Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anti"Englishman, your king has never sent us anypresents, nor entered into any treaty with us,wherefore he and we are still at war; and untilhe does these things we must consider thatwe have no other father, nor friend among thewhite men than the King of France; but foryou we have taken into consideration that youhave ventured your life among us in the expectationthat we should not molest you. Youdo not come armed with an intention to makewar; you come in peace to trade with us andsupply us with necessaries of which we are inmuch want. We shall regard you, therefore, asa brother; and you may sleep tranquilly,without fear of the Chipewa. As a tokenof our friendship we present you with this pipeto smoke. "As Minavavana uttered these words anIndian presented me with a pipe, which, afterI had drawn the smoke three times, was carriedto the chief, and after him to every person inthe room. This ceremony ended, the chiefarose and gave me his hand in which he wasfollowed byall the rest.Being again seated, Minavavana requestedthat his young men might be allowed to tastewhat he called my English milk (meaningrum) observing that it was long since theyhad tasted any, and that they were very desirousto know whether or not there were anydifference between the English milk and theFrench.45

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