Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcmouth of the river a meadow, called La Prairiedes Franfais, varies for a short space the rockysurface which so generally prevails; and onthis spot we encamped and repaired our canoes.The carrying-places were now all passed, andwhat remained was to cross the billows ofLake Huron, which lay stretched across ourhorizon like an ocean.On the thirty-first day of August we enteredthe lake, the waves running high from thesouth, and breaking over numerous rocks. Atfirst I thought the prospect alarming; but thecanoes rode on the water with the ease of asea-bird, and my apprehensions ceased. Wepassed Point aux Grondines, so called from theperpetual noise of the water among the rocks.Many of these rocks are sunken and not withoutdanger when the wind, as at this time itwas, is from the south.We coasted along many small islands, orrather rocks, of more or less extent, eitherwholly bare or very scantily covered withscrub pine trees. All the land to the northwardis of the same description as high as Cha'ba'-Bou'an'ing, where verdure reappears.On the following day we reached an islandcalled La Cloche, because there is here a rockstanding on a plain, which, being struck, ringslike a beU.the islands of Montreal and Jesus, and which has itsname from the death of a Recolet or Franciscan friar,who was there drowned. Author:33

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