Full Guidance of Blood Transfusion Training Requirements

Full Guidance of Blood Transfusion Training Requirements

Full Guidance of Blood Transfusion Training Requirements

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<strong>Guidance</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Blood</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> <strong>Training</strong> and CompetencyThe gold standard for blood transfusion training is the elearning package recommended below.Frequency <strong>of</strong> training for all Healthcare pr<strong>of</strong>essionals is every 2 years for theory andcompetencies.Update options (Part II)Part I:1. All Registered Nurses and Midwives, Theatre Practitioners and other healthcarepr<strong>of</strong>essionals involved in the transfusion process who are new to SUHT must complete thefollowing:Attend the Face to face session - one hour during their induction to their clinical area. Thesession needs to be arranged with the Specialist Practitioner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> or the <strong>Blood</strong><strong>Transfusion</strong> Liaison (BTL) covering the clinical area/Division.2. All Registered Nurses and Midwives and Theatre Practitioners must complete thefollowing: (Exceptions need to be agreed with Line Manager/Matron and discussed withSpecialist Practitioner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong>)After attending Southampton University Hospitals Trust (SUHT) IV study day must completeModules 1 and 2 www.Learnbloodtransfusion.org.uk (http://nhs.learnprouk.com) e learningpackageOnce successfully completed the above, contact the Specialist Practitioner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong>, orrespective <strong>Blood</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> Liaison or Super users (cascade trainers for <strong>Blood</strong>Track Courierand Tx) in the respective Care Group to complete National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA)competency. Competency will be assessed by using <strong>Blood</strong>Track Courier and <strong>Blood</strong>Track Tx.Knowledge <strong>of</strong> using this electronic system is paramount to safe transfusion practice In order tobe assessed the certificate from the elearning modules must be presented to the competencyassessor. A photocopy <strong>of</strong> this evidence must be retained by the ward manager.The <strong>Blood</strong>Track Courier and <strong>Blood</strong>Track Tx competency documents are available from the<strong>Blood</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> webpage on the SUHT IDEAL website (use link below). A certificate <strong>of</strong>training and competency is also available for issue by the Super user, to the staff they havetrained. Records <strong>of</strong> attendance and training are also available for downloading. The originalattendance and training records must be signed by the attendee and the trainer, and must bereturned to the Specialist Practitioner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> at Mailpoint 08 ‘C’ Level Pathologyfor pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> training as this is a Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)requirement.http://www.suht.nhs.uk/Education/Coursebookings/Clinicalskills/<strong>Blood</strong><strong>Transfusion</strong>-Safe<strong>Transfusion</strong>Practice.aspxRef: g:\person\share\communications\web\website copy to upload\blood track\full guidance <strong>of</strong> blood transfusion training requirements final15082011.docPage 1 <strong>of</strong> 4

3. All FY1 and FY2 and Junior Doctors must attend Doctor’s Trust Induction and complete MMTinduction elearning package. Following this they must complete Module 1 and Module 2 <strong>of</strong> theLearnbloodtransfusion elearning package if they have not done so alreadywww.Learnbloodtransfusion.org.uk (http://nhs.learnprouk.com)<strong>Blood</strong>Track Tx competency for the labelling <strong>of</strong> blood transfusion samples must be organisedvia clinical area.4. Consultants and Senior Registrars (SpR) have two options:A. Complete Module 1 and Module 2 Learnbloodtransfusion. NPSA competencyassessment by peer review.OrB. Attend a 1 hour session <strong>of</strong> case studies and achieve NPSA competency throughaccurate reflection <strong>of</strong> case studies5. Consultant and SpR anaesthetists must complete the same training as above (4) but alsorequire to be deemed <strong>Blood</strong>Track Courier and Tx competent for access to the blood fridges,the administration <strong>of</strong> blood components in addition to labelling <strong>of</strong> blood transfusion sample.6. Porters must be trained on the <strong>Blood</strong>Track electronic tracking system (<strong>Blood</strong>Track Courier) bythe Specialist Practitioner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> or member <strong>of</strong> laboratory staff who is a competentsuper user. The training covers the collection and transport <strong>of</strong> blood components7. HealthCare Support Workers and Assistants undertaking and recording vital signs during ablood transfusion must be trained and assessed competent for <strong>Blood</strong>Track Courier and<strong>Blood</strong>Track Tx as relevant to their practice by Specialist Practitioner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> or BTL orsuper user.OrLearnbloodtransfusion e-learning package, Module 1 and be assessed <strong>Blood</strong>Track Courierand <strong>Blood</strong>Track Tx competent<strong>Blood</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> Workbook for Clinical support staff and be assessed <strong>Blood</strong>Track Courierand <strong>Blood</strong>Track Tx competent8. Phlebotomist and Medical Assistants who take <strong>Blood</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> samples have to receivetraining, the following options are available:Learnbloodtransfusion e-learning package, Module 1 – unit 4 Sample Requesting and beassessed <strong>Blood</strong>Track Tx competent for ‘collect’ sample onlyOrFace to Face session from clinical skills, or with the Specialist Practitioner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong>which will include training and competency assessment for <strong>Blood</strong>Track Tx, ‘collect’ sampleonly9. Biomedical Scientist (BMS) and Biomedical Support Workers (BSW) working in the <strong>Blood</strong>Ref: g:\person\share\communications\web\website copy to upload\blood track\full guidance <strong>of</strong> blood transfusion training requirements final15082011.docPage 2 <strong>of</strong> 4

