116 Sustainable Industries Park, Dagenham, London L.pdf

116 Sustainable Industries Park, Dagenham, London L.pdf

116 Sustainable Industries Park, Dagenham, London L.pdf

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1,21,2 Day and nightime aerial viewsSergison Bates architects

Sergison Bates architects were appointedby The <strong>London</strong> Thames GatewayDevelopment Corporation (LTGDC)to provide a Vision, a DevelopmentFramework and Design Guidelines for thenew <strong>London</strong> <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> <strong>Park</strong>(LSIP) at <strong>Dagenham</strong> Dock.Sergison Bates architects lead a multidisciplinaryteam of consultants includingVogt Landscape (Landscape design),Martin Stockley Associates (infrastructureand public realm), Price & Myers(sustainability), URS (transport) and GHP(planning) and will work closely withother stakeholders such as the <strong>London</strong>Borough of Barking & <strong>Dagenham</strong> (LBBD),the Environment Agency (EA), Designfor <strong>London</strong> (DfL), the Port of <strong>London</strong>Authority (PLA), Transport for <strong>London</strong>(TfL) and existing tenants on the site. Theproposals will also engage and integratewith nearby initiatives such as transportand movement proposals (Sustranscycle route and the East <strong>London</strong> Transit),landscape and public realm proposals(East <strong>London</strong> Green Grid and the ThamesPath) and new developments (BarkingRiverside).The vision for the LSIP is centeredon environmental sustainability andinvolves transforming the currentlyfragmented and under-developed 142hectare industrial site at <strong>Dagenham</strong>Dock into an exemplar park for emergingtechnologies operating in the fieldof sustainable resources and energytechnology. The aim is to make the parka wholly self-sustainable enterprise andto develop an industrial symbiosis overtime, where businesses use each other’sby-products and share resources. Aspectrum of environmental industrieswill be based in the LSIP, from heavyindustry to businesses working with newand emerging technologies, and eachwill be involved in a variety of productionincluding renewable energy generation(micro generation (manufacture) andlarger scale energy production fromwaste facilities), materials recycling,sustainable construction materials andprocesses, research and development,environmental services and trainingrelated to these sectors.Sustainability (research & development).The woodland landscape fulfils a purposeas a working landscape, as well asphysically unifying the LSIP as a singleentity. The new green infrastructurebuilds upon what already exists onthe site, from roads and buildings tosurface water ditches, but it also leadsto a complete transformation of the siteand the establishment of a new senseof place, a new community and a new<strong>London</strong> landscape.The Development Framework willestablish the infrastructure provisionand guidelines for the design of thepublic realm. The Design Guidelines forindividual plot development will controlthe visual character of the buildings andsite development criteria. The team willsubmit a detailed planning application forthe infrastructure and landscaping designfor the first phase of the LSIP in January2010. They are currently working closelywith Cyclamax, the first plant designed toproduce clean energy from waste plantto be established on the site, who willsubmit a detailed planning applicationfor a new 16,000 m2 facility and willliaise with the soon-to-be-appointeddesign team for the 3,500 m2 Institute forSustainability.The vision proposed by Sergison Batesarchitects and its team is of a place ofdistinctive character – a managed andmaintained woodland landscape whichprovides a strong spatial setting for theSIP to emerge and develop through to2040. The woodland is to be establishedearly, alongside the installation of keyanchor tenants including Closed Loop(plastics recycling), Cyclamax (productionof energy from waste) and the Institute forSergison Bates architectsClient: LTGDCLandscape architects: Vogt LandscapeInfrastructure and public realmengineering: Martin Stockley AssociatesSustainability: Price & MyersTransport engineers: URSPlanning consultancy: GHP

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