DSP BlackRock Dual Advantage Fund – Series 15 - Rrfinance.com

DSP BlackRock Dual Advantage Fund – Series 15 - Rrfinance.com

DSP BlackRock Dual Advantage Fund – Series 15 - Rrfinance.com

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<strong>DSP</strong> BLACKROCK DUAL ADVANTAGE FUND <strong>–</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 11 to <strong>15</strong>Close Ended In<strong>com</strong>e SchemesKEY INFORMATION MEMORANDUM CUM APPLICATION FORMInvestment Manager: <strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong> Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd.New <strong>Fund</strong> Offer Price: Rs. 10/- per UnitNew <strong>Fund</strong> Offer:<strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong> <strong>Dual</strong> <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>Fund</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Series</strong> <strong>15</strong> - 36MOpens: May 13, 2013Closes: May 27, 2013This Key Information Memorandum (KIM) sets forth the information, which a prospective investor ought to knowbefore investing. For further details of the Schemes/Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>, due diligence certificate by the AMC, KeyPersonnel, investors rights & services, risk factors, penalties & pending litigations etc. investors should, beforeinvestment, refer to the Scheme information Document (SID) of the Schemes and the Statement of AdditionalInformation (SAI) available free of cost at any of the Investor Service Centres or distributors or from the website,www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>.The Scheme particulars have been prepared in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual<strong>Fund</strong>s) Regulations 1996, as amended till date, and filed with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).The Units being offered for public subscription have not been approved or disapproved by SEBI, nor has SEBIcertified the accuracy or adequacy of this KIM.Investment ObjectiveThe primary investment objective of the Schemes is to generate returns and seekcapital appreciation by investing in a portfolio of debt and money market securities.The scheme also seeks to invest a portion of the portfolio in equity & equity relatedsecurities to achieve capital appreciation. As far as investments in debt and moneymarket securities are concerned, the Schemes will invest only in securities whichmature on or before the date of maturity of the Schemes. There is no assurancethat the investment objective of the Schemes will be realized.1

Asset Allocation Pattern (1) Schemes with Tenure of 12 monthsTypes of InstrumentsNormal Allocation(% of Net Assets)*Debt & money market securities 90% to 95%Equity & equity related 5% to 10%(2) Schemes with Tenure greater than 12 months and less than or equal to 24monthsTypes of InstrumentsNormal Allocation(% of Net Assets)*Debt securities 50% to 95%Money Market Securities 0% to 30%Equity & equity related 5% to 20%(3) Schemes with Tenure greater than 24 months and less than or equal to 36monthsTypes of InstrumentsNormal Allocation(% of Net Assets)*Debt securities 50% to 95%Money Market Securities 0% to 25%Equity & equity related 5% to 25%(4) Schemes with Tenure greater than 36 monthsTypes of InstrumentsNormal Allocation(% of Net Assets)*Debt securities 50% to 95%Money Market Securities 0% to <strong>15</strong>%Equity & equity related 5% to 35%*Debt Securities may include securitized debt instruments upto 50% of the netassets.Intended PortfolioAllocation for<strong>DSP</strong>BRDAF <strong>–</strong> S<strong>15</strong> <strong>–</strong> 36MCredit rating (%)A*Credit rating notApplicable (%)Non <strong>–</strong> ConvertibleDebentures/BondsCash & Cash Equivalent(CBLO/REPO/CROM)Equity and equity relatedsecurities80-85 -- 0-5<strong>15</strong>-20-* for long term debt instruments**for short term debt instrumentsNotes:a. Securities with Rating AA will include AA+ and AA-. Similarly, securitieswith Rating A1 will include A1+.b. All investments shall be made based on rating prevalent at the time ofinvestment. Further, in case of an instrument which has dual rating, themost conservative publicly available rating would be considered.c. The Schemes shall not invest in unrated instruments.There would be no variation between the intended portfolio and the final portfolio,subject to the following:2

(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)Positive variation in investment toward higher credit rating in thesame instrument may be allowed.The order of risk-reward in instrument categories could beconsidered as CD being of lower risk <strong>com</strong>pared to CP/NCDs. TheInvestment Manager can deploy funds in CDs (with highest ratingcategory i.e. A1+) or Collatarised Borrowing and Lending Obligation(CBLO) or Government Securities (G-sec) or Treasury bill (T-bills),in case CPs/NCDs/Bonds, are not available or the InvestmentManager is of the view that the risk-reward is not in the bestinterest of the Unit holders.In case the Investment Manager is of the view that the risk-rewardof investments in equity and equity related securities is not in thebest interest of the Unit holders, the Investment Manager candeploy funds in highest rated CDs, CPs, CBLO and T-bills.At the time of building up the portfolio post NFO and towards thematurity of the Scheme, the Investment Manager may deploy (upto100 %) the funds in cash/cash equivalents/in units of moneymarket/liquid schemes of <strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong> Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> and/anyother mutual <strong>Fund</strong> in terms of applicable regulations, fortemporary period.The Investment Manager can deploy funds in short-term securitieswhich are rated A1+. Further, in case of dual rating of the security,the most conservative publicly available rating would beconsidered.Further, in the event of any deviations below the minimum limits or beyond themaximum limits as specified in the above table and subject to the notes mentionedhereinabove, a review and rebalancing of the asset allocation will be called for bythe Investment Manager within 30 days from the date of the said deviation. Suchchanges in the investment pattern will be for a short term and for defensiveconsiderations and the intention being at all times to seek to protect the interestsof the Unit Holders and may be caused due to reason such as non <strong>–</strong> availability ofthe appropriate assets as mentioned in the above asset allocation matrix or due toperceived weakness in the credit worthiness of the issuer of the assets which areheld in the portfolio during the tenor of the Scheme.Investment StrategyThe schemes would invest both in equities and fixed in<strong>com</strong>e instruments. Withinequities and fixed in<strong>com</strong>e, the portfolio would be actively managed to optimizereturns within the respective asset class.Fixed in<strong>com</strong>e strategyThe Investment Manager will invest only in those debt securities that are ratedinvestment grade by a domestic credit rating agency authorised to carry out suchactivity, such as CRISIL, ICRA, CARE etc. In-house research by the InvestmentManager will emphasize on credit analysis, in order to determine credit risk.Equity strategyThe Investment Manager prefers adopting a top-down approach with regard toinvestment in equity and equity related securities. This approach en<strong>com</strong>passes anevaluation of key economic trends, an analysis of various sectors in the economyleading to an outlook on their future prospects and a diligent study of variousinvestment opportunities within the favoured sectors. In picking out individualinvestment opportunities for the portfolio, the Investment Manager will seek bothvalue and growth. Value is discerned when the Investment Manager believes thatthe inherent worth or long-term growth potential of a <strong>com</strong>pany is not fully reflectedin the share price of the <strong>com</strong>pany. Growth stocks, as the term suggests, are thosestocks that are currently in the growth phase. Such growth in earnings could be dueto a new product, a new process, growing market share, stronger brand equity,technological breakthrough and unique or predominant position in a market, amongother factors.3

The Investment Manager will conduct in-house research in order to identify valueand growth stocks. The analysis will focus, among other things, on the historical andcurrent financial condition of the <strong>com</strong>pany, capital structure, business prospects,strength of management, responsiveness to business conditions, product profile,brand equity, market share, <strong>com</strong>petitive edge, research and technological knowhowand transparency in corporate governance. The quality or strength ormanagement would be a key focus area.Risk ProfileRisk ManagementStrategiesMutual <strong>Fund</strong> Units involve investment risks including the possible loss of principal.Scheme specific risk factors are summarized below:1. Risk associated with investment in fixed in<strong>com</strong>e securities (i) Liquidity Risk onaccount of unquoted and unlisted securities (ii) Credit Risk and Market Risk (iii)Reinvestment Risk (iv) Term Structure of Interest Rates (TSIR) Risk (v) Credit RatingRisk (vi) Concentration Risk (vii) Event Risk (viii) Risk associated with Listing of Unitsand Risk associated with close ended schemes 2. Risk associated with investment inequity and equity related instruments 3. Risks associated with investments inSecuritised Assets. 4. Risk Associated with Derivatives 5. Risk associated with listingof units and 6. Risk associated with close-ended schemes.Please read the SID carefully for details on risk factors before investment.Risk1. Risk associated with investment in fixed in<strong>com</strong>e securitiesRisk mitigants / management strategyInterest rate riskFall in the value of the portfolio due toupward movement of interest ratesCredit riskIssuer’s inability to meet interest andprincipal payments on its debtobligationsLiquidity riskHigh impact costs for liquidation ofsecurities held in the portfolioConcentration riskConcentrated investment in singlesecurity or single issuerAlthough this risk exists in a fixedin<strong>com</strong>e portfolio, the closed endednature of the Scheme mitigates the riskas portfolio construction at the time ofinception leads to creation of a shortduration portfolio with securities whosematurity date is in line with thematurity date of the Scheme.Credit risk management is anindependent function performed by theRQA team. The team establishes andcontinuously monitors credit limits foreach issuer based on inputs from issuerfinancial statements, rating agenciesetc. Issuer Risk Limits are imposed on asingle issuer as well as an industrialgroup, for all the schemes. Issuer risklimits cover the quantum of exposure,maximum tenor and in some instancesthe type of instruments that can bepurchased. Risk limits for issuers areassigned after discussion at an internalCredit Committee meeting. Theendeavour is to construct a portfoliowith high credit quality.In a closed ended product, liquidity riskon account of underlying securities’market liquidity is mitigated exist asintermediate liquidity is not required.Liquidity access is done throughcontractual maturity of the security,which is in line with the term of theclosed ended Scheme.We have internal fund managerguidelines for maximum exposure to asingle issuer and also concentrationlimits on account of large holdings toavoid undue concentration in portfolio.4

