Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

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APPENDIX Aiv. LEISURE TRUST CONSIDERATIONSThis topic was discussed at the Scrutiny A Committee meeting heldon the 14 February 2011. Members noted that the Executive Boardreceived a report from Strategic Leisure in March 2010 thatrecommended serious consideration should be given to thepossibility of ELDC transferring all of its sports facilities into aleisure trust. A further recommendation within the report was thatthis option should be deferred until the Meridian Leisure Centre hadbeen operational for at least one year.5. CONCLUSIONSFrom the evidence and findings detailed in this report, the ScrutinyA Committee has reached a number of general conclusions whichhave informed its recommendations.1) Development of the Meridian Leisure Centre represented amajor capital investment for ELDC and the delivery of theproject was complex and at times high risk. It was reassuringthat the project management methodology adoptedsubstantially mitigated those risks and despite difficulties withthe main contractor the building was completed on time andon budget (within industry accepted target of +/- 5%).However procurement arrangements have improved over thepast 3 years and construction frameworks now exist thatwould further reduce risk and uncertainty when appointingcontractors to undertake capital works. The Committee aretherefore able to make a recommendation that should assistthe <strong>Council</strong> in future successful project delivery.2) The Committee spent a considerable amount of time andeffort in researching the way the centre is operating andlooking into the ways that officers are continuing ensureincome is being maximised at the centre. Members of theCommittee do feel that these approaches should be broughttogether in a definitive marketing plan that incorporatesspecialist membership options.3) The possibility of transferring the leisure facilities service intoa leisure trust would be a major shift in policy for ELDC and assuch Members of the Scrutiny Committee felt that it wasimportant to fully explore the options that are available priorto any recommendations being made to the Executive Boardand Full <strong>Council</strong>. Members therefore consider a pre-decisionscrutiny review should be carried out on this important topic.13Page 29

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