Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Chapter 4RECEPTION AT MACKINACEAVING as speedily as possible theisland of Michilimackinac I crossed thestrait and landed at the fort of the samename. The distance from the island is abouttwo leagues. I landed at four o'clock in theafternoon.Here I put the entire charge of my effectsinto the hands of my assistant, Campion,between whom and myself it had been previouslyagreed that he should pass for theproprietor; and my men were instructed toconceal the fact that I was an Englishman.Campion soon found a house to which Iretired, and where I hoped to remain in privacy;but the men soon betrayed my secret, andI was visited by the inhabitants with greatshow of civility. They assured me that Icould not stay at Michilimackinac without themost imminent risk; and strongly recommendedthat I should lose no time in making my escapeto Detroit.Though language like this could not butincrease my uneasiness it did not shake mydetermination to remain with my property andencounter the evils with which I was threatened;and my spirits were in some measure sustained39

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