Event riskPrice risk due to <strong>com</strong>pany or sectorspecific event2. Risk associated with investment inequity and equity related instrumentsThe endeavour is to invest in securitiesof issuers, which have high balancesheet strength in the investmenthorizon to eliminate single <strong>com</strong>panyrisk.The Investment Manager endeavours toinvest in <strong>com</strong>panies, where adequatedue diligence has been performed bythe Investment Manager. As not allthese <strong>com</strong>panies are very wellresearched by third-party research<strong>com</strong>panies, the Investment Manageralso relies on its own research. Thisinvolves one to one meetings with themanagement of <strong>com</strong>panies, attendingconferences and analyst meets and alsotele-conferences. The <strong>com</strong>pany<strong>–</strong>wiseanalysis will focus, amongst others, onthe historical and current financialcondition of the <strong>com</strong>pany, potentialvalue creation/unlocking of value andits impact on earnings growth, capitalstructure, business prospects, policyenvironment, strength of management,responsiveness to business conditions,product profile, brand equity, marketshare, <strong>com</strong>petitive edge, research,technological know<strong>–</strong>how andtransparency in corporate governance.Our internal fund manager guidelineshave maximum active/passive limitsper sector and per stock vis-à-vis thebenchmark to mitigate excessive riskconcentration.Credit Evaluation PolicySectors in which theSchemes shall not investCredit Analysis at <strong>DSP</strong>BRIM is an independent function performed by the Risk &Quantitative Analysis (RQA) team. The RQA team sets up and monitors lendinglimits for each debt issuer. Issuer risk limits cover the quantum of exposure,maximum tenor and in some instances the type of instruments that can bepurchased by the Investment Manager. An individual scheme’s access to the issuerlimit is dependent on its investment objectives, regulatory restrictions and assetsunder management. Risk limits for issuers are assigned and reviewed regularly atan internal Credit Committee meeting.Credit evaluation process: The credit evaluation process includes a thoroughanalysis of the operating and financial strength of the issuer as well asmanagement and industry risk evaluation. Typically, an interaction with the<strong>com</strong>pany management is also sought prior to setting up of issuer limits.For structured obligations, in addition to the above, the evaluation also coversoriginator analysis, collateral analysis, structure analysis and embedded riskanalysis.Each credit proposal is discussed by an internal Credit Committee and a limit isassigned, if the issuer/structure is suitable.The Schemes shall not invest in the debt securities of the below-mentionedsectors: Textile Sector Airline SectorFurther, in terms of SEBI circular no. CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated September 13,2012 read with SEBI circular no. CIR/IMD/DF/24/2012 dated November 19, 2012,the total exposure of the Scheme in a particular sector (excluding investments inBank CDs, CBLO, G-Secs, TBills and AAA rated securities issued by Public Financial5

Institutions and Public Sector Banks) shall not exceed 30% of the net assets of theScheme. However, the Scheme can have an additional exposure to financialservices sector (over and above the limit of 30%) not exceeding 10% of the netassets of the scheme in Housing Finance Companies (HFCs). The additionalexposure to such securities issued by HFCs should be rated AA and above and theseHFCs should be registered with National Housing Bank (NHB) and the totalinvestment/ exposure in HFCs shall not exceed 30% of the net assets of theScheme.At the time of investment, the AMC would use Association of Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>s in India(AMFI) defined sector cap.The list of sector/category of investment including rating and limits are subject toregulatory changes.The above restriction on sectoral limits will not be applicable to the equityportion of the Scheme.Types of instruments inwhich the Scheme shallinvestThe Scheme will invest in debt and money market instruments. The Scheme willalso invest in equity and equity related instruments. It retains the flexibility toinvest across all the securities in the debt and money markets.Debt securities and Money Market Instruments will include but will not be limitedto:• Debt obligations of the Government of India , state and local governments,government agencies, statutory bodies, public sector undertakings, scheduled<strong>com</strong>mercial banks, non-banking finance <strong>com</strong>panies, development financialinstitutions, supra-national financial institutions, corporate entities and trusts.• Debt and Money Market securities and such other securities as may be permittedby SEBI and RBI from time to time.• Pass through, Pay through or other Participation Certificates, representinginterest in a pool of assets including receivables• Money market instruments including but not limited to, treasury bills,<strong>com</strong>mercial paper of public sector undertakings and private sector corporateentities, reverse repurchase agreements with respect to government securitiesand treasury bills, CBLOs (Collateralised Borrowing and Lending Obligation),certificates of deposit of scheduled <strong>com</strong>mercial banks and development financialinstitutions, bills of exchange/promissory notes of public sector and privatesector corporate entities (co accepted by banks), government securities withunexpired maturity of one year or less and other money market securities as maybe permitted by SEBI/RBI Regulations.• The debt securities could be listed, unlisted, privately placed including but, notrestricted to, pass through certificates.• The non-convertible part of convertible securities.• Any other like instrument as may be permitted by RBI/SEBI/ other regulatoryauthority, if any, from time to time.The scheme may invest in equity securities, which include, but are not limited to: Equity shares being a security that represents ownership interest in a<strong>com</strong>pany.Equity Related Instruments, which are securities which give the holder of thesecurity right to receive Equity Shares on pre agreed terms. It includesconvertible/optionally convertible/<strong>com</strong>pulsorily convertible debentures,convertible/optionally convertible/<strong>com</strong>pulsorily convertible preferenceshares, share warrants and any other security which has equity <strong>com</strong>ponentembedded in it.Equity Derivatives, which are financial instruments, generally traded on anexchange, the price of which is directly dependent upon (i.e., “derivedfrom”) the value of equity shares or equity indices. Derivatives involve thetrading of rights or obligations based on the underlying, but do not directlytransfer property.6

Plans Available underthe SchemesRegular PlanDirect PlanOptions under eachplans under theSchemesTenure/Duration ofthe SchemesGrowth*Dividend Payout*default Option12 months to 60 months from the respective date of allotment.The exact duration of Schemes shall be decided at the time of launch of therespective Scheme(s) and in case of the Scheme(s) launched after New <strong>Fund</strong> Offerof the first Scheme under the SID, the duration/tenure of the Scheme will beindicated in the notice published for launch of each of the Scheme.The Units of the Schemes will be fully redeemed at the end of their respectivetenure.<strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong> <strong>Dual</strong> <strong>Advantage</strong> <strong>Fund</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Series</strong> <strong>15</strong> <strong>–</strong> 36M will mature on July4, 2016.In case the maturity date happens to be a non-Business Day, the immediatelysucceeding Business Day will be considered as the maturity date. On the maturitydate, all Units under the Schemes will be <strong>com</strong>pulsorily, and without any furtheract by the Unit Holders, redeemed at the Applicable NAV of that day.For the units held in electronic form, the units will be extinguished with theDepository and the redemption amount will be paid to the Unit Holders on thematurity date, at the prevailing NAV on that date.Minimum ApplicationAmount /Number ofUnitsBenchmark IndexDividend PolicyName of the <strong>Fund</strong>ManagerName of the TrusteeCompanyPerformance of theSchemeRs. 5,000/<strong>–</strong> and in multiples of Re. 1/- thereafter.CRISIL MIP Blended IndexThe Trustee reserves the right to declare a dividend and the actual distributionthereof and the frequency of distribution are entirely at the discretion of theTrustee.Dhawal Dalal & Vinit Sambre<strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong> Trustee Company Pvt. Ltd.These are new Schemes being launched and hence, there is no performance trackrecord.Investors are informed that the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>/AMC and its empanelled brokers havenot given and shall not give any indicative portfolio and indicative yield in any<strong>com</strong>munication, in any manner whatsoever. Investors are advised not to rely onany <strong>com</strong>munication regarding indicative yield/ portfolio with regard to theScheme.Expenses of the Scheme(i) Load StructureEntry Load <strong>–</strong> NIL*Exit Load <strong>–</strong> Not Applicable (The Units under the Scheme cannot be directlyredeemed with the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> as the Units will be listed on the StockExchange/s)*In accordance with the requirements specified by SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIRNo.4/168230/09 dated June 30, 2009 no entry load will be charged with respect toapplications for purchase/switch-in. The upfront <strong>com</strong>mission on investment madeby the investor shall be paid to the ARN Holder directly by the investor, based onthe investor’s assessment of various factors including service rendered by the ARNHolder.7

