09 Winter 2008 - Greenhead College

09 Winter 2008 - Greenhead College

09 Winter 2008 - Greenhead College

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NEWSLETTERISSUE9 WINTER <strong>2008</strong><strong>Greenhead</strong>newsThe newsletter of <strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong>Top marks in ArtArtistic Excellence:Another extremely rewarding year in the Art and Designdepartment has been marked by a letter from theexamination board, Edexcel. Within the specification wefollow, 8 of our AS students achieved a top 10 positionout of 6290 nationwide and 10 A2 students achieved atop 10 position in the UK out of 5130 students.We are very proud of what these excellent youngpeople have achieved. Whilst celebrating theachievements of students at all levels it is particularlyrewarding for these young artists to be recognisednationally for the passion they feel for their work.Congratulations to Amy Barker, Claire Booth, SarahHastelow, Lorna Hill, Allanah Morrill, Rosie Sillitoe,Keiran Smith and Joshua Thomas.<strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> students winthrough to finals of NationalBusiness CompetitionThree students from <strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> have won a covetedplace at the finals of the <strong>2008</strong> National Schools BusinessCompetition.Joshua Girling, Ellie Johansen and Brad Greenwooddemonstrated their creative business thinking and entrepreneurialflair at the regional finals held at Bradford University School ofManagement. Winning through against eight other schools,including another team from <strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong>, GinaHemingway, Steffi Kendall and James Kidd, who were placedthird, they now face competition from across the country at theprestigious London final in December.The triumphant <strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> team – (l to r)Joshua Girling, Ellie Johansen and Brad Greenwood.All the budding entrepreneurs will have their sights set on winning the top prize - a five day trip to NewYork including £500 spending money plus the opportunity to take in the unique atmosphere of the BigApple’s renowned business and financial centreBernadette Stephenson, Head of Business Studies at <strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> said, “I am immensely proud oftheir achievement. To have two teams in the regional final taking first and third places against such toughcompetition is fantastic. It was a massive challenge, they rose to it and had fun.”Organised by the Enterprise Education Trust and co-funded by the Ogden Trust and Bradford UniversitySchool of Management, over 400 students from 100 schools have taken part in this year’s competition.www.greenhead.ac.uk

<strong>Greenhead</strong> NEWSLETTER ISSUE 9 WINTER <strong>2008</strong>newsThe Conference of theBirds October 21st-23rd <strong>2008</strong>Theatre practitioner Peter Brook and Jean Claude Carriere’stext enabled an impressive A2 Theatre Studies ensemble toexplore in Brook’s words “what it means to be human.” Theaudience observed ‘The Birds’ embarking on a lifetime’sjourney to find The Simorgh hoping that this greatest of Kingswould give them spiritual fulfilment and knowledge. Eclecticperformance skills abounded, seamlessly intertwining physicaltheatre techniques, song and a choric exposition of humanfrailties. The student company forged their memorabletheatrical images against a flexible and innovative studiodesign within which the bespoke Birds Heads, expertly utilisedby performers, cemented memorable images of flight and life.Amy Batley as the heronGC Careers“When you go for a job interview, a good thing toask is if they ever press charges” – Jack Handy.<strong>Greenhead</strong> students, who have experienced a mockinterview with a professional, will never ask such a crassquestion. Instead, our prospective vets, doctors, dentistsand teachers have derived huge benefit from theopportunity and received constructive criticism before thereal thing.Different types of interview, including one-to-one, groupand telephone have constituted the main focus of recenttutorials in the A2 year.Stop Press! We are piloting an employer and gap year fairon February 26th . Watch out for more details!RBMacmillan Cancer SupportFundraiser:<strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> organised acoffee morning in support ofMacmillan Cancer Support on Friday26th September and raised £127.35.Thank you to both staff and studentsat the <strong>College</strong> who donated funds.The money was given to the HolmfirthMacmillan Committee and theTreasurer commented that 'the fundswill be put to full and valuable use inthe relief of suffering and distressamongst cancer patients.’ LJ2www.greenhead.ac.ukModel United Nations<strong>Greenhead</strong> has a successful history at MUN and this year’steams lived up to this flourishing reputation. <strong>Greenhead</strong> wasone of 28 participating colleges including; Eton <strong>College</strong>,Haberdashers Aske's Boys and Shrewsbury School. Despitecompeting against such prestigious schools, <strong>Greenhead</strong>performed very well as the two countries we represented:Japan and Italy. Ambassador for Italy was Robin Rea (A2) whosat on the Security Council and Jack Tindale (A2) achieved anaward for Outstanding Delegate for his role as Japan’sAmbassador on the Political committee. After an excitingweekend’s debating of topical issues, both Nations certainlymade their mark at the General Assembly which discussedthe issue of Russo-Georgian relations. A good time was hadby all, well done <strong>Greenhead</strong>!By Fiona McNally

