Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcand from Montreal. Michilimackinac is theplace of deposit and point of departure betweenthe upper countries and the lower. Herethe outfits are prepared for the countries ofLake <strong>Michigan</strong> and the Mississippi, LakeSuperior, and the <strong>North</strong>west; and here thereturns in furs are collected and embarked forMontreal.I was not released from the visits and admonitionsof the inhabitants of the fort beforeI received the equivocal intelligence that thewhole band of Chipewa from the island ofMichilimackinac was arrived with the intentionof paying me a visit.There was in the fort one Farley, an inter-of the Frenchpreter, lately in the employcommandant. He had married a Chipewawoman and was said to possess great influenceover the nation to which his wife belonged.Doubtful as to the kind of visit which I wasabout to receive I sent for this interpreter andrequested first that he would have the kindnessto be present at the interview, and secondlythat he would inform me of the intentions ofthe band. M. Farley agreed to be present; andas to the object of the visit, replied that it wasconsistent with uniform custom that a strangeron his arrival should be waited upon and welcomedby the chiefs of the nation, who on theirpart always gave a small present, and always expecteda large one; but as to the rest, declaredhimself unable to answer for the particular

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