(ii) Recurring Expenses Slab Rates (As a % of dailynet assets)Additional TER asper Regulation 52(6A) (c)Additional TERas perRegulation 52(6A) (b)On the first Rs.100 Crores 2.25% 0.20% 0.30%On the next Rs.300 CroresOn the next Rs.300 CroresOn the balance of theassets2.00% 0.20% 0.30%1.75% 0.20% 0.30%1.50% 0.20% 0.30%Expense Structure for Direct Plan - The annual recurring expenses will be within thelimits specified under the SEBI (Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>s) Regulations, 1996.However, Direct Plan will have lower expense ratio than Regular Plan of the Scheme.The expenses under Direct Plan shall exclude the distribution and <strong>com</strong>missionexpenses.The maximum limit of recurring expenses that can be charged to the Schemes wouldbe as per Regulation 52 of the SEBI (MF) Regulation, 1996. Investors are requested toread “Section VII <strong>–</strong> FEES and EXPENSES”.For the actual current expenses being charged, the investor should refer to thewebsite of the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>.Tax treatment for theInvestors (Unit Holders)Applicable NAV forrepurchaseDespatch of Repurchase(Redemption)Proceeds on MaturityNet Asset Value (NAV)PublicationListingInvestors are advised to refer to the details in the Statement of AdditionalInformation. In view of the individual nature of tax implications, each investor isadvised to consult his or her own tax consultant with respect to the specific taximplications arising out of his or her participation in the Scheme.Not applicable. The Scheme being close ended no redemption/repurchase ispermitted. Investors who wish to redeem/exit may do so through the StockExchange mode.Within 10 working days from the date of MaturityThe first NAV will be calculated and declared within 5 Business Days from theclosure of the NFO. Thereafter, the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> shall declare the NAV of theSchemes on every Business Day, on AMFI’s website www.amfiindia.<strong>com</strong>, by 9.00p.m. and also on www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>.The NAV of the Schemes will be published by the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> in at least two dailynewspapers, on every Business Day.The Units of the Scheme will be listed on Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE)within 5 Business Days from the date of allotment. BSE has vide its letter no.DCS/IPO/PB/MF-IP/231/2011-12 dated July 23, 2012, provided in-principle approvalto the AMC for listing of the Units of the Schemes on BSE.The Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> may at its sole discretion list the Units under the respectiveSchemes on any other recognized Stock Exchange(s) at a later date. The Trusteeshall issue an addendum for listing of Units on any other recognised Stock Exchangein India, and a public notice to this effect will be given in two newspapers and alsodisplayed at the Investor Service Centres. All regulatory procedures will be followedin this regard.An investor can buy/sell Units on a continuous basis on BSE and/or any other StockExchange(s) on which the Units are listed during the trading hours like any otherpublicly traded stock. The Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> reserves the right tosuspend/deactivate/freeze trading of the Schemes and do all such matters withrespect to closure of the Scheme at any time upto 10 days prior to the maturity.The proceeds of the maturity will be payable to the persons/beneficial owners/lienholders whose names appear in the beneficiary position as on the record date for8

maturity, as per the information available from the depositories.For Investor Grievancesplease contactUnit HoldersInformationComputer Age Management Services Pvt. Ltd., No. 178/10, KodambakkamHighRoad, First Floor, Opp Hotel Palmgrove, Nungambakkam, Chennai <strong>–</strong> 600034.Tel: 044-2850 0500; Fax: 044-2850 0693; E-mail id: enq_d@camsonline.<strong>com</strong> OR <strong>DSP</strong><strong>BlackRock</strong> Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>, Natraj, Office Premises No. 302, 3rd Floor, M V RoadJunction. W. E. Highway, Andheri - East, Mumbai - 400069. Tel.: 022-67178000.Account Statements/Allotment Confirmation:• Allotment confirmation specifying the number of Units allotted shall be sent tothe Unit holders at their registered e-mail address and/or mobile number by way ofemail and/or SMS within 5 Business Days from the close of the New <strong>Fund</strong> Offer(NFO) Period.• Consolidated account statement (CAS)^ shall be sent for each calendar monthwithin 10th day of the succeeding month to the investors in whose foliostransactions have taken place during that month. Transactions for the purpose ofCAS include purchase, redemption, switch, dividend payout, dividend reinvestment,SIP, SWP, STP and bonus transactions with respect to Units held in physical form.• The statement sent within the time frame mentioned above is provisional and issubject to realisation of payment instrument and/or verification of documents,including the application form, by the Registrar/AMC.• A consolidated account statement shall be sent every half yearly (September/March), on or before 10th day of succeeding month, detailing holding at the end ofthe six month, to all such investors in whose folios there have been no transactionsduring that period.• For Unit Holders who have provided an e-mail address, the AMC will send theaccount statement by e-mail.• The Unit Holder may request for a physical account statement by writingto/calling the AMC/Registrar.• Despatch of account statements to NRIs/FIIs will be subject to RBI approval, ifrequired.• Where investor desires to hold Units in dematerialized form, demat statementshall be provided by the Depository Participant in such form and in such manner andat such time as provided in the agreement with the beneficial owner.^Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) shall contain details relating to all thetransactions carried out by the investor across all schemes of all mutual fundsduring the month and holding at the end of the month including transaction chargespaid to the distributor with respect to Units held in physical form.For the purpose of CAS, <strong>com</strong>mon investors across mutual funds shall be identified onthe basis of PAN. Accordingly, investors whose folio(s) are not updated with PANshall not receive CAS. Investors are therefore requested to ensure that their folio(s)are updated with PAN. Further, such consolidation shall be based on the <strong>com</strong>monsequence/order of investors in various folios across mutual funds.Unit holders are requested to note that, unit holders for folios which are notincluded in the CAS, AMC shall henceforth issue monthly account statement,pursuant to any financial transaction done in such folios; the monthly statement willbe send on or before tenth day of succeeding month. Such statements shall be sentin physical if no email id is provided in the folio.In case of New <strong>Fund</strong> Offer Period purchase, the AMC shall send confirmationspecifying the number of units allotted to the applicant by way of a physicalaccount statement or an email and/or SMS to the applicant’s registered addressesand/or mobile number as soon as possible but not later than five working days fromthe date of closure of the NFO.In case of a specific request received from the unit holders, the AMC shall providethe account statement to the unit holders within 5 business days from the receipt ofsuch requestFor more details, please refer the SID.9

