Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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&lejcanfceroccasioning a fall of water. This carrying-placeislong and arduous, consisting in a high steephill, over which the canoe cannot be carriedby fewer than twelve men. The method ofcarrying the packages, or pieces, as they arecalled, is the same with that of the Indianwomen, and which indeed is not peculiar evento them. One piece rests and hangs upon theshoulders, being suspended in a fillet, or forehead-band;and upon this is laid a second,which usually falls into the hollow of the neck,and assists the head in its support of theburden.The ascent of this carrying-place is not morefatiguing than the descent is dangerous; andin performing it accidents too often occur,producing strains, ruptures, and injuries forlife. 18The carrying-place and the repairs of ourcanoes, which cost us a day, detained us till thethirteenth. It is usual for the canoes to leavethe Grand Calumet in good repair; the rapids,or shallow rocky parts of the channel (fromwhich the canoes sustain the chief injury)being now passed, the current becomes gentle,and the carrying-places less frequent. Thelands above the carrying-places and near thewater are low, and in the spring entirelyinundated.18 A charitable fund is now established in Montrealfor the relief of disabled and decayed voyageurs.Author.26

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