<strong>Greenhead</strong> NEWSLETTER ISSUE 9 WINTER <strong>2008</strong>newsChemistry EnhancementThe few, the proud, the...slightly insane?This year’s Chemistry Enhancement group hasbeen active every Thursday lunchtime, providingextra tuition to those who seek it. Regulars of thegroup include a wide array of students, whetherthey’re applying for Chemistry or related subjects,preparing for the Chemistry Olympiad or AEA, orthose who simply have a keen interest. Packed fullof talks from external speakers or even our own<strong>Greenhead</strong> Chemistry staff, students have had thechance to learn more about topics such asentropy, hybridisation, drug synthesis, organicmechanisms and transition metals and colour. Allare welcome; why not come along?Chris RamsdenOFSTED REPORT ON SIXTH FORMPROVISION‘Achievement overall was strongest in the sixth form colleges’:thus concluded Ofsted inspectors after a survey of 25 schoolsixth forms, sixth form colleges and FE colleges published inSeptember. Sixth Form <strong>College</strong>s were praised for the progressof their students, the target-setting that went on and the choiceof courses available. They found that, generally speaking, thelarger the establishment was, the better the attainment of thestudents! They also stated that the learning needs of theindividual student were better met in the colleges rather thanthe schools.<strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> was not in the sample surveyed, but thefindings bear out our beliefs that a Sixth Form <strong>College</strong> is theideal environment for A-level study after 16, and we wouldaccept the compliments paid. Our inspection reports, like thissurvey, are available on the Ofsted website and they show us tobe at least the equal of any institution in the study. MRChemical Connections:‘Student Mentoring’ is a drop in session for ASChemistry students. It is an opportunity for them togain advice or help from a group of A2 chemists. Thesessions havebeen organisedso that there isone in everyteaching block,and some atlunchtime, tosuit everyone’sfree periods.All sessions aredelivered by A2studentsfollowing eitherOCR or Salters Chemistry.So…to check which sessions are suitable for you,come to Chemistry and grab a timetable.By Bhavi Cheema & Andy HindL’échange scolaireChaque année des étudiants français visitent<strong>Greenhead</strong> pour un échange. Cette année c’était le20ème anniversaire de cet échange. Les étudiantshabitent à la Fleche une ville prés du Mans et ils sontrestés chez nous pour en octobre.Ils ont eu beaucoup d’excursions par exemple i àYork, à Haworth, à Liverpool et naturellement aucentre ville de Huddersfield. Nous avons organisébeaucoup d’activités aussi et celle que j’ai préféréeétait Laserquest. Une équipe anglaise contre uneéquipe française ! Tout le monde s’est amusé. Trèscompétitifs !Nous irons à la Fleche l’année prochaine au mois demars, nous attendons cette visite avec impatience.Claire Kershawwww.greenhead.ac.uk 3