Half yearly portfolio disclosure: Full portfolio in the prescribed format shall bedisclosed either by publishing it in one national English daily newspaper circulatingin the whole of India and in a newspaper published in the language of the regionwhere the Head office of the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> is situated or by sending it to the UnitHolders within one month from the end of each half-year, that is as on March 31 andSeptember 30. It shall also be displayed on www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>.Annual Financial results: The annual report of the Schemes or the Annual Report oran abridged summary thereof, will be sent to all Unit Holders not later than fourmonths from the date of the closure of the relevant financial year i.e. March 31each year (i) by email only to all Unit holders whose e-mail addresses are availablewith the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> and (ii) in physical form to the Unit holders whose e-mailaddresses are not available with the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> and/or to those Unit holders whohave opted/requested for the same.Whenever the report is sent in a the abridged form, the full annual report will beavailable for inspection at the registered office of the Trustee and a copy madeavailable on request to the Unit Holders. The Annual Report shall also be displayedon www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>, a link to which is displayed prominently on thehomepage of the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>’s website.Investors are requested to register their email addresses with the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>.Applications Supportedby Blocked Amount(ASBA)As per SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 18/198647/2010 dated March <strong>15</strong>, 2010read with SEBI circular no. Cir /IMD/DF/6/2010 dated July 28, 2010, an investor cansubscribe to the New <strong>Fund</strong> Offer (NFO) through ASBA facility for NFOs launched onor after October 01, 2010. The ASBA facility is offered by selected Self CertifiedSyndicate Banks (SCSBs) which are registered with SEBI for offering the facility, andwhose names appear in the list of SCSBs on the website of SEBI, www.sebi.gov.in.ASBA is an application containing an authorization given by the investor to block theapplication money in his specified bank account towards the subscription of Unitsoffered during the NFO of the Schemes. Thus, for an investor who applies throughASBA facility, the application money blocked towards subscription of Units shall bedebited only if his/her application is selected for allotment of Units. ASBA facilitywill be provided to the investors subscribing to NFO of the Scheme. It shall co-existwith the existing process, wherein cheques/ demand drafts are used as a mode ofpayment. Please refer ASBA application form for detailed instructions. ASBAapplications can be submitted only at Self Certified Syndicate Bank (SCSB) at theirdesignated branches. ASBA form should not be submitted at location other thanSCSB as it will not be processed. List of SCSBs and their designated branches shallbe displayed on the SEBI’s website (www.sebi.gov.in).Multiple Bank AccountRegistrationIn <strong>com</strong>pliance to AMFI Best Practice Guidelines, AMFI circular No. 17/10-11 datedOctober 22, 2010. The Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> offers its investors’ facility to register multiplebank accounts for pay-in & payout purposes and designate one of the registeredbank account as “Default Bank Account”. Individuals, HUFs, Sole proprietor firmscan register upto five bank accounts and a non-individual investor can register uptoten bank accounts in a folio. This facility can be availed by using a designated “BankAccounts Registration Form” available at Investor Service Centers and Registrar andTransfer Agent’s offices. In case of new investors, the bank account mentioned onthe purchase application form, used for opening the folio, will be treated as defaultbank account till the investor gives a separate request to register multiple bankaccounts and change the default bank account to any of other registered bankaccount. Registered bank accounts may also be used for verification of pay-ins (i.e.receiving of subscription funds) to ensure that a third party payment is not used formutual fund subscription. Default Bank Account will be used for all dividends andredemptions payouts unless investor specifies one of the existing registered bankaccount in the redemption request for receiving redemption proceeds. However, incase a Unitholder does not specify the default account, the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> reservesthe right to designate any of the registered bank accounts as default bank account.Consequent to introduction of “Multiple Bank Accounts Facility”, the existingfacility of redemption with change of bank mandate is discontinued by the fund.New bank accounts can only be registered using the designated “Bank Accounts10

Registration Form”. A new non-registered bank account specified in the specificredemption request for receiving redemption proceeds will not be considered.Process for Change ofAddressThe self attested copies of the following documents shall be submitted along withduly filled in ‘Change of address form’:a.) For KYC not <strong>com</strong>plied folios:(i) Proof of new address (‘POA’); and(ii) Proof of identity (‘POI’): Only PAN card copy shall be consideredif PAN is updated in the folio or other proof of identity if PAN isnot updated in the folio.b.) For KYC <strong>com</strong>plied folios:(i)(ii)Proof of new address; andAny other document/ form that the KYC Registration Agency(KRA) may specify from time to time.The <strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong> Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd. (‘AMC’) reserves the right tocollect proof of old address on a case to case basis while effecting the change ofaddress.The self attested copies of above stated documents shall be submitted along withoriginal for verification at any of the AMCs branches /Investor Service Center’s ofComputer Age Management Services Private Limited (‘CAMS’), Register & TransferAgent of the <strong>Fund</strong>. In case, the original of any document is not produced forverification, then the copies should be properly attested/verified by entitiesauthorized for attesting / verification of the documents. List of admissibledocuments for POA & POI mentioned in SEBI Circular MIRSD/SE/Cir <strong>–</strong> 21 / 2011 datedOctober 05, 2011 shall be considered.Third Party PaymentAvoidance andadditional documents /declaration required:To safeguard the interests of applicant/investors and avoid fraudulent transactionsin any other name, the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> does not accept Third Party Payments* inlinewith AMFI Best Practice Guidelines Circular No.16/2010-11 dated August 16, 2010.A payment towards mutual fund subscription by Cheque/Demand Draft (DD)/<strong>Fund</strong>Transfer/RTGS/NEFT or any mode whatsoever is deemed as a “Third Party”payment, if payment is issued from a bank account other than that of thebeneficiary investor. The first holder of the mutual fund folio has to be one of thejoint holders of the bank account from which payment is made via cheque/DemandDraft (DD)/<strong>Fund</strong>s transfer/RTGS/NEFT. Therefore, it is important for investors tomention the bank account number, bank name & branch address from where thepayment is issued and the same should match with details on paymentcheque/document (where applicable). Where the payment instrument/advice doesnot mention the bank account holders name/s, investor should attach bank passbook copy/bank statement/bank letter to substantiate that the first unit holder isone of the joint holders of the bank account. Where a payment is through a DD, abank certification of bank account and account holders name of the bank accountused for DD issuance should be attached, in the required format.*Third Party Payment: When a payment is from a bank account other than that ofthe beneficiary investor, the same is referred to as a “Third Party Payment”. It isfurther clarified that In case of mutual fund subscriptions, the first unit holder isconsidered as the beneficiary investor, even if there are joint unit holders. In caseof payments from a bank account jointly held, the first holder of the mutual fundsubscription has to be one of the joint holders of the bank account from which thepayment is made.In specific exceptional situations where Third Party payment is permitted like (i)Payment by Parents / Grand-Parents / Related persons on behalf of a minor (otherthan registered guardian) in consideration of natural love and affection or as gift forvalue not exceeding Rs 50,000 for each purchase, However this restriction will notbe applicable for payment made by a guardian whose name is registered in therecords of the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> in that folio, (ii) Payment by an Employer on behalf ofEmployee under Systematic Investment Plans /lump sum/one-time subscriptionthrough Payroll deductions or (iii) Custodian on behalf of an FII or a client, (iv)Payment by Asset Management Company to a Distributor empanelled with it onaccount of <strong>com</strong>mission/incentive etc. in the form of the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> Units of the11

<strong>Fund</strong>s managed by such AMC through Systematic Investment Plans or lump sum /one-time subscription, subject to <strong>com</strong>pliance with SEBI Regulations and Guidelinesissued by AMFI, from time to time. Investors submitting their applications throughthe above-mentioned ‘exceptional situations’ are required to <strong>com</strong>ply with thefollowing, without which applications for subscriptions for units will berejected/not processed/refunded. Mandatory KYC for all investor (guardian in caseof minor) and the person making the payment i.e. third party. In order for anapplication to be considered as valid, investors and the person making the paymentshould attach their valid KYC to the application form irrespective of amount. Alongwith submission of a separate ‘Third Party Payment Declaration Form’ from investor(guardian in case of minor) and person making the payment i.e. third party. Thesaid Declaration form shall, inter allia, contain the details of bank account fromwhich the payment is made and the relationship with the investor(s). ‘Investors areadvised to visit www.dspblacrock.<strong>com</strong> > Knowledge Centre for more details,including declaration format or approach any of the offices of the fund. The AMCreserves a right to reject the transaction or call for additional details, if paymentbank account and other details are not mentioned on the form and/or do not matchwith payment instrument and/or necessary documents and declaration, asapplicable to respective investors and transactions, are not attached or areinsufficient. In case the funds are transferred to the mutual fund account prior tothe application rejection, then amount transferred may not be refunded orredeemed unless the investor establishes KYC with additional documentation.Date: April 30, 201312

<strong>DSP</strong> BLACKROCKAPPLICATION FORMPlease read instructions before filling this FormOpens:Closes:Distributor Name and ARN Sub Broker CodeEmployee Unique ID. No. (EUIN)(Refer note below)For Office use onlyDistributorContact No:1. TRANSACTION CHARGES (Please refer instruction 1 and tick any one)Applicable for transactions routed through a distributor who has ‘opted in’ for transaction charges.I am a First Time Investor in Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> Industry.(Rs <strong>15</strong>0 will be deducted.)2. FIRST APPLICANT’S DETAILSClose Ended In<strong>com</strong>e SchemeInvestors should mention the EUIN of the person who has advised the investor. If left blank, the fund will assume following declaration by the investor “I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has beenintentionally left blank by me/us as this is an “execution-only” transaction without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above distributor or notwithstandingthe advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor and the distributor has not charged any advisory fees on this transaction”.Upfront <strong>com</strong>mission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.I am an Existing Investor in Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> Industry.(Rs 100 will be deducted.)Name of First Applicant (Should match with PAN Card) Gender Male Female Title Mr. Ms. M/sExisting Folio NumberDate of Birth(Mandatory for minor)PAN(1st Applicant / Guardian)EncloseD D M M Y Y Y YKYC AcknowledgementName of Guardian if minor / Contact Person for non-individuals / PoA Holder name:For Investments “On behalf of Minor”#( Attach Mandatory Documents as per instructions).Proof of DoBattached #Birth Certificate School Certificate / Mark sheetPassport Any other …………….…..................…….#Guardian named below is : Father Mother Court AppointedPoA PAN*KYC*Correspondence Address*PoA PAN & KYC is mandatoryLandmarkCityPin Code(Mandatory)Status of Sole/1st Applicant (Please tick ) Resident Individual On Behalf Of Minor HUF Sole Proprietorship NRI (Repatriable)NRI (Non-Repatriable) LLP Partnership Firm Company AOP/BOI Body Corporate Trust Society FII FOF - MF schemes Provident <strong>Fund</strong>StateSuperannuation / Pension <strong>Fund</strong> Gratuity <strong>Fund</strong> Bank / FI Government Body Insurance Companies Others(Please specify)<strong>DSP</strong>BR eServices<strong>DSP</strong>BR eSMSEmail ID(in capital)Mobile+91STD Code Tel. (Off) Tel. (Resi.)Fax<strong>DSP</strong>BR OnlinePIN (Please tick )NEWYes, I wish to have a PIN for internet / telephone transactions and agree to terms and conditions of PIN Issuance andUsage as available in SID/SAI and www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>Email ID, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, PAN are mandatory details for issuance of PIN and Online Facility.3. JOINT APPLICANTS’ DETAILSMode of Holding (Please tick ) Joint (Default) Anyone or Survivor SingleName of Second Applicant (Should match with PAN Card) Title Mr. Ms. M/sPAN (2nd applicant )Name of Third Applicant (Should match with PAN Card)EncloseKYC AcknowledgementTitle Mr. Ms. M/sPAN (3rd applicant )EncloseKYC AcknowledgementACKNOWLEDGEMENT SLIP (To be filled in by the investor)Received, subject to realisation, verification and conditions, an application for purchase of Units as mentioned in the application form.<strong>DSP</strong> BLACKROCK MUTUAL FUNDApplication No.FromCheque no. Date Amount Scheme

4. BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS (Refer Instruction 4)Bank NameBank A/C No.Branch AddressIFSC code: (11 digit)A/C Type Savings Current NRE NRO FCNR OthersCityPinMICR code (9 digit) (This is a 9 digit number next to your cheque number)5. INVESTMENT AND PAYMENT DETAILS (Refer Instruction 5)(Default plan/option/sub option will be applied in case of no information, ambiguity or discrepancy in scheme details)Scheme<strong>DSP</strong>BR Plan Option/Sub OptionPayment Mode: Cheque DD RTGS NEFT <strong>Fund</strong>s transferCheque/ DD/RTGS/NEFT No.Amount ( Rs. ) (i)DD charges, (Rs.)(ii)Total Amount (Rs.) (i) + (ii)In figuresCheque/RTGS/NEFT/DD DatePayment fromBank A/c No.Bank NameD D M M Y Y Y YPay In A/c No.In WordsAccount Type Savings Current NRE NRO FCNRDocuments Attached to avoid Third Party Payment Rejection, where applicable: Bank Certificate, for DD Third Party DeclarationsBranch6. SWITCH UPON MATURITY (for units in non-demat mode) (Refer instruction 6)Please switch ALL maturity proceeds (other than dividend proceeds) to following Schemes/Plan/Option/Sub-option upon maturity of this Scheme.Scheme Name / Plan / Option* / Sub Option* (*Default Option may be applied in case of no information, ambiguity or discrepancy.)<strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong>7. NOMINATION DETAILS (for units in non-demat mode) (Refer Instruction 7)Individuals (single or joint applicants) are advised to avail Nomination facility.I/We wish to nominateI/We DO NOT wish to nominate.Nominee 1Nominee 2Nominee 3AddressNominee Name Guardian Name (In case of Minor) Allocation %Total = 100%Nominee Signature8. UNIT HOLDING OPTION: It is mandatory to tick any one option or ‘Account Statement Mode’ option will be considered (Refer Instruction 8.)In Account Statement Mode(default):(Account Statement issued by<strong>Fund</strong>/RTA. Switch on maturitydate accepted in <strong>Fund</strong>/RTAoffices only.)9. DECLARATION & SIGNATURESHaving read and understood the contents of the Scheme Information Document andStatement of Additional Information, Key Information Memorandum and all Instructions, I /We, hereby apply to the Trustee of <strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong> Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> for Units of the relevantScheme and agree to abide by the terms and conditions, rules and regulations of theScheme. I / We have neither received nor been induced by any rebate or gifts, directly orindirectly in making this investment. I / We declare that the amount invested in the Schemeis through legitimate sources only and is not designed for the purpose of contravention orevasion of any Act, Regulation, Rule, Notification, Directions or any other applicable lawsenacted by the Government of India or any Statutory Authority. The ARN holder hasdisclosed to me/us all the <strong>com</strong>missions (in the form of trail <strong>com</strong>mission or any other mode),payable to him for the different <strong>com</strong>peting Schemes of various Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>s from amongstwhich the Scheme is being re<strong>com</strong>mended to me/us.Applicable to NRIs onlyI/We confirm that I am/We are Non-Resident(s) of Indian Nationality / Origin and I/Wehereby confirm that the funds for subscription have been remitted from abroad throughnormal banking channels or from funds in my / our Non-Resident External / OrdinaryAccount/FCNR Account(s).If NRI ( ) Repatriation basis Non-Repatriation basisIn Demat mode, in demat account provided below: (DP will issue Demat Statement. Switch on maturity date notaccepted and <strong>com</strong>pulsory payout.)NSDL:CDSL:Depository Participant (DP) ID (NSDL only)INEnclose for demat option: Client Master List Transaction/Holding Statement DIS CopyS I G N A T U R E ( S )Sole / FirstApplicant/GuardianSecondApplicantThirdApplicantBeneficiary Account Number (NSDL only)Email: service@dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>Website: www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>Contact Centre: 1800 200 4499Checklist All Investments Bank Mandate is provided Mobile no and email ID is providedPAN Card copyKYC Acknowledgement

