Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

Public reports pack PDF 6 MB - East Lindsey District Council

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APPENDIX C<strong>East</strong> <strong>Lindsey</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Prioritising Capital ProjectsPROJECT PRIORITISATION SCORE CARDPROJECT TITLE: Beach Chalet RedevelopmentTOTAL SCORE: 28 CAPITAL BUDGET (ELDC): £90,000Stage 1: Initial Prioritisation (Score maximum of two categories).Category Criteria Points ExplanationA There is a mandatory legal requirement to 12provide the service or asset that enablesthe service to be provided and thatobligation cannot be met in any other way.B There is a demonstrable priority need to 12replace the asset/service in an essentiallylike for like basis (save for improvementsin technology) as the existing asset is atthe end of it’s useful life.C There is an expectation by the government 10that the council should undertake aparticular course of action although it maynot be currently statutory and there is alikelihood of some form of sanction beingapplied against the council if thatexpectation is not met.D This is an “Invest to Save” project with at 10least an outline Business case detailing theinvestment and return opportunitiesassociated with the project.E Project meets objective(s) in one of the<strong>Council</strong>’s approved strategy documents8 ED Strategy – DiversifyTourist Product(other than the Corporate Strategy).F Matched funding is available of at least 850% of the projects costs.G Funding is required to supplement a S106 6agreement and that funding must be metin the year in question.H Project meets service plan objective(s) orhas previously been approved to be putforward as a bid by Members.4Stage 2: Criteria for adding/deducting additional points (add 2 points for each Aim added to).Category Aims for the <strong>District</strong>/Aims for the <strong>Council</strong> Points ExplanationI 1. Raise aspirations, learning and skills2. Grow businesses and attract investment3. Improve and develop the tourist2experience4. Clear distinct identity for all ourcommunities5. More active community participation indecision making6. Harmonious, safe and inclusivecommunities7. Access to public services for all8. Flexible housing to meet communityaspirationsPage 137

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