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IBSSA official publication 2006Dom Lorenzo OSB in AETERNUMHis Most Eminent Highness Dom Lorenzo OSB –Metropolitan Primate of the American Catholic OrthodoxChurch <strong>and</strong> Gr<strong>and</strong> Master of the Sovereign Order of SaintJohn of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation ofAutonomous Priories died on 14th December 2005 in a NewYork’s Hospital, in the sequence of a massive brain hemorrhagicstroke.Born in Madrid, Spain, on the 15th of May 1939, LorenzoAbruñedo Romero made his studies in the catholic seminar<strong>and</strong> later, in 1973, went to America where he joined theAmerican Catholic Orthodox Church as a clergyman. Laterhe became successively a Bishop, Archbishop <strong>and</strong> Primate ofhis Church.In 1994 His Beatitude Dom Lorenzo OSB, asMetropolitan Primate of the Church, succeeded HisEminence Archbishop Count Michael Paul Peter De Valich –who had been for near 30 years leading the Federation ofAutonomous Priories – <strong>and</strong>, on 22nd January of the sameyear, the Gr<strong>and</strong> Council of the Federation in a meeting at LaValletta, Malta, reconfirmed Dom Lorenzo as successor tothe vacant Great Magisterial See of the Federation.During his 11 years as the Head <strong>and</strong> Chief of State of theFederation, first as Regent <strong>and</strong> recently as Gr<strong>and</strong> Master, HisMost Eminent Highness DomLorenzo preformed brilliantwork, conducing it to new stageof growth <strong>and</strong> development. Infact it was under the regency ofDom Lorenzo that several countriesrecognized the Federation asa Sovereign State <strong>and</strong> its networkof Embassies was created to execute the humanitarianprogram of actions of the Order. It was also in this periodthat the Order grew in number <strong>and</strong> quality of knights <strong>and</strong>exp<strong>and</strong>ed to other countries such as Hungary, Angola,Romania, Guinea-Bissau, Czech Republic, Portugal, SouthAfrica, Latvia, <strong>and</strong> Israel among other, <strong>and</strong> that new institutionsof humanitarian nature, as FEMERAID were created.Dom Lorenzo, the Gr<strong>and</strong> Master, the Gr<strong>and</strong> Knight hasdeparted, <strong>and</strong> after his departure the Knighthood in general,<strong>and</strong> the Federation in particular, suffered a great loss.The Man has departed but he did not die, for only thosewho are forgotten die, <strong>and</strong> the Memory of Dom Lorenzo willstay forever alive in all those who have known him.Requiescat in Pacem.Jose Cosmelli, Knight of MaltaFinal farewell from Sir John DORA18 November 2005, Pécs / HungaryWe announce with deep sorrow the death of ourfriend Sir John DORA – Knight of Malta, HonoraryMember of IBSSA, who died in tragic circumstances on26th October 2005 in Budapest.All friends joined his family in bidding farewell at a funeralservice, which was held on Friday, 18th November 2005,at the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Pécs city, Hungary.During the memorial service the following high-rankingofficials <strong>and</strong> members of international organisationsheld their farewell speech:– Prof. George POPPER – President of IBSSA made hisspeech on behalf of IBSSA, while 8 members of the associationwere st<strong>and</strong>ing by the coffin as honorary guards.– The commemoration on behalf of the Sovereign Orderof Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta,Federation of Autonomous Priories was held by SirAlex<strong>and</strong>er OSZTER, while 8 Knights <strong>and</strong> Dames werest<strong>and</strong>ing as honorary guards by the coffin.– H.E. Dr. John KARÁSZY-KULIN (GBR) – Gr<strong>and</strong> Masterof the International Knightly Order of St. George heldhis farewell speech as well, while 2 Knights of the Order,who are also members ofIBSSA, saluted at the coffin.Dr. Eriks GRINBERGS(LAT) – Chairman of theLegal Department of IBSSA,Knight of Malta – came toHungary in order to attend the funeral.Sir Csaba KIRÁLY, KM – invited all the present IBSSAmembers, knights of the Sovereign Order of Saint John ofJerusalem, Knights of Malta, F.A.P. <strong>and</strong> also the knightsof the St. George Order to have lunch in Szekszárd.IBSSA plans to start a “John Dora” commemorativemedallion <strong>and</strong> initiated to establish the “JOHNDORA Foundation” in order to support <strong>and</strong> help thetraining of talented young bodyguards <strong>and</strong> to rewardsuccessful bodyguards. Mrs. Katalin DORA PAPP –daughter of Sir John DORA was requested to acceptthe position of being the chairman of the Board oftrustees of the foundation.(IBSSA HQ)8

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