c),4II, 5C,5III,5V, 5VI, 5IVSemantha Neal Page 7 04/04/2011

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