Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

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Louth Area Committee28.02.2011of austerity. Obviously further costs would be incurred to coverrefurbishment of the building and associated running costs.A Louth Town <strong>Council</strong> representative suggested the poser of the questionmight like to attend the Meeting of Louth Town <strong>Council</strong>, which was due totake place on 1 st March and raise the issue during the public session.Further concerns were expressed with regard to the future use of theTown Hall, once vacated by Louth Town <strong>Council</strong> and it was agreed that awritten response would be obtained from ELDC and forwarded directly tothe poser of the question. In addition, the Chairman suggested that anupdate be presented to the next Meeting of the Louth Area Committee.Dog FoulingReference was made to a number of complaints relating to the amount ofdog faeces on pavements in the town, which had increased during 2011.A list of the worst affected pavements would be sent to the CorporateSupport Officer, to forward to the relevant Section at ELDC for attention.In response to a query raised, Members noted that two Dog Wardenswere currently employed across the district. Members considered thatdog owners needed to take more responsibility and should clear up aftertheir dogs.(NB: <strong>Council</strong>lor F.G. Coonghe left the Meeting at 8.05pm).45. FLOODING:The Chairman invited Ian Russell, Environment Agency, to provide anupdate regarding the proposed flood alleviation scheme and ongoingmaintenance work and Members noted that the following work hadalready been undertaken:-• a walk through the River Lud, to remove obstructions and carry outlocalised desilting works, which included Hubbards Hills;• liaison with the Co-op, who supported removal of shopping trolleysdeposited in the river to ensure this was not an issue in the future;• the provision of telemetry equipment along Ramsgate and StewtonBeck, to identify future blockages;• the Environment Agency were keen to remind residents not todeposit things in the watercourse.Members were advised that recent changes had been made to floodwarning symbols, which were defined in the Briefing Note attached atAppendix B to the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 th January 2011 andwere available on the Environment Agency’s website (www.environmentagency.gov.uk).Reference was made to ‘Exercise Watermark’, which was a nationalemergency response exercise, testing communications, reactions,evacuation procedures etc. for a severe flooding event along the eastLAC 32Page 166

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