INSTRUCTIONSThese instructions form an integral part of scheme related documents and investorsare advised to read and understand the same.Please read carefully the Scheme Information Document (SID), Statement ofAdditional Information (SAI), Key Information Memorandum (KIM) and all relevantAddenda before filling up the application form. Investors are deemed to have readand accepted the terms, as prevailing on the date of application being accepted andunits being allotted even if they are using an old application form, subject to whichthese offers are being made, and bind themselves to the terms upon signing theapplication form.All applications will be accepted subject to verification. Invalid or in<strong>com</strong>pleteapplications are liable to be rejected after acceptance and verification, andinformation will be sent to the address by general post.All documents required to be submitted with the application form or later, likepower of attorney, etc. should be in English language or notarized translated copy inEnglish language.General Instructionsa. These application forms may be used by both resident and non-residentinvestors.b. The application form should be filled in English in BLOCK LETTERS and theapplicants' names and address should be provided in full (P.O. Box No. alone isnot sufficient). Please tick () in the appropriate box (), where boxes havebeen provided. In the case of NRI/PIO/FII investors, an overseas address mustalso be provided.c. Application forms that fall under any of the following categories are liable to berejected and will not be returned to the customers. If applicable, the moneypaid will be refunded/returned without interest.i Application forms in<strong>com</strong>plete in any respect or having a whitener or where thereis any over writing on the form without the applicants' counter signature.ii Application forms invalid / in<strong>com</strong>plete /ambiguous / without supportingdocuments in any respect.iii Application forms that are not ac<strong>com</strong>panied by a paymentivinstrument/instruction for the amount payable on the same day.Application forms that the Trustee chooses to reject for any other reasondetermined at its sole discretion.d. No separate receipt will be issued for the application money. The InvestorService Centre / Collection Centre / Official point of acceptance of transactionswill stamp and return the acknowledgement slip in the application form, toacknowledge receipt of the application, subject to verification. Theacknowledgement receipt should be retained by investors till the receipt ofconfirmation of transaction acceptance or rejection.e. Irrespective of mode of holding, the sole/first-named holder will receive allaccount statements, dividend or redemption/refund warrants, and all otherrelevant correspondence.f. All allotments will be provisional, subject to realisation of payment instrumentand subject to the AMC having been reasonably satisfied that the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong>has received clear funds. Any redemption or switch out transaction in theinterim is liable to be rejected at the sole discretion of the AMC.g. Any subsequent changes in static information like address, bank details,dividend sub option, nomination etc. will be based on written <strong>com</strong>municationfrom investors. These changes will be effected only for units held in non-dematmode, within 5 days of the valid signed request reaching the office of theRegistrar at Chennai, and any interim financial transactions will be effectedwith last available/registered details only. In case of units held in demat mode,the static details as recorded in DP records and available to the <strong>Fund</strong> as part ofBenpos file will prevail for allpurposes, including redemption and dividendpayments.h. KYC Requirements: KYC <strong>com</strong>pliance with any SEBI designated KYC RegistrationAuthority (KRA), for example CVL (CDSL Ventures Limited), is mandatory for allinvestors (including joint applicants, guardians, PoA holders and NRIs),irrespective of the amount of transaction. Investors shall note that they need to<strong>com</strong>ply with the "Know Your Client (KYC)" requirements, by submitting requisitedocuments to the fund or any SEBI registered intermediary, where they wishopen an account and wish to deal /trade/transact, getting and attaching theKYC acknowledgement with their purchase/SIP application. For moreinformation, please log on to www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong> before investing.Applications are liable to be rejected without any intimation to the applicants, ifKYC requirements are not <strong>com</strong>plied with by all the applicants and KYCacknowledgement is not enclosed with each purchase/SIP application.Investors should further note that KYC applicability for various investor categoriesand threshold amount may change anytime in future. Hence, investors arerequested to apprise themselves about KYC applicability before submitting theirtransactions to avoid rejections.i. While PAN shall be the sole identification number and is mandatory for KYC, forcertain set of customers, PAN requirement is exempted. Such set of customers,however need to <strong>com</strong>plete the necessary KYC requirements, get a uniquereference number from KRA's system. A copy of the KRA issuance lettercontaining the unique reference number should also be attached with eachapplication/transaction. The PAN exempt entities/ transactions are: a)Investors residing in the state of Sikkim; b) SIP of upto Rs 50, 000/- per financialyear; c) Micro investment i.e fresh purchase, additional purchase & SIPinstallments for amount not more than Rs 50,000/- per financial year d)Transactions undertaken on behalf of Central Government and/or StateGovernment and by officials appointed by Courts e.g. Official liquidator, Courtreceiver etc.j. If the investor wishes to invest directly, i.e. without involving the services of anyagent or broker, 'DIRECT' should be mentioned in the space provided for ARNNumber. Any subsequent change / updation / removal of broker code will bebased on the written request from the unitholders and will be on a prospectivebasis only from the date when the Registrar executes such written instruction.k. Investors should mandatorily use the application form/SIP debit form &SIP/SWP/STP form in the KIM booklet, and other standard forms available at theISCs/www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>, for any financial/non-financial transactions. Anytransaction received in any non standard form, is liable to be rejected.l. Investors should provide details/instructions only in the space provided in theform. Any details/notings/information/instruction provided at a non designatedarea of the standard form being used, or any additional details, for which spaceis not designated in the standard form, may not be executed and the AMC will notbe liable for the same.m. The AMC and its Registrar reserve the right to disclose the details of investors andtheir transactions to third parties viz. banks, distributors from whomapplications of investors are received and any other organization for the purposeof <strong>com</strong>pliance with legal and regulatory requirements or for <strong>com</strong>plying withanti-money laundering requirements.n. Process for change of address: Investor investing in Schemes of <strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong>should be KYC <strong>com</strong>pliant. In future if the investor wishes to changethe address in their folio, they shall submit change of address form, proof ofaddress, and any other document/ form that the KYC Registration Agency (KRA)may specify from time to time.AMC reserves the right to collect proof of oldaddress on a case to case basis while effecting the change of address.o. Investments by Qualified Foreign Investors (‘QFIs’): In terms of the SEBICircular CIR / IMD / DF / 14 / 2011 dated August 9, 2011, SEBI CircularCIR/IMD/FII&C/3/2012 dated January 13, 2012 and SEBI CircularCIR/IMD/FII&C/18/2012 dated July 20, 2012, the QFIs who meet Know YourClient (‘KYC’) requirement and eligibility requirement of the jurisdiction wherethe QFIs are based shall be eligible to make investment in the notified Schemesof the <strong>Fund</strong>, as may be permitted to accept investments from QFIs as per theextant regulatory provisions, applicable from time to time, subject to thefollowing guidelines:QFIs shall mean a person who fulfils the following criteria:(I) Resident in a country that is a member of Financial Action Task Force (‘FATF’) ora member of a group which is a member of FATF; and(ii) Resident in a country that is a signatory to International Organisation ofSecurities Commission’s (‘IOSCO’s’) Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding(‘MMOU’) (Appendix A Signatories) or a signatory of a bilateral Memorandum ofUnderstanding (‘MOU’) with SEBI:Provided that the person is not resident in a country listed in the publicstatements issued by FATF from time to time on (i) Combating the Financing ofTerrorism (Anti Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism)deficiencies to which counter measures apply, (ii) jurisdictions that have notmade sufficient progress in addressing the deficiencies or have not <strong>com</strong>mittedto an action plan developed with the FATF to address the deficiencies:Provided further such person is not resident in India.Provided further that such person is not registered with SEBI as ForeignInstitutional Investor or Sub-account or Foreign Venture Capital Investor.Explanation:- For the purposes of the aforesaid meaning: 1. The term "Person"shall carry the same meaning under section 2(31) of the In<strong>com</strong>e Tax Act, 1961;2. The phrase “resident in India” shall carry the same meaning as in the In<strong>com</strong>eTax Act, 1961; 3. “Resident" in a country, other than India, shall mean residentas per the direct tax laws of that country. 4. “Bilateral MoU with SEBI” shallmean a bilateral MoU between SEBI and the overseas regulator that inter aliaprovides for information sharing arrangements. 5. Member of FATF shall notmean an Associate member of FATF.For <strong>com</strong>plete guidelines applicable to QFIs, process for subscription /redemption of units by QFIs through Direct Route and applicable risk factors,investors are requested to read the relevant addenda to the Scheme InformationDocument available at the Official Point of Acceptance of Transactions of theAMC/the <strong>Fund</strong> and also available on the <strong>Fund</strong> website www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>.1. Transactions chargesa. SEBI has advised mutual funds to deduct transaction charge per subscription ofRs. 10,000 and above and be paid to the distributors. Transaction Charge shallbe deducted only for transaction routed through such distributors who haveopted to receive such charges as follows: (i) Rs. <strong>15</strong>0/- with respect totransactions from a first time mutual fund investor; (ii) Rs. 100/- with respect totransactions from an existing investor; (iii) with respect to SIP, transactioncharge shall be deducted only if total <strong>com</strong>mitment (i.e. amount per SIPinstallment x No. of installments) amounts to Rs. 10,000/- or more. TheTransaction Charges shall be deducted in 3 or 4 installments. Units will be issuedagainst the balance amount.b. Please tick the appropriate box as applicable to you. Please tick the first boxonly if you are a first time ever mutual fund investor, i.e. you are investing in ascheme of mutual fund for the first time. However, even if an applicant ticks asnew investor, the mutual fund reserves a right to check with investments inother mutual funds to ascertain new or existing investors.c. If no option is ticked, it is deemed that the applicant is an existing investor in themutual fund industry.d. The AMC shall deduct the Transaction charges on purchase/subscription of Rs.10, 000/- and above received from first time mutual fund investors andinvestors other than first time mutual fund investors through thedistributor/agent based on the type of product opted-in by the distributor toreceive transaction charges

