Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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had in his countenance an indescribable mixtureof good and evil. Looking steadfastlyme atwhere I sat in ceremony, with an interpreteron either hand, and several Canadians behindme, he entered at the same time into conversationwith Campion, inquiring how long it wassince I left Montreal, and observing that theEnglish, as it would seem, were brave men andnot afraid of death, since they dared to comeas I had done fearlessly among their enemies.The Indians now gravely smoked theirpipes, while I inwardly endured the tortures ofsuspense. At length the pipes being finished, aswell as the long pause by which they weresucceeded, Minavavana, taking a few stringsof wampum in his hand, began the followingspeech:"Englishman, it is to you that I speak, andI demand your attention!"Englishman, you know that the French kingis our father. He promised to be such; and wein return promised to be his children. Thispromise we have kept."Englishman, it is you that have made warwith this our father. You are his enemy; andhow then could you have the boldness toventure among us, his children? You knowthat his enemies are ours."Englishman, we are informed that our father,the King of France, is old and infirm; and thatthe Grand Sauteur, an encounter with whom in 1767is described by Jonathan Carver. Editor.43

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