Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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atoelganfcEarly the next morning a second council washeld, and the merchants were again summonedto attend. Believing that every hope of resistancewould be lost, should we commit ourpersons into the hands of our enemies, we sentonly a refusal. There was none without inwhom we had any confidence, except Campion.From him we learned from time to time whateverwas rumored among the Canadian inhabitantsas to the designs of the Ottawa; andfrom him toward sunset we received the gratifyingintelligence that a detachment of Britishsoldiery, sent to garrison Michilimackinac, wasdistant only five miles and would enter thefort early the next morning.Near at hand, however, as relief was reportedto be, our anxiety could not but be great; fora long night was to be passed, and our fatemight be decided before the morning. Toincrease our apprehensions, about midnight wewere informed that the Ottawa were holdinga council, at which no white man was permittedto be present, Farley alone excepted;and him we suspected, and afterward positivelyknew, to be our greatest enemy. We, on ourpart, remained all night upon the alert; butat daybreak to our surprise and joy we saw theOttawa preparing to depart. By sunrise nota man of them was left in the fort; and indeedthe scene was altogether changed. The inhabitants,who, while the Ottawa were present,had avoided all connection with the English51

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