Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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atifcin this country, and of your having broughtwith you the goods of which we have need. Atthis news we were greatly pleased, believingthat through your assistance our wives andchildren would be enabled to pass anotherwinter; but what was our surprise, when a fewdays ago we were again informed that thegoods which as we had expected were intendedfor us were on the eve of departure for distantcountries, of which some are inhabited by ourenemies! These accounts being spread, ourwives and children came to us crying anddesiring that we should go to the fort to learnwith our own ears their truth or falsehood.We accordingly embarked almost naked asyou see; and on our arrival here we haveinquired into the accounts and found themtrue. We see your canoes ready to depart andfind your men engaged for the Mississippiand other distant regions."Under thesecircumstances we have consideredthe affair; and you are now sent forthat you may hear our determination, whichis that you shall give to each of our men, youngand old, merchandise and ammunition to theamount of fifty beaver skins on credit, and forwhich I have no doubt of their paying youin the summer, on their return from theirwintering. "A compliance with this demand would havestripped me and myfellow merchants of all ourmerchandise; and what rendered the affair still49

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