<strong>Greenhead</strong> NEWSLETTER ISSUE 9 WINTER <strong>2008</strong>newsnew FACESBiological MackemDave Briggs, our new biology teacher, adds ayouthful glow to the world ofscience at <strong>Greenhead</strong>. Hegraduated at Newcastle Universityand went south for his PGCE –home to Sunderland. In his sparetime he enjoys sport includingrugby, football and sports of anykind, and has a keen interest incars. He is, he says, very family orientated, lovingthe time spent with his young son, Tom. Why gointo teaching? “My teachers at school inspiredme”. First impressions of the students here? “Theyall seem very nice and are helping me fit in.”by Rebecca Abbott-HynesMarital Bliss in MathsKathleen Lumb, newest recruit to the mathsdepartment, graduated fromLiverpool University with a love ofthe subject that she explains as“the satisfaction you get fromfinding the right answer.”One reason for coming to<strong>Greenhead</strong> was because sheknew her husband Steve – also inthe maths department – was happy here. She findsthe college very student-centred and the staffexceptionally helpful.Kathleen enjoys swimming, walking and cycling,loves to cook and discover new recipes – andconfesses that she loves her wine!by Emma LumbHere To Help<strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> welcomesKendra Morley, our specialistteacher for students with SpecificLearning Difficulties (dyslexia,dyspraxia, dyscalculia andADD/ADHD). She is speciallyqualified in the assessment anddiagnosis of dyslexia. A graduate of theUniversity of Central Lancashire, Kendra enjoysdancing in her spare time, especially Salsadancing and (she says) a dance growing inpopularity in the UK, known as Ceroc. Some ofher other interests include cooking and reading.Her first impressions of <strong>Greenhead</strong>? “I think it’sgreat. I think the atmosphere’s really nice and allthe staff are very approachable and friendly.”by Joe RigbyOut of This WorldThink Star Wars. Think DoctorWho. Think Michelle Thompson.This fresh-faced teacher hasjoined the Maths department.Michelle’s interests range fromknitting jumpers, web design (forpromoting her local church),reading (mainly Sci-Fi books) andentertains herself by watching Doctor Who (shethinks David Tennant is very nice.) She did a fouryear degree in Maths at Leeds University whereshe also met her husband. Her first impressions of<strong>Greenhead</strong> are that it’s a ‘friendly, welcomingplace’, and she enjoys her classes. When askedwhat her ambitions for the future are, Michelleresponds that ‘she hopes to do well for themoment’.By Sarah WatsonMusic to Students’ EarsThe English department has a newarrival this year in the shape ofNassim Jalali. Nassim, whostudied at Leeds University, has aMaster’s in 20th Century Literatureand is looking forward to life at thecollege, having already workedwith A-level students at NotreDame <strong>College</strong> in Leeds. Outside college, Nassim isa keen lover of reading and music, especiallyKings of Leon, and attends music festivals such asthe Leeds and O2 festivals. Her teaching style, sheadmits, is group centred and having already taughta few lessons she says one of the best thingsabout <strong>Greenhead</strong> seems to be her “intelligent andfun students.”By Joseph Kelly4www.greenhead.ac.uk

