Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcseveral families upon whom they have devolvedby inheritance. I was also informedthat they are exceedingly strict as to the rightsof property in this regard, accounting an invasionof them an offense sufficiently great towarrant the death of the invader.We now reached the channels of the GrandCalumet, which lie amid numerous islands,and are about twenty miles in length. Inthis distance there are four carrying-places,14besides three or four 15 decharges, or discharges,which are places where the merchandise onlyis carried, and are therefore distinguishablefrom portages, or carrying-places where thecanoe itself is taken out of the water and transportedon men 's shoulders. The four carryingplacesincluded in the channels are short, withthe exception of one, called the Portage de laMontagne, at which, besides its length, thereis an acclivity of a hundred feet.On the tenth of July 16 we reached the Portagedu Grand Calumet, which is at the head ofthe channels of the same name, and which17name is derived from the pierre d Calumet,or pipe-stone, which here interrupts the river,14Portage Dufort, etc.Author.15Decharge des Sables, etc. Author.16The month was now August. Editor.17The pierre a Calumet is a compact limestone,yielding easily to the knife, and therefore employed forthe bowls of tobacco pipes, both by the Indians andCanadians . Author.25

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