2. First Applicant's Detailsa. Applicants should fill in all details as requested in the relevant section. Nameshould be provided in full.b. Existing Investors, having a folio number and who wish to get units allotted innon-demat mode, in the existing folio number, should mention their folionumber. If existing folio number is mentioned, investors should only fill thesection on Investment Details. Investors should skip and should not mention jointapplicants, bank account, nomination and unit holding option.If an existing folio is mentioned, the investment will be in same folio, even if thejoint holders are different. Further, other details like bank account, nominationetc will not be considered, even if mentioned differently from existing foliodetails. Investors should use separate designated forms for updating bankaccount details, nomination etc.c. New Investors who do not have a folio, or existing investors intending to get unitsallotted in demat mode or who wish to open a new folio should fill up the formwithout quoting existing folio number and should provide details in all sectionsas mentioned in the form.d. Applicants should provide contact information such as correspondence address,telephone number/s and email address, status of first applicant and occupation.e. Applications under a Power of Attorney or by a limited <strong>com</strong>pany or a corporatebody or an eligible institution or a registered society or a trust fund must beac<strong>com</strong>panied by the original Power of Attorney (or a duly certified true copythereof) duly notarized, or the relevant resolution or authority to make theapplication (or duly certified copy thereof) as the case may be. All documentsshould be in English language or notarized translated copy in English language.f. For Investments 'On behalf of Minor': Where the investment is on behalf of minorby the guardian, please note the following important points.iiiiiiivThe minor shall be the sole and only first holder in the account. Nominationfacility is not available for applications/folios on behalf of a minor. Joint holders'details and nomination details, even if mentioned and signed will not beconsidered. Guardian of the minor should either be a natural guardian (i.e.father or mother) or a court appointed legal guardian.Details like minor's date of birth, Guardian's relation with Minor, Guardian name,PAN, KYC are mandatory, along with supporting documents. Photo copy of thedocument evidencing the date of birth of minor like i. Birth certificate of theminor, or ii. School leaving certificate / Mark sheet issued by Higher SecondaryBoard of respective states, ICSE, CBSE etc., or iii. Passport of the minor, or iv. Anyother suitable proof should be attached with the application form.Where the guardian is not a natural guardian (father or mother) and is a courtappointed legal guardian, suitable supporting documentary evidence should beprovided.If the mandatory details and/or documents are not provided, the application isliable to be rejected without any information to the applicant.g. PIN Issuance Instructions: A secured PIN for internet/telephone transactions isissued at the request of applicant/investor subject to terms and conditionsagreed by the applicant/investor and availability of mandatory information likeDate of Birth/Date of Incorporation, Email id, Mobile number, PAN availability ofall holders and Name of Guardian/Contact person (where applicable).Applicants who wish to receive a PIN should read the terms and conditions of thePIN facility in the SIDand SAI. A PIN will be mailed to the Unit Holder entirely athis/her/its own risk.3. Joint Applicants' Detailsa. Joint applicants must fill in all details as requested in the relevant section.b. PAN and KYC <strong>com</strong>pliance is mandatory for all applicants, irrespective of mode ofholding. For more details, please refer to KYC Requirements mentioned earlier.c. Applicants should specify the mode of holding. If the mode of holding is notspecified or is ambiguous, the default option for such applications will be 'Joint'.d. In the case of joint holders, the first-named holder will receive all accountstatements, dividend or redemption/refund warrants, and all other relevantcorrespondence.4. Bank Account Details/ Multiple Bank Accounts Registrationa. It is mandatory for all investors of mutual fund schemes to provide their bankmandate. Applications without the mandatory bank details are liable to berejected.b. The investor agrees that the proceeds towards redemptions and dividends will bedispatched by a reasonable mode of despatch like courier, post, UCP, etc. in caseof cheque/demand draft or directly credited to the bank account (as per thedetails mentioned by the investor) in case of using direct credit facility, RTGS orNEFT, entirely and solely at the risk of the investor. The investor will not hold theMutual <strong>Fund</strong> or the AMC or the Registrar responsible for any non-receipt or delayof receipt of redemption & dividend proceeds due to any negligence ordeficiency in service by the courier <strong>com</strong>pany, postal authorities or the bankexecuting direct credits/RTGS/NEFT, or due to incorrect bank account detailsprovided by the investor.c. Multiple Bank Accounts Registration Facility: The fund offers its investors facilityto register multiple bank accounts for pay-in & payout purposes and designateone of the bank account as Default Bank Account. This facility can be availed byusing a designated 'Bank Accounts Registration Form'. In case of new investors,the bank account mentioned on the purchase application form, used for openingthe folio, will be treated as default bank account till the investor gives aseparate request to register multiple bank accounts and change the default bankaccount to any of other registered bank account. Registered bank accounts mayalso be used for verification of pay-ins (i.e. receiving of subscription funds) toensure that a third party payment is not used for mutual fund subscription.Default Bank Account will be used for all dividends and redemptions payoutsincluding FMP schemes maturity proceeds unless investor specifies one of theexisting registered bank account in the redemption request for receivingredemption proceeds.d. Consequent to introduction of 'Multiple Bank Accounts Facility', the existingfacility of redemption with change of bank mandate is discontinued by the fund.A new non-registered bank account specified in the specific redemption requestfor receiving redemption proceeds will not be considered.e. Bank Account Details with Redemption Request: Please note the followingimportant points related to payment of redemption proceeds:f. Proceeds of any redemption request will be sent only to a bank account that isalready registered and validated in the folio at the time of redemptiontransaction processing.g. Unit holder(s) may choose to mention any of the existing registered bankaccounts with redemption request for receiving redemption proceeds. If noregistered bank account is mentioned, default bank account will be used.h. If unit holder(s) provide a new and unregistered bank mandate with a specificredemption request (with or without necessary supporting documents) suchbank account will not be considered for payment of redemption proceeds.i. Any request without the above mentioned documents will be treated invalid andwill not be acted upon and any financial transaction, including redemptions, willbe carried with the previous details only. Valid change of bank mandate requestswith supporting documents will be processed within ten working days ofdocuments reaching the head office of the Registrar and any financialtransaction request received in the interim will be carried with previous detailsonly.5. Investment and Payment Detailsa. Investors should fill in the desired Plan / Option / Sub Option clearly in the spaceprovided in the application form. In case the investor does not fill in the desiredPlan / Option / Sub Option properly and clearly or in the case of in<strong>com</strong>pletedetails, lack of clarity or ambiguity, the default option will be considered andapplied. The <strong>Fund</strong> will not entertain any request from Unit Holders for a changein Plan / Option / Sub Option after the application is accepted.b. Any change in dividend sub option due to additional investment or customerrequest will be applicable to all existing Units in the dividend option of thescheme concerned.c. Payments by cash, stock invests, credit cards, post-dated cheques (exceptthrough SIP), and post-dated account-to-account transfer instructions to creditthe Designated Account will not be accepted.d. Investors residing in locations where Investor Service Centres or CollectionCentres are not located are requested to make payment by demand drafts.Demand draft charges for such investors will be borne by the AMC, subject to thestandard demand draft charges, as charged by the State Bank of India, and theinvestors attaching proof of the charges.e. The cheque or demand draft should be payable locally at the centre where theapplication is deposited, and should be drawn on any bank that is a member ofthe Bankers' Clearing House.f. The cheque or demand draft should be drawn in favour of the 'Scheme Name', asthe case may be, and should be crossed Account Payee Only.g. A separate cheque should be given for each separate investment in a differentscheme or plan or option.h. It is mandatory for NRIs to attach a copy of the payment cheque / FIRC / DebitCertificate to ascertain the repatriation status of the amount invested. NRIApplicants should also clearly tick on account type as NRE or NRO or FCNR todetermine the repatriation status of the investment amount. The AMC and theRegistrar may ascertain the repatriation status purely based on the detailsprovided in the form under Investment and Payment details and will not be liablefor any incorrect information provided by the applicants. Applicants will have tocoordinate with their authorized dealers and banks to repatriate the investmentamount as and when needed.i. Third Party Payment Avoidance & additional documents/declaration required: Tosafeguard the interests of applicant/investors and avoid fraudulent transactionsin any other name, the mutual fund does not accept Third Party Payments. Apayment towards mutual fund subscription by cheque/DD/RTGS/NEFT or anymode whatsoever is deemed as a Third Party payment, if payment is issued froma bank account other than that of the beneficiary investor. The first holder of themutual fund folio has to be one of the joint holders of the bank account fromwhich payment is made via cheque/Demand Draft (DD)/<strong>Fund</strong>stransfer/RTGS/NEFT. Therefore, it is important for investors to mention thebank account number, bank name & branch address from where the payment isissued and the same should match with details on payment cheque/document(where applicable).Where the payment instrument/advice does not mention the bank account holdersname/s, investor should attach bank pass book copy/bank statement/bank letter tosubstantiate that the first unit holder is one of the joint holders of the bank account.Where a payment is through a DD, a bank certification of bank account and accountholders name of the bank account used for DD issuance should be attached, in therequired format.In specific exceptional situations where Third Party payment is permitted like i.Payment by Parents / Grand-Parents / Related persons on behalf of a minor (otherthan registered guardian) in consideration of natural love and affection or as gift forvalue not exceeding Rs 50,000 for each purchase, ii. Payment by an Employer onbehalf of Employee or iii. Custodian on behalf of an FII or a client, iv. Payment byAsset Management Company to a Distributor empanelled with it on account of<strong>com</strong>mission/incentive etc. in the form of the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> Units of the <strong>Fund</strong>smanaged by such AMC through Systematic Investment Plans or lump sum / one-time