<strong>Greenhead</strong> NEWSLETTER ISSUE 9 WINTER <strong>2008</strong>newsImportant Diary DatesDECEMBER16 Festival of Nine Lessons andCarols (7.30pm Holy TrinityChurch)19 <strong>College</strong> closesSPRING TERMJANUARY5 <strong>College</strong> opens8 A-level, some AS and resitexams begin (until 30th)8 AS General Studies exam forall A2 students (1.30pm)12 AS General Studies exam forall A2 students (9.00am)27 Term 2 EnrichmentEnrolment 11.05am-12.05pm(6 period day)Afternoon exams start at2.00pmFEBRUARY13 <strong>College</strong> closesHALF TERM23 <strong>College</strong> opensMARCH12 Results from January exams16 Governors’ meeting19 AS Parents Evening (L – Z)24 AS Parents Evening (A – K)25 Oxbridge Afternoon for thoseinterested in applying in2010/1131 AS Assembly (period 5)Spring ConcertAPRIL2 AS Assembly (period 4 and5)3 AS Assembly (period 3, 4and 5)<strong>College</strong> closesSUMMER TERM20 <strong>College</strong> opensSTUDENT ABSENCESPlease remember to report anyabsences before 11.30am on eachday of absence onthe college Student Absence Line:01484 435687.Nina BirdiLAW TRIP TO GALLERIESOF JUSTICEOn Thursday 23rd October 47 AS students headeddown to Nottingham to experience Crime andPunishment through the ages. The day consisted ofa Mock trial in a real Victorian courtroom, withstudents acting out the parts of judge, barristers,defendant, witnesses and jurors. From that pointthe two tour groups were led down from thecourtroom to the cells below! This slightly spookyexperience saw students meeting ‘jailers’ and‘prison doctors’, being locked up in old cells andmost eerily seeing the real execution yard.An exciting and informative day was had by all.PROJECT & WORKSHADOWING WEEK 20<strong>09</strong>In June 20<strong>09</strong>, all our AS studentswill be given the opportunity tospend a week either shadowing professionalson a variety of work placements, both locallyand nationally, or to undertake a variety ofprojects.We are always looking for new workplacement opportunities. If you are able tooffer a placement for one of our students forPaWS week 20<strong>09</strong> (15-19 June), Claire Barnesour Placement Officer would love to hearfrom you. Claire can be contacted on 01484422032 or email cbarnes@greenhead.ac.ukSenior Addition:Global IssuesConference:Blake Patel offers astudent perspectiveabout <strong>Greenhead</strong>’sdelegation whoattended this importantand exciting event.“Upon arrival we heard aspeech from DianaWallis, MEP for Yorkshireand the Humber, andthen we broke up intoour 11 respectedcommissions. Eachcommission was facedwith the challenge ofdrawing up oneproposition for theUnited Nations to voteon as to whether theyfollowed it up or not.Some of the issues facedincluded Slavery, NaturalDisasters andEnvironmental topics.After each commissionhad come to theconclusion of what theywere to propose, all thegroups came together tovote on each proposition.It was a really interestingday and for those of usdoing it for the first time,we really enjoyed it andwould recommend it toanyone.”Michael Bray joins <strong>Greenhead</strong>’s existing team ofSenior Students enjoying the responsibilities of Cateringand Welfare. Michael has taken office in September<strong>2008</strong> as a result of elections held within the StudentCouncil. When interviewed about his role it is clear that Michael isenjoying participating in the team challenges involved, ranging fromorganising Charity Day to various student social events. Michael’saims are to help “everyone to have an enjoyable time at <strong>Greenhead</strong>and hope I become a better person as a result of this role.”www.greenhead.ac.uk 5