<strong>Transfusion</strong> Laboratory must complete Module 1 (Lab) and the Good Manufacturers Practice(GMP) module and Anti-D module (Lab) www.Learnbloodtransfusion.org.com10. ALL staff collecting red cells from the satellite blood banks and blood components fromthe <strong>Blood</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> laboratory must be trained and deemed competent to use the<strong>Blood</strong>Track Courier and printing <strong>of</strong> Pickup slips using <strong>Blood</strong>Track inquiry(Ward PC) or via thePDA’s (hand held computers)N.B: Agency staff are not permitted to intervene in the <strong>Transfusion</strong> Process unless they are aregular SUHT employees.Part II: Mandatory updates, options:1. All Healthcare pr<strong>of</strong>essionals can use the e learning package for mandatory update. Acertificate <strong>of</strong> successful completion will need to be provided at the time <strong>of</strong> competency update.or2. Nursing, Midwifery and Theatre Practitioners may attend a face to face 30 minute session,which will include either a practical or written assessment. The format <strong>of</strong> the writtenassessment will be a 10 minute multiple choice questionnaire. This will achieve NPSAcompetency if successful in assessment. These sessions can be arranged by contacting theSpecialist Practitioner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> or BTL at 4-6 weeks before the planned session.or3. Nursing, Midwifery and Theatre Practitioners may read the workbook and then arrange<strong>Blood</strong>Track Courier and <strong>Blood</strong>Track Tx training and assessment with a <strong>Blood</strong>Track super userfor their clinical area4. All doctors may attend a 1 hour session <strong>of</strong> case studies and achieve NPSA competencythrough accurate reflection <strong>of</strong> case studies. These sessions can be arranged by contacting theSpecialist Practitioner <strong>of</strong> <strong>Transfusion</strong> at least 4-6 weeks before the planned session.5. Update options for Porters, HealthCare Support Workers and Assistants, Phlebotomistand Medical Assistants same as Part I.6. Update options for Biomedical Scientist (BMS) and Biomedical Support Workers (BSW)are the same as Part I.See matrix below.Ref: g:\person\share\communications\web\website copy to upload\blood track\full guidance <strong>of</strong> blood transfusion training requirements final15082011.docPage 3 <strong>of</strong> 4

Pr<strong>of</strong>ession Band/Grade Module 1 Module 2 Workbook Face to facesessionRelevant NPSA Competencyassessed using;Nursing 2 Yes <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearning3 Yes <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearning4 Yes <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearning5 Yes Yes Induction <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearning6 Yes Yes <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearning7 Yes Yes <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearning8 Yes <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningSuper users Yes Yes Yes <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningPaediatric Nurses Yes (Paed module) Yes <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningMedical FY1 Yes Yes Induction <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningFY2 Yes Yes Induction <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningSHO At least once At least once <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningSpR At least once At least once <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningConsultants At least once At least once <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningPAMs Biomedical Scientist(BMS)Yes (Lab module) <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningBiomedical SupportWorkers (BSW)UpdateYes (Lab module) <strong>Blood</strong>Track Face to face orelearningRef: g:\person\share\communications\web\website copy to upload\blood track\full guidance <strong>of</strong> blood transfusion training requirements final 15082011.docPage 4 <strong>of</strong> 4

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