subscription, subject to <strong>com</strong>pliance with SEBI Regulations and Guidelines issued byAMFI, from time to time. KYC of the investor and the KYC of the person making thepayment is mandatory irrespective of amount. Additionally, a joint declaration isalso required to be submitted.The AMC reserves a right to reject the transaction or call for additional details, ifpayment bank account and other details are not mentioned on the form and/or donot match with payment instrument and/or necessary documents and declaration,as applicable to respective investors and transactions, are not attached or areinsufficient. In case the funds are transferred to the mutual fund account prior to theapplication rejection, then amount transferred may not be refunded or redeemedunless the investor establishes KYC with additional documentation.Investors are advised to visit www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong> > Services for more details,including declaration formats or approach any of the offices of the fund.Investors are strongly advised to avail 'Multiple Bank Accounts Registration' facilityand register their various bank accounts with the fund and avoid submittingadditional documents every time.j. Returned cheques are liable not to be presented again for collection, and theac<strong>com</strong>panying application could also be rejected. In case returned cheques arepresented, the necessary charges including returned charges may be debited tothe investor.k. To safeguard the interests of applicant/investors and avoid fraudulenttransactions in any other name, it is important for investors to mention the bankaccount number, bank name & branch address from where the paymentinstrument or funds transfer is issued and the same should match with details onpayment cheque (where applicable). The AMC reserves a right to reject thetransaction if such payment details are not mentioned and/or do not match.l. m-Invest: This Facility enables Unit holder(s) of the <strong>Fund</strong> to purchase and/orredeem Unitsof Schemes of the <strong>Fund</strong> by sending instructions through ShortMessaging Service ('SMS')/call from their registered mobile phone number on adedicated number identified by the AMC. This Facility is only available toexisting Unit holder(s) of the <strong>Fund</strong> who have been assigned a folio number by theAMC. For <strong>com</strong>plete details of the scheme/plan/option, registration relatedterms and conditions, transaction related terms and conditions, bank accountregistration for purchases and general terms and conditions regarding thisFacility, Unit Holder(s) are requested to refer the "Registration cum DebitMandate Form" ('Debit Mandate'), relevant addenda to the Scheme InformationDocument, notice for m-Invest, Terms and Conditions available at the OfficialPoint of Acceptance of AMC/ CAMS and also available on www.dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>.Unit holder(s) of the <strong>Fund</strong> can register for this Facility by signing the form i.e.Debit Mandate form and submitting the same at any of the official points ofacceptance of transaction of the AMC/CAMS Unit Holder(s) are requested to notethat the AMC reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions, or modify, ordiscontinue the Facility for existing as well as prospective investors at anytime infuture.6. Switch upon Maturity:a. Unit holder may note that an additional option of switch upon maturity isprovided by the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> for units held in account statement mode(nondemat mode), whereby Unit holder can switch the entire proceeds (otherthan dividend) upon maturity to any other scheme of the Mutual <strong>Fund</strong> by filling inthe relevant portion of the KIM at the time of investment.b. In this case, on maturity the entire proceeds will be invested in the switch-inscheme as notified by the Unit holder, at the applicable NAV for switch-inscheme.c. Unit holders are requested to carefully read the Scheme Information Documentof the relevant switch-in scheme before exercising this option.d. However, if the unitholder submits a different switch request on maturity date toswitch to different scheme, such switch request will be considered.7. Nomination Detailsa. Nomination can be made only by individuals applying for / holding Units on theirown behalf singly or jointly. Non-individuals (including societies, trusts, bodiescorporate, partnership firms, etc.), Kartas of Hindu Undivided Families (HUF)and holders of Power of Attorney cannot nominate. Nomination facility is alsonot available for investments held on behalf of minor.b. A minor can be nominated, and in that event, the name and address of theguardian of the minor nominee shall be provided by the Unit Holder. Nominationcan also be in favour of the Central Government, State Government, a localauthority; any person designated by virtue of his/her office, or a religious orcharitable trust.c. The nominee shall not be a trust (other than a religious or charitable trust),society, body corporate, partnership firm, Karta of HUF or a Power of Attorneyholder. An NRI can be a nominee, subject to the exchange controls in force fromtime to time. Where the nomination is in favour of a religious or charitable trust,the investor should attach a certificate confirming that the nominee is areligious or charitable trust.d. Nomination with the <strong>Fund</strong> can be made only by investors who opt for allotment innon-demat form. In case of Units held in demat form, the nomination details asrecorded for the depository account will be applicable investors who hold unitsin demat form may approach their DP for availing the nomination facility.e. Transfer of Units in favour of a nominee(s) shall be valid discharge by the AMCagainst the legal heir.f. Cancellation of nomination can be made only by those individuals who hold Unitson their own behalf singly or jointly and who made the original nomination.g. On cancellation of the nomination, the nomination shall stand rescinded and theAMC shall not be under any obligation to transfer the Units in favour of thenominee(s).h. The rights in the Units will vest in the nominee(s) only upon the death of all UnitHolders.i. Nomination can be made in favour of more than one, and upto three individuals.Investors who desire to make nomination in respect of multiple nominees shouldclearly specify the percentages to be allocated between the nominees. If nopercentages are mentioned, nomination will be done equally for all thenominees.j. Nomination will be maintained at the folio or account level and will beapplicable for all investments in the folio or account.k. Where a folio has joint holders, all joint holders should sign the request fornomination, even if the mode of holding is not 'joint'.l. A new nomination request will imply simultaneous cancellation of existingnomination and request for fresh nomination.m. Applicants who do not wish to nominate, must at the designate space confirmingtheir intention on not to nominate, failing which the form may be rejected at thediscretion of the AMC/<strong>Fund</strong>.8. Unit Holding Optiona. Applicants' are provided two options to hold their Units viz. Account Statementmode and demat mode. For units in Account Statement mode (non-demat), anaccount statement will be issued. For Units held in demat mode, Units shall bedirectly credited to the investor's demat account after the realization ofpayment funds and depositories will issue a statement.b. It is mandatory to tick on the required option in the designated space in theapplication form. If no option has been ticked by the investor, Units shall beallotted in non-demat mode.c. For credit of Units in demat account, applicants are advised to mention clearlytheir demat account details with depositories and in block letters in thedesignated space. The demat account details, as provided by the investor will beconsidered for credit of units in dematerialized form after validation withrelevant depository(ies).d. Applicants' are also advised to attach a copy of a document like demat statement/ client identification master/ delivery instruction slip, that provides theapplicants’ name and demat account details, in support and verification of thementioned demat account.e. In case Demat account details are not provided or are in<strong>com</strong>plete or the detailsdo not match with the records as per depository(ies), units will be allotted innon-demat form and an account statement will be issued.f. In case details of more than one demat account are provided, the <strong>Fund</strong> maychoose any one of the demat accounts for the purpose of verification and creditof units.9. Other Facilities / Email Communicationa. Account statements, newsletter, annual reports and other kinds of<strong>com</strong>munication will be sent through email only instead of physical, for investorswho provide their email address on the application form. Should they wish tohave a hard copy, they are requested to send an email toservice@dspblackrock.<strong>com</strong>.b. It is deemed that the Unit Holder is aware of all the security risks associated withonline <strong>com</strong>munication, including possible third-party interception of documentssent via email.10.Declaration & Signaturesa. Signature(s) should be in English or in any of the Indian languages specified in theEighth Schedule of the Constitution of India.b. Thumb impressions and signatures in languages not specified in the EighthSchedule of the Constitution of India should be attested by a magistrate or aNotary Public or a special Executive Magistrate under his/her official seal.c. Applications by minors should be signed by their guardians. In the case of an HUF,the Karta should sign on behalf of the HUF.d. Authorised officials should sign the form under their official designation and<strong>com</strong>pany seal. A list of specimen signatures of the authorised officials, dulycertified and attested, should also be attached to the application form. In thecase of a trust fund, a resolution from the trustee(s) authorising such purchase orinvestment should be submitted.11. Further, investors may please note that the <strong>Fund</strong>/ AMC and its empanelledbrokers has not given and shall not give any indicative portfolio and indicativeyield in any <strong>com</strong>munication, in any manner whatsoever. Investors are advised notto rely on any <strong>com</strong>munication regarding indicative yield/ portfolio with regardsto the scheme.

SPONSOR<strong>DSP</strong> HMK HOLDINGS PVT. LTD.and<strong>DSP</strong> ADIKO HOLDINGS PVT. LTD.(Collectively)1103, Stock Exchange Towers,Dalal Street, Fort,Mumbai - 400 023.Tel.: 022-2272 2731Fax: 022-2272 2753SPONSOR<strong>BlackRock</strong> Inc.40 East 52nd Street,New York, NY 10022, USA.ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANYTRUSTEE<strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong>Investment Managers Pvt. Ltd.Mafatlal Center, 10th Floor,Nariman PointMumbai - 400 021Tel: 022- 6657 8000Fax: 022-6657 8181<strong>DSP</strong> <strong>BlackRock</strong> TrusteeCompany Pvt. Ltd.Mafatlal Center,10th Floor,Nariman PointMumbai - 400 021Tel: 022- 6657 8000Fax: 022-6657 8181CUSTODIANREGISTRARCitibank, N.A.Securities and <strong>Fund</strong> Services (SFS),GTS, India Trent House, 3rd Floor,Bandra, Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),Mumbai <strong>–</strong> 400 051.Tel: 022-4029 6227Fax: 022-2653 2205 / 2348Computer Age ManagementServices Pvt. Ltd.No. 178/10, Kodambakkam HighRoad, First Floor, Opp HotelPalmgrove, Nungambakkam,Chennai <strong>–</strong> 600034.Tel: 044-2852 <strong>15</strong>96 / 0516Fax: 044-4203 2952AUDITORS TO THE MUTUAL FUNDS. R. Batliboi & Co. LLP12th Floor, The Ruby,29 Senapati Bapat Marg,Dadar (West)Mumbai <strong>–</strong> 400 028Tel No : 022 6192 2268

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