Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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&lejcanfcerMy adventure on leaving Fort WilliamAugustus had left an impression on my mindwhich made me tremble when Indians askedfor rum; and I would therefore willingly haveexcused myself in this particular; but beinginformed that it was customary to complywith the request, and withal satisfied with thefriendly declarations which I had received, Ipromised to give them a small cask at parting.After this, by the aid of my interpreter Imade a reply to the speech of Minavavana,declaring that it was the good character whichI had heard of the Indians that had aloneemboldened me to come among them; that theirlate father, the King of France, had surrenderedCanada to the King of England, whom theyought now to regard as their father, and whowould be as careful of them as the other hadbeen; that I had come to furnish them withnecessaries, and that their good treatment ofme would be an encouragement to others.They appeared satisfied with what I said,repeating eh! (an expression of approbation)after hearing each particular. I had prepareda present which I now gave them with the utmostgood will . At their departure I distributeda small quantity of rum.Relieved as I now imagined myself from alloccasion of anxiety as to the treatment whichI was to experience from the Indians, I assortedmy goods, and hired Canadian interpretersand clerks, in whose care I was to send46

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