Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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unless they should be able to procure ammunitionand other necessaries. I answered boththese questions in the affirmative, at whichthey expressed much satisfaction. Above theMoine are several strong and dangerous rapids,reaching to the Portage du Roche Capitaine, acarrying-place of three-quarters of a mile inlength, mountainous, rocky, and wooded onlywith stunted pine trees and spruce. Abovethis is the Portage des Deux Rivieres, socalled from the two small rivers by which it isintersected; and higherstill are many rapidsand shoals, called by the Indians matawa.Here the river, called by the French PetiteRiviere, and by the Indians Matawa Sipi, 21 fallsinto the Outaouais. We now left the latterof these rivers and proceeded to ascend theMatawa.20Mataouan (Matawan); Charlevoix; Matawoen.Mackenzie 'sVoyages. Author.21Modern Matawan River. Editor.28

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