Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Cratoelg attfcthem into Lake <strong>Michigan</strong> and the RiverSt. Pierre, in the country of the Nadowessies; 34into Lake Superior among the Chipewa, andto the Grand Portage for the <strong>North</strong>west.Everything was ready for their departurewhen new dangers sprung up and threatenedto overwhelm me.At the entrance of Lake <strong>Michigan</strong> and atabout twenty miles to the west of Fort Michilimackinacis the village of L'Arbre Croche,inhabited by a band of Ottawa boasting of twohundred and fifty fighting men. L'ArbreCroche is the seat of the Jesuit mission of St.Ignace de Michilimackinac, and the people arepartly baptized, and partly not. 35 The rnissionaryresides on a farm attached to themission and situated between the village andthe fort, both of which are under his care.The Ottawa of L'Arbre Croche, who whencompared with the Chipewa appear to be amuch advanced in civilization, grow maizefor the market of Michilimackinac, where this34The "Nadowessies" are the Dakota or SiouxIndians. The "St. Pierre" is the modern MinnesotaRiver, which empties into the Mississippi between St.Paul and Minneapolis. Editor.35 L'Arbre Croche, on the north shore of Little TraverseBay near modern Harbor Springs, was founded asa mission village in 1742, and has ever since remaineda center for Catholic mission Indians. It is more nearlysouth than west of old Mackinaw, and the distance bywater is about forty miles. Editor.47

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