6<strong>Greenhead</strong> NEWSLETTER ISSUE 9 WINTER <strong>2008</strong>newsPiaf<strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> hosteda 'Cabaret Conference' onFriday 27th June at 7:30pm.Professor David Looseleyfrom the University of Leedsintroduced the songs ofEdith Piaf which were thenillusrated by the singerJoanna Howard and herpianist Naomi Hart whocall themselves 'Comme des Stars.' Joanna was inDavid's Popular Culture seminars at Leeds where shedeveloped her interest in Piaf. She then spent her yearabroad in Paris where she visited many cabarets andperfected her singing and acting role.They met again when they both featured in a Woman'sHour programme on Radio 4 on a programme devoted tothe singer. This is the second Cabaret Conference heldat <strong>Greenhead</strong>. It is part of the Leeds University WideningParticipation programme.International Exchange:Isabel Berwick left <strong>Greenhead</strong> in June 2007and undertook an exchange in Kazakhstan.Here are some highlights from an eventfuland unforgettable year.“Meeting new people, making new friends and travellingwere the highlights of this experience for me. Kostanai(where I lived) is twinned with Kirklees. It’s a particularlyfriendly town, and people often gather together for quiteextravagant celebrations such as Nauryz (pictured isIsabel at the March Nauryz celebrations.) Nauryz is one ofthe many New Years celebrated in Kazakhstan.Kazakhstan is such an interesting and important country(it has much of the world’s oil) but so few people hereknow anything about it.”In October<strong>2008</strong> Isabelstarted adegree inModernLanguagesat DurhamUniversity.www.greenhead.ac.ukSPORT NEWSWater SportsEnrichment Awards:Once again the water sports enrichment bravedthe weather to sail into the achievementawards. Eleven windsurfers and three kayakerswere presented with their Royal YachtingAssociation Level 1 awards on Wednesday 19thNovember.They are from left to right, back row: NatalieTodd, Sam Graham, James Eaton, InstructorAlastaire Pitman, Adam Lavan, Jamie Coley,Joe Wright, Instructor Andy Lacey, LewisColdwell, George Barnwell, Dominic Young,Sean Harrison, Naomi Singleton, front row:Josh Crosby, James Webster, Alex Parojcic.Congratulations to all and see you next time forLevel 2. ACDMedal Marvels:<strong>Greenhead</strong> students Katy Venters and AbigailHaywood scored medal successes for theirnation at the Youth Commonwealth Games inPune, India. Katy, 17, was awarded a goldmedal in the 200m backstroke event finishing in2 minutes 15.06 seconds which is a new Gamesbest. Katy also achieved a bronze medal in the100m medley relay.Abigail, 18, achieved a bronze medal in the polevaulting event clearing 3.80. Abigail is the HomeCountries Under 23 winner and North ofEngland Champion. She also competes for theSale Harriers.Abigail will be undertaking intensive wintertraining with the aim of qualifying for theEuropean Junior Championships in 20<strong>09</strong>. Wecongratulate Katy and Abigail on theiroutstanding achievements and wish themcontinued sporting success.

<strong>Greenhead</strong> NEWSLETTER ISSUE 9 WINTER <strong>2008</strong>newsSPORT NEWSNetball:1st Team:Travelling this year has beena challenge but ournumerous visits to Hull havebrought great success.<strong>Greenhead</strong> stormed throughthe first round of the British<strong>College</strong>s competition beatingWyke, Hull, Scarborough,Pontefract and then York inthe play-offs. They have nowreached the final roundwhere the last four teamscompete at Gateshead toreach the National Finals.There has been moresuccess for Sophie Woolvenand Lucy Greenwood whowhere selected to representthe North East of Englandand now face a final nationaltrial in Birmingham.2nd Team:What a team! Unbeaten inevery game this season andnone of our opposition haseven achieved a half score. Itlooks as though this is goingto be our best season ever!Well done girls thesevictories are thoroughlydeserved!SYFootball:1st XI Football:The 1st XI has a strong squad ofplayers again with a good mix of A1and A2s. We have made a good start,winning all league games to date, butwe lost in the National <strong>College</strong>s’ Cup toPreston Academy (1-2) despitedominating the game. Paul Day, OliverTaylor, James Prieditis, Steven Stewart,Jack Garrety, Ben Burnett, Alex Kempand Ed Flint have all been selected torepresent West Yorkshire. RF2nd XI Football:The 2nd XI has made a decent start tothe season, but this has been marredby occasional inconsistencies. The termbegan with an excellent win in a friendlyagainst Wilberforce <strong>College</strong>, Hull butwas followed by a disappointing defeatagainst Huddersfield New <strong>College</strong>.There have been a limited number ofleague games so far but the team hasmaintained a 100% record with awaywins against Wilberforce <strong>College</strong> (1-0)and Selby <strong>College</strong> (7-1) and a home winagainst Selby (5-4).These wins came despite our habit ofgiving away early goals and the awaywin against Selby was a particularlystrong performance featuring a hat-trickby Billy Fisher, whilst team captainDariush Pashazadeh scored a hat-trickin the return game. MTThere have been some excellent achievements inthese trials which take place in preparation for theLoughborough Finals next year. <strong>Greenhead</strong> studentshave competed to represent our region (North East.)Trampolining: Well done to Laura Atkin whoachieved first place and qualifies for Loughborough.Golf: Imogen Covell qualified in Darlington.Badminton: Charlotte Lyons qualified in the GirlsSingles in Darlington.Tennis: The tennis matches are progressing wellso far with the girls winning their first match in theirgroup and the mixed team also winning their groupstages. Well done on moving through to the nextstages of the competition.SPORT NEWS3rd XI Football:The 3rd XI has had a varied season sofar. They have recorded victories overWilberforce <strong>College</strong> (4-3), New <strong>College</strong>(3-1) and Hanson School (1-0), drawnwith Wilberforce (3-3) and Penistone (3-3) and lost to Mirfield (5-1) andHeckmondwike (4-3). The team is nowmore settled and should be aiming toreach the play offs at the end of theseason. MPGirls’ FootballThe girls’ football team has beentraining regularly on Thursdays with anumber of fixtures already completed.Steady progress has been madefollowing narrow defeats againstScarborough and Wilberforce <strong>College</strong>s,more recently there has been a 4-4draw against Huddersfield New <strong>College</strong>and our first win, 4-0 away, at Wyke<strong>College</strong>. SBRugby:The Rugby team has made a great startto the season with a recent fantasticresult against Park Lane <strong>College</strong>winning the match 42-24.British <strong>College</strong>s of Sport Qualifying Tournaments:Hockey: A great start to the mixed hockey seasonwith the squad being unbeaten so far. Both thewomen's and men's squads have also beenextremely successful and have once again qualifiedfor British <strong>College</strong>s Champsionships. ASWSTOP PRESS:Congratulations to Hannah Higginbottom and RosieTootell for gaining a squad place in NE&EM women'shockey squad. Richard Lovatt, Greg Moorhouse andOliver Durrant for the men's NE&EM squad and furtherhonours for Lovatt and Moorhouse who on 28thNovember won a squad place in the British <strong>College</strong>smen's squad.ASWwww.greenhead.ac.uk 7

