Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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traders, now came with congratulations. Theyrelated that the Ottawa had proposed tothem that if joined by the Canadians theywould march and attack the troops which wereknown to be advancing on the fort; and theyadded that it was their refusal which haddetermined the Ottawa to depart.At noon three hundred troops of the SixtiethRegiment, under the command of LieutenantLesslie, marched into the fort; and this arrivaldissipated all our fears from whatever sourcederived. 37 After a few days detachments werewhich is thesent into the Bay des Puants 38 byroute to the Mississippi and at the mouth of37The last French commander of Mackinac Beaujeaude Villemonde, brother of him who fell gloriouslywhile leading his men against Braddock's doomed armyin 1755 - abandoned the post in the autumn of 1760,and retired by way of Wisconsin to the Illinois country.Not until September 28, 1761, did a British detachmentarrive to -take possession of Mackinac. The leader ofthe English force was Captain Henry Balfour of theEightieth Regiment, better known, perhaps, as Gage'sLight Infantry. With Balfour, however, was LieutenantWilliam Leslie of the Sixtieth Regiment theRoyal Americans who was left at Mackinac with agarrison of twenty-eight men, while Balfour with theremainder of his force went on to take possession of theremaining French posts in the Upper Country. Thefollowing year Leslie asked to be "relieved from thisdisagreeable station," but instead the post was reinforcedby Captain George Etherington, Leslie remainingas second in command. Editor.38Modern Green Bay: the post was on the site of themodern city of that name. Editor.52

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