Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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y the sentiments of Campion in this regard;for he declared his belief that the Canadianinhabitants of the fort were more hostile thanthe Indians as being jealous of English traders,who like myself were penetrating into thecountry.Fort Michilimackinac was built by order ofthe governor-general of Canada, and garrisonedwith a small number of militia, who, havingfamilies, soon became less soldiers than settlers.Most of those whom I found in the forthad originally served in the French army.The fort stands on the south side of thestrait which is between Lake Huron and Lake<strong>Michigan</strong>. It has an area of two acres, andis enclosed with pickets of cedar wood; 32 andit is so near the water's edge that when thewind is in the*west the waves break against thestockade. On the bastions are two smallpieces of brass English cannon taken someyears since by a party of Canadians who wenton a plundering expedition against the posts ofHudson's Bay, which they reached by theroute of the River Churchill.Within the stockade are thirty houses, neatin then* appearance, and tolerably commodious;and a church in which mass is celebrated bya Jesuit missionary. The number of familiesmay be nearly equal to that of the houses;and their subsistence is derived from the Indiantraders who assemble here in their voyages to32Thuya occidentalis.Author.40

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