Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfc3ttitoenturewhich we passed the island called Isle auxOutardes, and then leaving on the right thedeep bay of Boutchitaouy came to the islandof Michilimackinac, distant from Isle auxOutardes three leagues. On our way a suddensquall reduced us to the point of throwing overthe cargoes of our canoes to save the latterfrom filling;but the wind subsided and wereached the island in safety.The land in the center of this island is highand its form somewhat resembles that of aturtle's back. Mackinac, or Mickinac, signifiesa turtle, and michi (mishi), or missi,signifies great, as it does also several, or many.The common interpretation of the word Michilimackinacis the Great Turtle. It is from thisisland that the fort, commonly known by thename of Michilimackinac, has obtained itsappellation. 31On the island, as I had been previouslytaught to expect, there was a village of31This is, perhaps, debatable. It is important for themodern reader to remember that the term Mackinachas been applied at different times to different pointsin the region adjoining the head of Lake <strong>Michigan</strong>. Inthe time of Marquette, Mackinac was on the north sideof the strait, upon Point St. Ignace. From 1712 to 1781it was on the south side of the strait, in the immediatevicinity of modern Mackinaw City. In 1781 GovernorSinclair established his British garrison on the island ofMackinac, where the modern resort city stands. Thusthe Mackinac to which Henry came in 1761, and wherethe massacre occurred in 1763, was on the southernmainland near modern Mackinaw City. Editor.37

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