<strong>Greenhead</strong> NEWSLETTER ISSUE 9 WINTER <strong>2008</strong>newsStudent Charity Day:Students and staff across the college community participatedin a range of fundraising events on behalf of the Laura CraneTrust and Lepra. From donning fancy dress, making talentshow appearances or by simply making a donation, studentunity in this creditable venture was appreciated. Many thanksto all people who donated, and congratulations to the SeniorStudent team who organised and co-ordinated a diverse rangeof successful events.The total amount raised was £2,175.Enjoying a Worthwhile Day'Space Circus'Travel:In November, Theatre Studies studentswere invited to travel through the spacetime continuum by being the audience fora dress rehearsal of 'Space Circus' byChol theatre company. 'Space Circus'was commissioned to tour schools inYorkshireand hopesto interestyoungpeople inscience byusinginteractivetheatre. " Iloved theinteractionbetweenthe characters and the audience"commented one student. JPH<strong>Greenhead</strong> students in a podtravelling through spaceDuke of EdinburghGold AwardParticipantsReportThe Duke of Edinburgh Gold AwardScheme is open to all students as anoptional Enrichment. VoluntaryService, Skill Acquirement andPhysical Recreation are all part of theaward, and the commitment neededto complete these sections is why theaward is so highly rated byuniversities and employers. The Residential project is another component of the award, involving anactive week away with people you haven’t met before.Christopher comments “Luckily I took the opportunity, provided by the award scheme at <strong>College</strong>, to visitthe Greek island of Poros for a week, for activities such as kayaking and cycling - a fantastic trip whichleft me with many new experiences.” As Brett Longstaffe also remarks “Over the course of the week weall managed to achieve our Sea Kayaking Level 2 qualification.” Christopher observes that “Overall theDuke of Edinburgh Award was an unmissable opportunity for me, and I recommend it highly.” Brettconcurs stating “It was an amazing experience.”By Christopher Prince & Brett Longstaffe8www.greenhead.ac.ukDesign & Production www.marketing-for-education.co.uk 01282 612222 [ref 37280 - 12/08]

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